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bury me in your memory . joining - Printable Version

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bury me in your memory . joining - j a c k . - 06-12-2020

there is a special kind of hell found in the desert. Desperation, dread would hang of his frame if not for the unwavering chill in his bones. unwavering. always at the edge of his attention, as it stands the desert heat means little to the fae that has stood worse climates, who breathes worse still. for the meaning of warmth is only a reminder of the stark chill under his fur. even heat can be combated by simple chill. it is only the dry spell inside his maw that leaves him rather snappish. The air is vacant of any moisture, but his sense can pick up civilization, if the wretched marker means anything. telling the smell is fresh, he assumes as such

petite paws come to rest near a border marker, and there. his whiskers twitch in slight annoyance but his fur remains flat. he can see it on the edges of his vision, a lush jungle, the humidity is something he can almost taste. in comparison to the desert it would be a reprieve, if for nothing else, his powers will lessen from the dull ache in his marrow. he is restless, unapologetic starting to pace back and fro, he is fae, he will live for aons, but he is young and can only be abused out of him by repentance.

under the thrall of a dry mouth, his thoughts are fluid as the wind. the place will do nicely, away from his family and their thrall. even on the edge of society he feels the place settle, a jungle is so far different from the tides of sea, he could hear it now, his brother and sister's calling. still he musn't waver in his decisions. this is an act of finality, a sever from his home, but never his family.

never his family.
[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: bury me in your memory . joining - aine. - 06-12-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Quiet, gentle curiosity lit hazel hues.  Hooves trod warily over the sand, the past leaving strangers a point of uncertainty.  Danger.  Her splinted hindleg wobbled behind her.  Teeth, antsy, caught the inside of her cheek, ears perking as eyes settled on the stranger.  Yet another stranger in the past few days... At least he didn't issue out a challenge like the last.  At least.  Yet.

The way he paced made her fur prick.  Uncertain.  The little fae breathed out softly, shuffling the dark feathers at her side.  Something felt familiar about him.  Like she knew someone... Maybe.  Maybe not.  Regardless, something wild and ancient lived in his aura that reminded her of her father and her cousins.  It almost soothed her.  Almost.

"'m-'m Aine... Who um... Who're you?  'an... 'an ca-can I help you?"
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: bury me in your memory . joining - Luciferr - 06-13-2020

This is not your grave,
but you are welcome in it
if they were a thing of wild and ancient auras, then silent, much like in form, could be said to be a total opposite.

For ancient he was but he was not of a fae sort, rather a perversion on life, death and any natural order itself - an affront to the living and the dead with a heavy tread of dread

And an aura like an oily, rotting shadow wearing too many carcasses to count,

There was a kind of abject amusement to be had perhaps in just how much said approaching shadow dwarfed it’s ‘fellow’ pittian - nay to say, fairly loomed in its eerie quiet way watching the stranger with pits where it’s eyes would be

Aine had already spoken, so it was silent as the grave.

It only watched and waited.


Re: bury me in your memory . joining - j a c k . - 06-13-2020

in a place like this, his very existence is a challenge unto death. living, breathing in defiance of the crushing weight of the world that presses down into his bones, the rictus grin that stretches across his maw is a show of that. the quick to come mask of a sly, easygoing kodkod is only displaced by the set of his pacing, which stops at the sight of the other's approach.

"aine," he taste the other's name on his tongue, and feels the power of the name resonate. it is rare for fae to give their name so freely, yet it seems custom here, or maybe they have not been taught the value of such a name. he gives a single bow in greeting, acknowledgement towards the other. the slight twinkle in his eye is the only telling of knowledge, a connection forged. "it is a pleasure to meet you," young one is on the tip of his tongue, but he keeps it out, it does not befit a gentlemen to assume, it does not befit him of the entitlement either. with the magik folk it is even harder still to pinpoint an age. something he won't try and define on young aine.

"i find myself at a disadvantage," he admits softly, his voice bringing with it a faux almost boyish cheekiness that settles onto his frame as easy as breathing. "i have traveled without a home for quite some time, looking for a place in need of some a kodkod such as myself" and though the slow lazy blink that accompanies these words is a show of foux trust- arrogance in part and confidence in his own strength, the feeling of rot tinges the air, and with it a shadow overdrops along the two smaller fae.

he looks up and spots the void-taste in the air of a carnivore, and does not flinch. though truly alarming it was the taste of the place that seemed to eminate from the next stranger. death, rot, decay, and the unflinching otherfellow tells of a familiarity, at least in a sense. he finds it a for shadowing if his new duties, and accepts it with the grace only his family could hold. Jack is not new to war, and the stranger feels like an after-image, an echo of such catastrophe.

"you may call this one jack" he names himself in the way that is natural to him. Dealing with his family all of thier names are known, and his is known by them. jack is his true name, but it is in giving a name the way you say it that holds power. Aine is so small, and looks young, but he knows that even he is smaller than most other cats, even still he has no troubles with simple tom-cats, has not had any trouble made.

