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shattered glass | lost traveler - Printable Version

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shattered glass | lost traveler - madeline - 06-13-2020

She set down her large knapsack with a heavy sigh. Madeline couldn't keep track of how many times she had already checked over her supplies, but it was important to stay aware of how much supplies one had. It would have been incredibly foolish and dangerous if she was caught half way up a mountain and ran out of water or food The almost pink tinted cat tilted her head, stuffing her head down into her bag.

Water bottle... Check.

Compass... Check.

Rope... Check.

Extra rope... Check.

Map..? ... Well. She honestly lost that one ages ago.

You're so clumsy, she thought to herself, How could you loose something as important as a map?? Madeline sighed. The voice sounded familiar, almost like an old friend. Slipping her bag back over her shoulders and onto her back, she stared up at the mountain ahead. She wasn't sure where she was or where she was going, but she found a strange fondness for the general direction of Up.

Here we go... she whispered to herself, feeling her fur fluff up. Was it from excitement or anxiety? She couldn't tell anymore. Madeline smiled, eyes bright as she took her first steps up the mountain's bank. She wondered mindlessly if she'd find anyone here. There were some weird structures on the journey to wherever she was, but they all looked old and abandoned. Her little feet brought her into the thick snow, huffing and puffing and she struggled to keep her footing and stay above the fluffy white ocean. Snow wouldn't stop her. She was getting to the top, just like every peak before.

Re: shattered glass | lost traveler - Warringkingdoms - 06-13-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]After what felt like too long, she was back to patrolling the border.

  So long as her left side was facing the outside, her peripheral vision was still functional in watching for intruders. It'd make it easier for a groupmate to sneak up on her, a thought she now had to seriously consider after what Caesar had done- but if anyone else in the clan right now wanted her dead, they'd had plenty of opportunity while she was recovering from her injuries and had turned it down. The odds of being subject to another assassination attempt by an ally were minimal.

  But still existent.

  The sight of a figure she didn't recognize on the mountainside startled Rin out of her trance. As she narrowed her eye, she could get a better sense of its size and shape. It looked like a small cat, almost pink in color, though she couldn't be sure from the lighting and the distance. More curious was the fact that she seemed to be climbing the mountain without any regard for the borders. If this were a trap, it wouldn't be a very efficient one.

  Carefully traversing a path over to the stranger, Rin only occasionally let her gaze flicker up to the other feline before immediately returning her attention to the ground. Her depth perception was still wonky, but other than catching her foot once on a ridge, she was able to spot most of the other missteps before they occurred and adjust her path. Once she was within a small distance of the stranger, she called out, "Hey- you're on Elysium territory. What brings you here?"

Re: shattered glass | lost traveler - fulzanin - 06-21-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Climbing was something that Clony didn't quite grasp. It had wings after all, large ones that stretched to hilarious proportions. Feet were for landing, for toddling along, for helping in combat and snagging food to munch on. Clony couldn't quite say that it would've ever found mountain climbing to be an enjoyable task. Flying up that high was already exhausting. Looking at jagged paths and rough rocks made it easy for Clony to take joy with the easier way of simply flying around. The rise of the wind and the feeling of the breeze through feathers? Far better and more enjoyable then whatever hassle it would be to climb a mountain without them.

The bat's landing is a bit heavy, taking up a spot near Rin. Pearly white eyes look at the newcomer, the knapsack. What treasures did such hold? It intruiged them, a wriggle of their tail following suit. Rin'd asked the important questions, sure. That left Clony to ask the other super important questions. "Hey, hey," they chattered, ears perking up to create an expression of curiosity. "Do you got lasers in that bag there? It looks big enough for a laser!" They stop with the rapid flicking of their tail, awaiting a response. To Rin's serious question, or to Clony's absurd one. It mattered little to the bat, curiosity remaining flickering in their white eyes.

TAGS 3/17/20: