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live with your conscience || MEDICAL TRAINING - Printable Version

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live with your conscience || MEDICAL TRAINING - Alastor - 06-08-2020

In the latest meeting, an unfamiliar canine stepped up to the leader position. Their boisterous personality and old appearance clashed, but respecting came Dale Cooper came easy. The temporary ruler asked for someone to step up during the meeting. Alastor stepped up nonchalantly. He was asked to give out medical advice and teach the unknowing. The doberman pinscher, an unwilling savant in herbs, agreed and wandered off to solitude. On his way, he grabbed what medical components he had from his den.

It was not long before he set out on an adventure with a leather satchel in tow towards the fields. As he arrived within the orchard, violet hues searched for a spot to set up. In the distance, overgrown vines bedazzled an abandoned home. A wide porch donned it's front, allowing Alastor to spread out his resources. In front of the canine lied an assortment of herbs, wraps, and other resources that would allow him to preform today's lesson. Today they would focus on one thing: bleeding wounds. The lesson was essential, especially with the recent messenger attack and the earthquakes. If any Elysite didn't know this method, then they would be prone to infection or bleeding out quite easily. Thankfully, Alastor was only focusing on small wounds. Larger gashes would require more desperate measures...

In addition to the various medical items on the deck, a small hare scrambled in his jaws. The rabbit came tumbling down from his jaws with a loud thud. Before the cunning creature could escape, his paw pressed firmly down on their back and pushed them to the floor. "Stay still, but breathe," he demanded. 'Obviously.' Without another word, the small being fell limp. His paw pulled away slowly, eyes inspecting them closer. Satisfied with his work, the male proceeded further. Nudging the rabbit onto it's side, he let his claw slide across the prey's flank. Blood seeped out from it's side onto Alastor's paw, causing him to let out a sigh. He lightly flicked his taunting claw towards the creature, splashing them with crimson, and then proceeded to wipe his paw off on the ground. Almost finished with his grueling prep, the canine waited a few minutes as they continued to bleed. Coming to a spot where they were only bleeding lightly, he felt satisfied. It was time to start.

Clearing his throat, the canine called out. "Elysium, would you please gather for medical training?" he stated, clearly avoiding a manipulative demand.

Re: live with your conscience || MEDICAL TRAINING - Warringkingdoms - 06-18-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]/just gonna casually set this reply after her recovery... liquid time, babey
  /also TW in third paragraph for suicide mention

  At the call for medical training, Rin emerged from her house and cast her gaze over at the speaker. Alastor's interest in the medical sciences was... interesting, if rather disturbing given his personality. She wasn't particularly inclined to take part, but she supposed that since she did have medical experience, it would be best that she show up anyway.

  As she approached, her eye wandered down to the rabbit. It was still breathing, its flanks rising and falling, but the fact that it wasn't squirming about despite being held down and injured... it was just a prey animal, she had to remind herself. Its fate didn't concern her.

  Is it suicidal? a thought, ever-unwanted, piped up in the back of her head.

  She clenched her teeth, ducking her head. She could let those thoughts speak when she went to visit Goldenluxury. Letting them run rampant now, impacting her emotional state, in public... it would do no good. Avoidant behavior though this may have been, she was the Magna. She had to behave.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she sat down, curling her tail around her paws. She wasn't going to count the herbs- that hadn't gone well last time. Instead, she traced the grains of wood on the planks, letting her mind wander to questions about the dock's history. When had it been constructed?

  Once Alastor got started, she'd divert her attention to the lesson.