It's the taste of desert, of war here that makes an egarness of youth spread through him. His loyalty is bought easily enough, through war and glory. At least for the moment, it seems so.

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: bury me in your memory . joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 06-13-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I DON'T NEED NO ONE SCREWING UP MY FUN !。+゚.[/glow]
"What, you have some weird-ass personalities or some shit?" Dante snorted as he came to the scene, arriving just in time for Jack to introduce himself in such a way. The guy came off as rather arrogant and it annoyed the shark-cat hybrid; made his lips curl in disgust. Arrogance was pathetic - though perhaps he wasn't one to talk, given how he was quite arrogant himself. "If you want to stay with us, go for it." He shrugged, seemingly disregarding his rather distasteful comment. "Name's Dante Northwest." Fuck it, why not introduce himself?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: bury me in your memory . joining - j a c k . - 06-15-2020

the strange creature is next to apprach, and jack eyes the odd animal as he spoke,, still in the presence of the group- not necessarily big enough for a crowd, not yet- he remains calm and to a certain extent, aloof. it is his wish to join, and to do so were to make these his allies, compatriots in war and strife. the kodkod sees the group so diverse and feels interest spark, feels an eagerness that thrums into his bones and the mask of boyishness falls a little bit deeper into his body. he lets out his tension through the act, a sway of his tail, an adjustment of his seating.

the question does not catch him off guard, but it does catch his attention of aggravating. his amusement of the other creature's existence falls to the wayside, and he questions the other's ability to even survive to a certain point. are there laws that keep other's from killing each other outside of war, challenge? he holds his tongue only just, letting the other speak the rest of the way before he allows himself to quip back in an easy matter, disregarding the previous comment.

"well, i appreciate the welcome dante" the cat lets out a chuff of amusement that cuts off as he steps over the border, looking towards the group, a cock of his head as he does so. "would one show me to the settlement, the desert has been pleasant trial, but i could use some water"

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: bury me in your memory . joining - Luciferr - 06-16-2020

This is not your grave,
but you are welcome in it
a curious death rattle passed for the behemoth’s version of a hum of thought (or maybe amusement it was hard to tell)

A series of sickening noises as joints and limbs stranger than the three before it moved and the corpse of corpses turned to tread ahead, head briefly angled to ‘Jack’ as it passed the feline

”we are silentgrave”

And then it paced past him, the same cold slimy aura following after it

”we will take you further in” it gurgled back as its slow pace took him further inward, tendrils tat wreathed its thighs and shoulders waved idly as it passed Dante and the boned tail cut a swath through the sand behind it

Throughout it all, it seemed to have brushed off, uncaring, of Dante and Jack’s apparent sudden enmity - but then, what did it care? It did not concern itself over the squabbles of its ‘fellows’

Not unless one resulted in a death anyway

And even then, only for the corpse it offered.


Re: bury me in your memory . joining - Kydobi - 06-23-2020


[OOC: ]

He had been minding his own, always tending to matters of the group. Right now he was speaking to a NPC about the repair of their hut. The damage of the earthquake and storm was not minimal, it had ruined a lot for some folks and in the very least provided banal tasks for everyone. For example, the Leader's Temple had to have been swept out. Despite the doors being shut, sand had gotten in.

When he saw Silent and others walking in with a new face he would quickly promise a sequel to their conversation before bounding over.  As he neared he would take the shallowest of breathes in an attempt to not inhale Silent's rotten stench.

"Hello," he dipped his head and softly blinked in usual fashion, "I am Kydobi. May I ask who you are?" directly speaking to Jack.


Re: bury me in your memory . joining - j a c k . - 06-23-2020

the rumble from the elderitch thing cut towards his attention and the jack fellow turned towards them, watching as the other moved was a wonder on it's own, catching the sight of an almost bone-like tail made the other rush forward to catch up- nor less allow himself to become a target of the other's idle passing. the kodkod was small, infidelity so compared to the other, and the lumbering walk of silentgrave, as he named himself was easy to keep up with for the fae with a quicker pace above a walk.

as they neared the jungle jack could feel the humidity of it hit against his fur, and the ice in his bones settle just a little bit easier. jack's first thought was towards water, but as they pressed towards camp jack saw it for the first time; the destruction. jack knew of the storm, watched them fall from the desert as he walked alone through the night, mystified, but seeing first hand it's destruction on the camp- his camp now was another thing to witness.

and just like the stand in front of silent grave- the kodkod's composure held still. taking a moment to find himself a spot to rest under the shade of a tree, watching the janguar make it's way closer still to the kodkod and silent. the slow blink of the janguar was interesting, it wasn't uncommon to see such trust but to see such in a group that- from all asumptions- was one made of war was startling. the other named themselves: kydobi, and asked for one in return. jack gave a hum, naming himself as well.

"call this one jack, kydobi. it is a pleasure," jack's voice was soft in comparison, and amung the group so very small. the only one even similar in size was aine in comparison. 25 centimeters, almost a foot tall including his head. he held firm against the group, and with a charming smile lifting across his face the tom added in. "fresh from the border of sand. quite the welcome i've been given."

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]