Beasts of Beyond
CANDY CLOUDS OF LULLABY // open, new companion! - Printable Version

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CANDY CLOUDS OF LULLABY // open, new companion! - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-10-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I KNOW WELL WHAT LIES BEYOND MY SLEEPING REFUGE !。+゚.[/glow]
Exploring was something Gordon didn't particularly like to do by herself, but she also didn't really like to bother anyone. She was afraid of asking for help and getting rejected, so the munchkin mix often opted for just doing whatever she planned by herself, even if it meant discomfort. I wish Billiam was here... At least she knew her brother would be with her no matter what, but he wasn't anywhere around at the moment. Hell, she couldn't even reach him with their bond - which was rather concerning, to say the least, but Gordon tried to distract herself from that.

The Cliffs were known to be a dangerous place for most Knights, but unfortunately for Gordon, she wasn't aware of the rumors about the area. Her little legs lead her to the foggy area, finding a little comfort in the amount of trees that grew around the place. They weren't flowers by any means, but they did provide more protection. Gordon went on her way, admiring the sights until she heard the sounds of a low, drawn-out hiss. A snake? Instinctively, the she-cat sat back on her haunches and stretched up a little, trying to find the reptile slinking about in the grass.

It didn't seem to be heading for her, luckily, but Gordon did notice a fuzzy little grey creature hopping about and clearly trying to escape its predator. The little creature's long tail flowed out behind it as it tried getting towards safety, but the snake appeared to be faster than it. "H-hey!" Gordon yelled out, launching herself forward. She was scared of the snake for sure, and every feeling in her body was screaming at her to run the opposite direction, but she also couldn't let that poor, defenseless, grey creature be killed by it. Gordon puffed her fur out in an attempt to look more threatening, batting at the snake's head as she got close to it. "G-go somewhere else!" She hissed, flattening her ears at the snake.

The snake seemed to stop its pursuit of the little grey animal and stared up at Gordon. The munchkin let out a squeak as she felt something cling to her fur, looking back to see the animal she had been saving now on her side. It had tiny, pink hands that looked, well, like hands (rather than paws) and stared back at Gordon with big, wide, brown eyes. Gordon smiled softly at the rodent-looking animal, warmed that it had leaped onto her for safety.

But that happiness would soon fade as the snake decided that Gordon was going to be food now. The reptile let out another hiss, opening its jaws and leaning forward to bite the she-cat. Gordon let out a screech of pain, batting at the snake again with her good paw until it let go of her. Gordon took back off towards camp, though it was moreso out of instinct rather than she knew where the hell she was going. Once she got close to the familiar castle, she halted and sat down, panting. Gordon glanced behind her, her ears pricked as she searched for the snake. I'm safe... Luckily, but what about that animal? Was it still clinging to her?

Gordon looked to her side, expecting to see nothing, but lo and behold, the little animal was still clinging to her fur! It blinked at her and started to crawl towards her face. Gordon's fur prickled at the feeling of it moving, the unfamiliar sensation making her feel rather uncomfortable. "H-hey there," She cooed to it. "Are-are you okay, little one?" It didn't appear to be hurt, thank the stars. Unlike Gordon, obviously, who subconsciously held her bitten paw in the air, preventing it from being on the ground.

//Gordon doesn't know what kind of animal it is, but its a sugar glider!! Also, the snake was non-venomous, and you don't have to match the muse! I didn't expect myself to ramble that much dshafih[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]