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SHRIMP HEAVEN... NOW / fishing - Printable Version

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SHRIMP HEAVEN... NOW / fishing - ROXANNE R. - 06-11-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
The Reaver stepped out onto the beach stretching out her hind legs only to smile at the warmth of the sun, these past few days have been rather busy with all the reconstruction and such. Although, Roxanne did enjoy being occupied and needed for once, she felt that all the work was starting to get at her a bit. Her body aching slightly though Roxie did her best in ignoring it as she paced around for a moment or two, her eyes finally locking onto the ocean and drawn by the smell of salt water. With a twitch of her whiskers, Roxanne would take some steps forward humming a soft melody under her breath one that was normally sung to her cubs when they had been younger. Oh, how they had been so little. Now, they're were close to apprenticeship and Roxie didn't know what to feel aside from pride and the love that seemed to grow for her children.

A soft sigh would leave her maw and lashed her tail to the sides wondering what she should do, her eyes turning in the direction of the ocean. She decided to spend the time she currently had by fishing. A soft huff left her maw and she took to the skies with a small shake to her coat, she always saw birds diving to catch a fish or two and it made her curious if she could possibly pull that off too. A frown appeared on her maw as she glanced down at the ocean below her, a small fear embedded within her heart recalling how she had almost died there once. She took a deep breath and dove with wings pressed to her sides. She took a deep breath until she felt the water surrounding her until then she opened her eyes spotting a few fish did she reach out catching a single one. She rose from the depths with a soft grasp paddling to the beach. Alright, maybe that tactic wasn't for her. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SHRIMP HEAVEN... NOW / fishing - Luciferr - 06-13-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
lying a little further up the beach from where the seas started to kiss the sands sat Jaime, the alabaster and black cub idly watching his mother’s choice of fishing for dinner.

Black speckled ears twitched when a fly attempted to bother him while small green claws absently toyed with the scale pendant of the necklace draped around his neck, watching as mum dived and then came up with a fish - finally bringing himself to his paws and trotting forwards to where she paddled towards

”catching dinner mom?”

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: SHRIMP HEAVEN... NOW / fishing - michael t. - 06-13-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — The last week had been difficult for Michael, both because of his own stupidity, and because of Roxie's influence. He had meant to get right back into helping with the reconstruction efforts immediately after returning from the jungle, but he had been so exhausted and hungry after everything that he had practically collapsed. He'd been asleep for practically an entire day since he had finally returned, only to finally wake up in front of his hut, the sun shining directly into his eyes. He let out a low hiss of annoyance as he closed his blue gaze, slowly getting to his paws and shaking his dark pelt out loosely. He still didn't feel great, but there were things to be done, and he had already been lazy enough for at least a little while. The privateer began to glance around, looking for something to do, only to have a couple of familiar scents grab his attention. With his small tail wagging from side to side – not dissimillarly to a dog's, honestly – he eventually caught sight of Jaime on the beach, following the boy's gaze out to Roxie, who was sputtering a little with a fish clenched in her jaws.

Michael had very two different opinions in that moment, watching as his younger sister paddled towards shore – it served her right to be drenched and out of it after what had happened, and christ, he had only been gone a week, and now she was risking drowning herself? Shaking his head a little bit, the privateer headed over to where the sea met the sand, taking a seat beside his nephew. Even with the tired look in his eyes, he looked a lot better than when he had first arrived. His jewelry was all cleaned, and the sticks and leaves that had once been caked onto his fur were now gone, washed away by soothing river water. Pawing a little bit at the water that was lapping at the shore, the thief called out in his slightly rough and groggy voice, "No drowning yourself right after I get back, alright Rox? I intend to guilt trip you for much longer." He then offered her a little crooked grin, hoping to lighten the mood slightly as he eyed the fish in her jaws. Jesus, he really must've still been hungry, to have just a fish cause his jaws to water. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: SHRIMP HEAVEN... NOW / fishing - ROXANNE R. - 06-21-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
It definitely could've gone a lot smoother but frankly, this had been her first time attempting this technique. Once she got on the shores would she bite a down harder on the fish until it stopped slapping her in the face, her soaked tail lashing to the sides as she saw both her son and her brother. She couldn't help but snort at what Michael said as she would drop the fish onto the sand only to hold it down with a paw digging her claws into its scale covered body. "Jeez, that better be a promise." She huffed with a playful roll of her eyes only to glance over towards her child with her gaze softening and a warm smile replacing the smirk she had instead. She would shake out her body as a purr erupted from her throat "Yes, I'm catching something for sure though the method, I decided to do probably wasn't the safest." She would admit with a sheepish grin only to turn her attention towards her brother once more only to say with a soft giggle "We should probably get a few fishes in ya, you poor starving doll." It was the least that Roxanne could do for partially getting Michael lost in the jungle for a whole week. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SHRIMP HEAVEN... NOW / fishing - michael t. - 06-25-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Just seeing Roxie's sopping wet tail made the bobcat want to shake out his own pelt, although he knew very well that he wasn't the slightest bit wet. Even if he did have wings, he wasn't sure he'd ever consider trying to dive to catch fish. Considering his luck, he's probably hit the water face first and somehow give himself another concussion. He tended to like the more traditional methods of hunting fish, such as sitting and waiting to strike out at them. Or, if he was feeling particularly lazy, using his earth elementals to spear them with rock "bullets." Although he did that very rarely, since it usually ended with a rager of a headache, and blood spewing from his mouth and nose. Smirking faintly, the fugitive puffed out his chest before responding to his sister's teasing, "Trust me, it's very much a promise. When have I ever lied...?" His voice dripped with sarcasm as he spoke, very well aware of the fact that his "profession" required a lot of lying.

However, when Roxie mentioned getting a few of the fish they could catch in him, the thief found himself considerably more interested. It wasn't as if Michael hadn't been eating at all since his return from the jungle, but he still often found himself with a ravenous hunger, at least for now. Short tail twitching and thumping from side to side, the bobcat found himself giving his sister a toothy grin, "Yeah, that's definitely a good idea. It's the least you could do, after all." He knew he wouldn't be able to milk the whole "lost in the jungle" thing for much longer, but he intended to take full advantage of the sympathy while it lasted. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART