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ignorance | o, reconstruction task - Printable Version

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ignorance | o, reconstruction task - CAUSTIC. - 06-11-2020


[member=10990]CAUSTIC.[/member], you're in charge of gatherin' herbs. A chunk of our supply was been lost in the carnage, and what with medical classes comin' up soon, we need 'em now more than ever. I suspect you know about the local medicinal vegetation? If not, I'll do my best to fill you in on 'em after I'm done handin' out tasks.

Apparently, the population of Tanglewood was so dimwitted to assume that the Dr. in his title stood for medical doctor, and that couldn't be further from the truth. While Caustic graduated with degrees in both chemistry and biology, he was far more interested in ending lives than saving them. Death is a beautiful thing, and Caustic was devoted to the study of it.

There's a touch of embarassment, here. Caustic doesn't want to admit to his own ignorance- the plants of Tanglewood are mostly alien to him, and he's going off vague sketches and pictures from library books. There's a few herbs in his bag already, carefully separated and tied in bundles. At the moment, Caustic stares at a bundle of ivy, and he's trying to decipher if it was a plant of any use to the group.


Re: ignorance | o, reconstruction task - toboggan - 06-14-2020

Truth be told, Leroy assigned Dr. Caustic this very task because of what he'd witnessed a few weeks prior to this one - Octane being a nuisance towards the wolf, whilst the doctor carefully tended to some plants. Casually persisting with your task as someone of that calibre annoyed you was a demonstration of willpower and dedication, and the general assumed that Caustic knew a thing or three about herbs owing to this. If one had told Leroy that the scientist didn't know a damn thing about medicinal plants on the day he handed out the tasks, the male would have retracted that task and given him another. Due to the overall importance of this specific assignment, it needed to be handled well and proficiently; any shortcomings would leave the mongrel with a disappointed taste in his mouth.

The leader saunters towards the wolf, some swagger in his step. He was admittedly proud of himself and his comrades due to everyone's collective exertion towards the reconstruction effort, and wasn't by any means afraid to show it. Coming to a halt a fair distance away from the herb gatherer, Leroy redirects his line of vision towards his target's visage. You can learn a lot about the current situation by reading one's facial features. The canine's expression seemed to be... somewhat puzzled. He was scrutinizing a batch of ivy that he'd apparently accumulated - one of many, it seemed. "Whatcha got there, doc?" he asks, just as confused.

Re: ignorance | o, reconstruction task - alaric g. - 06-14-2020

    When Alaric had first taken notice of Caustic's fascination for Tanglewood's flora, he'd initially been perplexed. How was it possible for someone to find so much intrigue and interest in the world of plants while simultaneously having no regard whatsoever for the lives of fauna? Such was the question that Alaric had thus far been unable to shake; he'd thought on it on numerous occasions, and each and every time he always came to the conclusion that Caustic was simply a psychopath. Or a sociopath. At this point, who knew?

    At present, the tabby found himself near Caustic and Leroy, the latter of whom had only recently approached and questioned the wolf about what exactly the doctor was holding. From Alaric's current position, which happened to be a relatively far distance from both of them, he wasn't quite sure either. Out of both curiosity and boredom, the male approached inquisitively, peering at the bundle of herbs. He recognized it quickly as ivy, which the tabby soon vocalized. "Ivy. He found ivy." As to whether or not Caustic knew what its purpose was, Alaric was unsure. He would purposefully retain this information for now, preferring to let the wolf squirm; after all, Alaric still held somewhat of a grudge for everything that had happened after the explosion.
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: ignorance | o, reconstruction task - CAUSTIC. - 06-21-2020


Caustic's love of plants is true- he enjoys tending to to them. There's a power to caring for the life of something weak and helpless. Caustic is interested in... caring for them. Not to mention, most of Tanglewood's flora is alien to him, and bothering to learn about them is a process. When Leroy approaches him, Caustic head tilts up, rifling with the plants in his paws. "Well, I-"

Caustic's ears and tail tilted back when Alaric spoke. He cleared his throat, looking at the tom cat. "Uh, Yes, I believe so. Is it useful?"