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Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - Printable Version

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Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - jacob w.c. - 05-09-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had gathered up all his art supplies and went out into the tunnel. He had more space here and he liked the idea of inviting others to come and paint or draw with him. It was usually a solitary activity he enjoyed to help clear his head but his little cavern had been getting more and more cluttered lately and it'd be nice to talk to someone about something other than clan business. The husky had already made a multitude of pieces, most of them either scenery of the Snowbound territory that he walked every single day or of the clanmates he had. In particular, there was one of Jersey (obviously, he couldn't leave out his big brother), Harrison, Melantha, Killua, Izuku, and Aizawa. Currently, he seemed to be drawing one of Cry, the little raven that lived among them. There was another piece that was tucked under a stack of scenery pictures and it seemed like Jacob had accidentally grabbed it because it didn't fit with any of the pictures in it's pile. It was of Pincher and it seemed to be in even greater detail than the other ones he made. Still, the corner of it was barely sticking out from under the pile of scenery so it was possible no one would notice it at all.

He continued his work, his paws moving in fluid but slow motions, carefully analyzing each detail as he began to outline the wings. He hummed softly to himself, his tail thumping behind him as he worked. He had made sure not to sprawl out too far in the cave, mostly keeping to his little section with all the supplies around him and where he could reach them. He glanced up, trying to keep an eyes out for anyone that wanted to join him. He wasn't really sure if they would, given he wasn't familiar with who did and didn't enjoy artwork here, but he had plenty of paper and supplies if they did. He just wanted to be sure that he wasn't accidentally pushing anyone away by not looking up at them. He let out a soft sigh as he finished up the wing. He looked it over, looking for any details he may have missed before moving it into a pile and starting a new one. While it wasn't clear who it was yet, it seemed to be a fairly tall feline of some sort as he began to draw the body. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-09-2018

Re: Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - cry - 05-10-2018

  Cry glided down after the yellow cat. She tilted her head as she spotted the paintings on the wall. So many paper versions of familiar faces stared back at her. The raven cooed, her feathers ruffling as she slowly walked the wall. Her eyes scanned each and every line and detail. She was not able to see depth and color in her old body, so she could appreciate art. She skidded to a halt as she spotted the raven drawing. That... was her.

  Cry suddenly felt her stomach lurch. She became dizzy and aloof. She blinked, numb as she stared at the painting. It was a replica. That was... just how people saw her now. That's what she looked like. She spent almost three decades looking like someone else. She couldn't even recognize herself. The bird cooed, staring in shock. That's not me. she whispered.


Re: Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - arcy - 05-10-2018

Izuku had been wandering through the tunnels when he heard the sound of voices coming from one of the rooms. Or -- it's just one that he can hear. Um, Atbash, addressing Jacob about something or another. When the Maine Coon wanders closer, though, the smell of pain hits him and -- oh! Atbash was talking to Jacob, was it about drawing? So with this ins mind, Izuku trots into the room, somewhat nervous but otherwise curious. He thinks aside from Atbash and Jacob, Cry is in here too. She whispers something Izuku can't actually hear. She sounds a little distressed, or maybe just shocked but Izuku isn't sure how to approach her without getting yelled at or making it worse. The Maine Coon hovers for a moment, concerned, before he sighs and focuses back on Jacob. He's not even sure what Cry is looking at, he's no help here.
"Are -- are you painting?" Izuku chirps, curious, as he takes a few steps in Jacob's direction. He stays a good few feet away, however, worried about stepping on whatever supplies or drawings Jacob may have out. He'd learned his lesson about being mindful of where he is after a few unfortunate incidents with his own stuff. The ink had been left open and he'd spilled it and it was still on his floor and it certainly hadn't come off his paws. Ugh, he'll get to cleaning up -- later. Or he can ask for help, but that didn't give him a great feeling. "What are they of?" Izuku adds a few moments later, tail swishing curiously. He's always been a little nosy, especially after his own idol/mentor/whatever, it was All Might, had enabled him, and especially now that he couldn't see what was going on. Though, he wonders how good of an artist Jacob is? Maybe he'll ask to see some of the wolfdog's art, once seeing/focusing doesn't cause terrible, terrible headaches.


Re: Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - jacob w.c. - 05-10-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob looked up when he heard Atbash, offering a warm smile. She hadn't been around for very long but Jacob had already decided he liked her. She was nice enough and she seemed to have a genuine interest in getting to know the different members of Snowbound. "Yah! I mean, 's more of a hobby than anythin'. My Ma taught me 'bout it all when I was li'l. I've done it ever since ta' help relieve stress n' all that," he explained before adding, "You're free ta' try it yourself n' borrow some ah' the supplies, if ya' like." At that point, Cry arrived and he looked to her, unsure of what kind of response he'd get from the raven regarding the painting he'd made of her. Jacob's relationship with her was... shaky to say the least. A small frown came to his maw when he heard her words. She didn't seem angry but she did seem upset. "Is somethin' wrong, Cry?" the husky questioned. Soon, though, his attention was forced away once again to face Izuku. He felt his stomach twist when he looked to his apprentice. He still felt guilty for being there but he had to push it away for now. Instead, he smiled and decided he'd only talk about his art. "Yes! I made a whole lotta' different ones. Some ah' 'em are landscape pictures ah' Snowbound but most ah' 'em are of different Snowbounders. I made one for ya'. I'll keep it 'round n' show it ta' ya' when your eye heals up," he answered. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-12-2018

