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bears...- freshwater collection - Printable Version

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bears...- freshwater collection - brandykit - 06-14-2020

Like the other children of the Typhoon, perhaps Brandy wasn't the most welcome in the sense of reconstruction. Despite his larger size, many NPC's had told him to stay back and keep safe. His ears had flattened with each remark, his fur fluffing up and gritting his teeth. He was just as big as they were. What was the problem? He cursed sharply, turning on his paw. As he walked, fuming to himself about being 'too young' and 'inexperienced'- to which, he prompted that he was almost old enough to be an apprentice- he huffed.

He licked his lips slowly, before blinking. His head turned a tiny bit, before grumbling to himself, heading towards home. As his paws dragged, he huffed. Brandy straightened himself out, before breaking into a soft job. He headed into the hut, picking up a couple of canteens and containers, before turning himself out towards the jungle. The wind, gently breezing through the trunks, made the leaves on his neck rustle, his fur gently rippling. And so his journey began.

It was multiple hours before Brandy re-emerged, tugging a large palm leaf with freshwater filled containers. Brandy was soaking wet from his paws to his shoulders, but it looked like he had fun with it, at least. "I brought freshwater from the jungle! Where should I drag it to?" He questioned aloud, his head raised with a grin on his face, alight with pride. That'll show those NPCs.

Brandy completed ignored the fact that anyone could have wandered into his forest. Well, his Mama Sam couldn't, at least.



Re: bears...- freshwater collection - Luciferr - 06-16-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
given the timeframe of the meteor, his own missing loss and how old they were until he’d got home - Jaime hadn’t known his younger second cousins very well, that didn’t mean of course, that he didn’t look out for them all the same.

So it had been rather concerning when he couldn’t spot Brandy anywhere and the lighter toned feline had left his small time help with the smaller debris - because the adults were also rather wary of him helping given he was also still a child, albeit older - and started looking for him - he didn’t need to look long however as the culprit in question appeared dragging a leaf fill with water behind him.

With Brandy’s poclimation, Jaime glanced around before spying a bucket unused and quickly trotting over to pick it up and bring it over

”here, use this” it was clean and would at least be better to hold it to bring back than a leaf it might top out of - Brandy had done good work finding the water at least, even if several adults were no doubt about to have heart attacks at a cub wandering off

Jaime glanced around, but no one had spotted them yet - and no one seemed panicked, so maybe they hadn’t had time to realise - so shuffling, the alabaster and black cub leaned over ”if anyone asks, say I went with you - they might be less mad at least - and good work” and hey if they were still mad, then they’d both get in trouble - at least Brandy wouldn’t be alone in being yelled at.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: bears...- freshwater collection - michael t. - 06-17-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Even before his ill fated misadventure within the jungle, Michael hadn't been a big fan of letting the children wander around throughout the thickly clustered trees. After all, it would've been extremely easy for them to get themselves hurt, or lost, just as he had gotten. The only time he had actually allowed it was when Roxie was giving birth, and that was only because the bobcat was fairly sure Roan would've gone charging into the jungle with or without him. Despite not being a child himself anymore, or even a parent, really, Michael could understand Brandy's frustrations with not being able to help. After all, the thief had always felt furious and eager to prove himself whenever those older than him had underestimated him during his young life – Trevor included. He liked to think he had shown them, but he had never claimed anything he had done back then had been a smart move.

Upon hearing Brandykit's voice ring out, the privateer had slowly made his way over, needing only a moment to take in the scene and put together what Brandy had done. After all, where else would the boy go to collect so much freshwater? It wasn't as if he had the tech to filter out and boil the salty water of the sea. Michael's bejeweled ears pinned back for a moment before he spoke, a sigh leaving him, "Good job, Brandykit, but... you really shouldn't have gone out on your own like that. You could've gotten hurt." The fugitive seemed to shift a little awkwardly after speaking, very unused to being the one doing the lecturing in any scenario. He then continued, glancing towards Jaime before directing his gaze in the direction of the tavern, "Even so... the tavern is probably the best place to take it too. They'll be the most prepared for storing it for everyone." He was proud of the kid for finding a job that he could do, but... all he could think of was the massive, feral beast that had attacked he and Roxie. What if something like that had shown up again? — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: bears...- freshwater collection - bubblegum - 06-18-2020