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KIDS AIN'T ALRIGHT + return to activity - Printable Version

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KIDS AIN'T ALRIGHT + return to activity - toboggan - 06-13-2020

She spoke fibbery, seldom the truth. When she indeed spoke, her words were honey-sweet and suave.

A product of a diabolic madman and his perverted bedmate, Noor Callahan embodied chaos in a contained environment. Equipped with an unfettered disdain for moral principles, the cross fox let not a system as feeble as 'rules' stand in her way of accomplishing her goals. The only instance in which she'd willingly abide by a location's laws is in the case of personal gain coming out of it; being a good little Pittian allowed her to claim the group as a sanctuary. In reality, though, the Pitt hadn't a special place in her warped heart - nor did family, friends, or miscellaneous loved ones.

It wasn't that the tyke disliked such concepts; she simply didn't understand them. Comprehending the mentalities of those around her was a gesture far out of her element. In other words, the vulpine's mind merely wasn't wired in a way that recognized others' sentiments and emotions. To her, nobody truly cared - they were all like her, and only really valued themselves. They were all actors. And, Noor, she was an actor too. Quite the actor, too. She learned that, if you act in a method that pleased others, you were more likely to get what you desire. This was known as flattery, and in order to take advantage of this tactic, she had to drop her previous nihilistic outlook on life, and adopt one consisting of constant (false) manners and (phony) kindness.

The old Noor was out, and the new Noor was in. Goodbye bullying, harassment, and vexation. Hello 'please's, 'thank you's, and manipulation.

Over the recent months, the brat began keeping to herself. Following the discovery of her new tactic, she understood that it was impossible for her to go directly from a rascal to a beacon of graciousness. Thus, she basically went into hiding for approximately two months, staying within the confines of her home, refusing to communicate with her siblings - even when an attempt to establish a conversation was made. The lack of any parents killed off any potential instance of the child learning proper civilities. Instead, the two month-long period of venomous thoughts festering within her mind sent her down an inalterable path of life.

What drove her out of her inactivity was the tremors. As soon as the ground began shaking, the femme made an unsteady beeline for the territory's boundary. Today, she returns. Leery pawsteps conveyed her figure - which had grown a fair amount in the span of two months - into the desert. Before, she'd display her blatant disgust for all to see through a grimace. However, she learned to mask that. Despite hating the surrounding region in its entirety, Noor wore an expression that sang of happiness. Hopefully a Pittian or three would have the misfortune of stumbling upon her on this day. She direly yearned to test out a few of the schemes she'd picked up.

Re: KIDS AIN'T ALRIGHT + return to activity - deimos - 06-14-2020

It seemed that Piers would be the unfortunate soul. However, it wasn't as if he didn't know the same tactics- no, Piers knew them rather well. After Aurum weaved the trust into Piers, making him welcome- then turning around and attacking his true father? Leaving him to die in the Pitt's hands? Piers had learned to make face and be kind, stony, cool. Unmovable, as much as the rock against the sea. Perhaps that was more.. betrayal, then the misfortune of lies.

However, to say that he wasn't surprised was a lie. Seeing Noor just.. patter her way back out of the desert- after both the tremors and the wicked sandstorm, mostly unharmed? Piers did a double take, his fur scraped from the sand, his head pounding and chest struggling for breath. He had hoped that the missing people weren't dead, and they seemed to pop up whenever they wanted now. But, perhaps, what made him triple take, was her expression. His eyebrows cocked gently, before coming to a stop nearby, hesitantly greeting her.

"Noor. Are you alright?" He questioned. His questioned, filled with a genuine taste of concern, wasn't due to the expresison on her face, not truly. No, he meant the sandstorm, the tremors. Even before then. She had just disappeared and reappeared when she wanted.


Re: KIDS AIN'T ALRIGHT + return to activity - Luciferr - 06-16-2020

This is not your grave,
but you are welcome in it
if Noor was looking for someone to test such things, than piers was likely to be her best bet.

For the shambling corpse that followed the leopard was not one for such things,

It did not care for flattery, it did not care for insults, it did not care for pandering, manners or thinly veiled antagonisms,

It cared for its desires alone, perhaps Noor’s only true piece of proof to the thought that everyone was only out for themselves,

Did it count when they were an everyone?

But such thoughts hardly mattered when the beast itself could not think on it for it did not know Noor’s thoughts and designs - nor there name until Piers had spoken it.

Everything was merely flesh that talked, potential meals - though for now, Pitt meat was on the shelf so to speak,

Silent’s joints cracked as it walked, a sort of grim orchestra that spoke its movements,

Though many probably knew the creature could be as silent as it’s namesake if it so wished.

For now, they merely looked behind Piers, no need and no impulse to speak yet


Re: KIDS AIN'T ALRIGHT + return to activity - Mercede - 06-23-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

It seemed all of her sisters were no where to be found anymore. It had caused Mercede to recede into herself, further convince herself she didn't need anyone. The hurt in her heart only spread and it caused her to hate them. Hate every single one of them. To her, the term family was another way of saying unreliable.

When it came to the Pitt, Mercede was raw and unapologetic in the manner of being her truest self. Only did those outside, or those she wished to manipulate, get to see the sugar coated and watered down little polite princess version of her. The person she put out.

So when she saw Noor she wasn't too thrilled. Venom narrowed in her little honey eyes, a rather sour look for such a sweet face. Hmph. She think she deserves a parade? She isn't special. Let her go away again. Mercede didn't wish to see her. Besides Noor probably only came back for her spineless boy toy Piers. Sweeney? Sweeney had little crybaby Atticus. Mercede didn't care to venture to the marsh to attempt to get some attention from Ivan. Plus it was clear his own world was as damaged as hers. She only paid interest to those who made her forget her reality by showing her theirs.

Mercede only glanced at Noor before flicking her tail and moving on.