Considering the last session that they had that somewhat dealt with drawing, Killua had obviously not been the best at the task. Instead, he had simply pressed his paw up against the marking well and that had been it. Ultimately, it had ended up with there being a giant paint fight, which Killua had been proud of at the time because it was something fun to do and that everyone could get involved with. As long as no one got paint in their eye then they didn't have any sort of problem. The one that did seem to be capable of drawing was London, as she had started to paint a landscape before the paint war ended up commencing. Killua knew that if someone taught him then maybe he would be good enough at drawing, but it wasn't about to be something he was going to ask about. He was an assassin after all, and the thought of drawing still seemed a little bit too childish even for the likes of him. Who just so happened to be one of the younger members in all of Snowbound ironically enough. It was even more ironic that he seemed to be one of the more stronger creatures that lived in Snowbound at the moment. Even funny actually. Either way, he wasn't an artist unless someone considered writing a message using their blood an art form. Not like Killua would ever bring something like that up in that regard though. Killua had no intention of learning how to draw, but he had an intention of bettering himself when it came to Japanese writing. His family often did it when they were sending messages to and from certain areas so that no one would be capable of reading the messages. It was definitely a task to go through when he was younger and one of the session's of training that he had gone through as well. Killua wanted to get back into his native language, and have more conversations with the likes of Izuku as well. That would keep him from getting rusty in that regard as well. The albino serval had been somewhat avoiding others on the factor that he didn't want anyone asking about the injuries that he was currently going through.

A couple faces had tried to ask him what was going on, and he would just simply snap at them and tell them to go ask Jacob about it instead of bothering him. The other always seemed to be everywhere though, and he wondered how long it would take for the canine to faint with exhaustion too. Either way, he had avoided people and was just getting back around to walking through camp and trying to pick up familiar and unfamiliar faces in that regard. Killua, of course, noticed those that gathered around certain areas, and he was usually drawn to see if something interesting was happening or not. Flicking one of his large white ears, the bandage covered serval began to make his way over toward the group and noticed that it was Jacob that was drawing. The raven was there, as well with Izuku and someone that he didn't recognize. Information that would gather later instead of introducing himself now. Killua stood slightly off to the side of the group, on the same side that Izuku was one. A bloodstain obvious on the bandage that was wrapped on his right arm. Killua then noticed a couple familiar colors that were peaking out of one of the stacks of pictures, and he doubted that Jacob would really care if he looked through all the stuff that he had made up to this point. Careful not to use his claws, he dragged the picture out of the pile and immediately recognized the figure. There was only one doberman he had come across with the clans, and Killua had to force himself to keep calm. He still didn't like the Typhoon, and yet Jacob seemed to be all over the group like they had drugged him. Maybe they did brainwash him while he was over there. Killua had caught onto how the other seemed to be interested in Pincher during the blind date event when the other had specifically asked for the leader himself, in a not so political way. "So one of Pincher huh?" Killua stated in a calm and yet testing ton toward the Chief. He raised a nonexistent eyebrow toward the male as if questioning what the canine was really thinking. The assassin wouldn't say anything further though as he watched to gauge his reaction.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - jacob w.c. - 05-12-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob was glad to see Killua up and about again. He noticed the blood stain but he did his best to keep his mouth shut regarding it. Killua didn’t teally like it when Jacob treated him and it was clear he had enough medical knowledge to maintain his own wounds. Besides, he didn’t seem to be doing anything too straining. Walking around and looking at pictures wouldn’t hurt him anyway. In fact, it was a very positive thing that he was seeking social interaction (to some extent) again. Even if they didn’t always see eye to eye on everything, Jacob didn’t dislike the feline and he cared about his well-being. He wasn’t sure if that always showed but he did his best to look after everyone in Snowbound. He didn’t pay much attention was Killua began going through the different paintings. He knew he’d had one of Pincher but he was sure that was safely tucked away inside. He really wasn’t even sure why he’d done it but it felt rather calming to paint the doberman’s features. Then he heard Killua’s statement and he looked up in both panic and confusion. ”Oh-” The tiny sound escaped him as his mind scrambled for an explanation. He couldn’t even necessarily give Killua the truth because even he didn’t do that. He’d just been painting and one of the first people he’d thought to try was Pincher. Jacob could confidently say they were friends now but if that was all it was then why was his heart pounding in his chest? He didn’t have anything to hide. They were allies, it wasn’t like he couldn’t be friends with them. ”Oh, uh, well, I jus’ thought it’d be nice’s all. I was gonna’ paint one for Lilyspoise too n’, uh, n’ I was jus’ thinkin’ it’d be nice ta’ take ‘em the paintin’s he next time we visit. They’re holdin’ an event with us soon n’ I thought it’d be nice ta’ bring somethin’ along since I’ll be gettin’ more herbs from ‘em. It jus’ seems nice ta’ exchange somethin’ when I’m gonna’ need so much, is all...” Yeah, that sounded right. Nothing about that seemed strange. There’d been the long pause and the dips in the pitch of his voice but the reasons sounding convincing. He’d never been a very good liar, he revealed too much emotion in his expression and voice to get away with anything, but he thought that was a reasonable explanation. He just hoped Killua would drop the subject as he looked back down to his current painting, which would eventually be of Pierce.


Re: Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - COSMIIX - 05-12-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_ocubwlXe4U1rifr4k_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #2E4053; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Everyone here was talented in their own way, Stark thought it took a bit of dedication to actually make a painting since he sure as hell wouldn't sit around to paint someone else and he was sure that the only thing he'd be able to muster up was stick figures. He trotted over taking a stand nearby his clanmates angling both of his curved ears and had to hold back a chuckle when he saw Jacob's reaction towards Killua's inquiry, he wasn't able to silence the snort. "Well, whatever the occasion or just friends. . . You've got quite the talent there, kiddo. I wouldn't even be able to sit that long to paint something. Hell, the only artistic talent I'd have would be a few circles and lines." It wasn't true, he was able to sit down and do some type of art though it was only when it was involved with something that he clearly enjoyed; science. He had some big bits of blue paper in his home scattered around with a few sketches of some of his ideas, his whiskers twitched momentarily as he sat down taking in a deep breath.

Re: Maybe this trophy // open // isn't real love - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-14-2018

Killua didn't know what it was like to have feelings for others. He knew what it was like to have a friend now, but other than that, the assassin had never been allowed to have any caring feelings for anyone. Did he care for his family? Yes, but not in the same protective way that he would care for someone like London right now. The clouded leopard meant more to him than she could probably ever think, and he would be around to make sure to tell her how important she was to him. The young male had no idea what it would feel ilke to fall for someone like what was happening with Jacob. The wildcat didn't think that he would ever find 'the one' that everyone talked about, and honestly he wasn't even trying to look. Instead, he was just looking to make a friend and have a life that he could enjoy instead of worrying about his family all of the time. This is the current goal that he wanted, even if the goal itself didn't sound all that difficult, if other knew the way that he had been brought up, the assassin probably would have been treated differently. Killua often wondered how Jacob would feel if he ever revealed to him that he was an assassin. Afraid of him? Probably. He wouldn't blame the other considering that most of the creatures in Snowbound weren't capable of defending themselves all that well. Killua also didn't hate the clan leader either. The other was capable of making decisions that concerned the clans, but that didn't mean that Killua was going to agree with them either. The wildcat had no reason to agree with the creature that was in charge of a place like this. He hated the idea of being controlled, and as long as Jacob didn't force him to do something that he didn't enjoy, such as trying to be nice to the Typhoon, he wouldn't have any reason to argue with the other. Jacob was a quick learner as he was quick to realize that Killua needed space to even be able to function around the canine. He knew that he shouldn't bug Killua constantly about his injuries, and Killua appreciated it. He had never harbored any sort of ill will toward the older male, as the other had obviously been through a lot. Killua also wasn't going to follow everything that Jacob said. Eventually he would make a decision his own and probably against Jacob's orders because he knows that there is nothing that Jacob can do to physically stop him. Reading body language had been part of his training when he was younger, and he could immediately tell by Jacob's reaction he shouldn't have been able to find the painting that he had made for the Typhoon leader. He was more disgusted at the thought of the Typhoon instead of the interest that Jacob had with the group living next to the ocean. He could care less about Jacob's personal feelings, he just hated the general idea of the Typhoon. Killua kept a nonexistent eyebrow raised at Jacob when the other began to give him his reasoning for the painting. The other was lying. That much Killua could tell as the other had stammered over his sentence when he first started, and just the panic that he could see in the other's eyes. "Uh-huh and-" Killua's voice was cut off at the appearance of Stark before he could finish what he was about to say. Considering the tone that he had been about to use, it was obvious that Killua didn't believe a word that Jacob said. It was nothing against the Chief, a simple bad habit to always think that whoever he was talking to was lying to him. When Stark interrupted him, Killua would let out a low huff as he would push the painting back toward Jacob's direction. "More like the only talent you have is getting smashed under buildings." Killua would state with a smirk spread across his jaws as he looks up at the tiger. Killua still never let that instance down with the tiger. It was hilarious to the serval, even if the other didn't find it all that funny, Killua did. However, it was obvious that the topic of Typhoon seemed to have been dropped, thanks to Stark's appearance.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: