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upbring faith - m&g - Printable Version

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upbring faith - m&g - fulzanin - 06-08-2020

After Nuzuapa had joined, the bee had wound up vanishing for a while. It was hard to get used to living in a group of people. Bees were quite social and, yes, a family was what she desired. Or a group to live with. She wasn't certain if the dragon part of her really had any input in such a decision. Nuzapa didn't particularly care about such a thing. The details of where her desire for social interaction mattered little when the desire itself needed to be addressed. She'd been looking for a nice place to stay, and this swamp area was pretty nice. There were people here, people to suit the social desire. Sure, the constant bumping into trees was difficult, but having a fuzzy body meant that she could easily shake off such a thing.

Other than a 'meeting' - which Nuzapa knew was for a position of higher power, and was off the table for her - she hadn't exactly seen many kinds of congregations that she was looking for. Lots of people, sure, but not many people actually open to converse. Busy with reconstructing, which was understandable even to a bee. However, work did need breaks. Conversing and collecting a bit of information to suit another desire that Nuzapa had was certainly manageable. She'd take her time with the latter desire. For now, delightful socialization was on the mind. The bee's wings buzzed a little as she situated herself out of the way somewhat. Sitting wasn't possible, so instead the bee would settle for standing.

"Would anyone like to stop and chat for a while? Its quite hot out and taking a break certainly would be beneficial," She chattered, her head slowly swinging from side to side. It was hard sometimes, only able to see when movement was present. A bustling population was easy. Finding a place that was out of the way? A little bit more difficult. She wasn't really certain where she was standing - buildings didn't move after all and neither did pathways - but she figured that the location she had selected was decent enough. If not? Nuzapa was certain that finding another spot would be fine. Maybe even a place with shade? She couldn't tell, a thick pelt of fuzz kept the sun or shade from reaching her skin and making a notable immediate difference in her temperature. For now, this randomly selected spot would hopefully do just fine.

TAGS 5/1/20:

Re: upbring faith - m&g - OCTANE. - 06-09-2020

Oh, Octane knows Caustic is thinking something dastardly with the way his pupils bloomed and tail wagged at the sight of the bee.

Caustic has a love-hate relationship with insects. After all, he used to construct pesticides for a living, but some creatures were worth note. Spiders were fascinating, Astair was.. something, and this bee sported a higher intelligence then the dragon. 

They approached together, and Octane falls silent to let Caustic ask everything. "Greetings, I am Dr. Caustic, and you are...?


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: upbring faith - m&g - toboggan - 06-10-2020

Fuck, he hated bugs. They had too many of everything: eyes, legs, antennae, you name it. Their very existence made the wolfhound squeamish, and there wasn't a whole lot in the world that irked Leroy to the point of discomfort. If there was one thing worse than bugs, though, it was oversized bugs. Total abominations, they were. The first time Abathur crept up on him on all eight of his creepy legs, the wolfhound verged on knocking one of his various eyes out. He didn't care how much of an ass his hostile reaction made him look; Mother Nature screwed up when making the large spider, and Leroy wanted no part in his personal affairs.

The same thought process surged through his mind when seeing Nuzapa. Too huge for comfort. If Octane and Caustic had not been present, Leroy would have simply pretended to not see the dragon-bee creature and went about his day elsewhere. However, as multiple Tanglers were already interacting with the beast, the general was able to muster enough courage to overcome his fear and approach her. Trailing them silently, his tail motionless and slung low, Leroy would only speak in the event of him being acknowledged.

Re: upbring faith - m&g - Ivan - 06-12-2020

[td][Image: 1qs0g0C.gif][/td]
slav. "god is gracious"
a son
a brother
[td][Image: yoqcgBR.gif][/td][/tr]
Ivan had retained some fuzzy memory seeing the bee dragon join. He had been a bit afraid of her then, but the thought had escaped him once it seemed that Nuzapa had melted into the sidelines for a while. Here she was back, and although Ivan still felt the chill scrambling down his spine, he was a little better than the first interaction.

Bugs symbolized a degenerate, lower life form. But he could not, in good conscious, give Nuzapa that label. He was certainly forced to reconsider his previous convictions about bugs.

Nuzapa happened to be standing in the way of Ivan's direction of travel, so he found it rude to ignore her after she asked for some companionship. Ivan was hardly the most companionable person around, but he did enjoy conversations, especially deep ones. Dwarfed by all those present, Ivan took a seat and raised a paw to lick it. His tongue rasped over the scar tissue from when the glass shards sliced the pad open. He winced and set it down gingerly.

"What are we going to talk about?" He asked, ears aligned forward. "I'm Ivan." He can't remember if he had introduced himself before or not.

Re: upbring faith - m&g - fulzanin - 06-21-2020

A term to be used for such a large congregation would have to be excitement, in the mind of the bee. People were actually setting aside their bustling schedules, which she found quite nice. A little break did a hard worker good. A bee, of all creatures, should be able to know such a thing. Colors were lost to Nuzapa, seeing the world through the thin lines of something moving. The rustle of fur in the wind, the twitch of an ear, it allowed for her to piece together those that had come over to her. The terminology of doctor briefly befuddled her, not quite able to understand the terminology. "My name is Nuzapa, I'm sort of new around here," she answered, a brief twitch of her antennae following suit. "Doctor. Is that the name you want to be addressed by? Or both terms? I'm sorry, I'm mostly used to one-worded names," she then said, head tipping curiously to the side. First names and last names, titles - all were foreign to the bee. Nuzapa was more than open to understanding, though.

The other person, the one that hadn't introduced themself to Nuzapa. They were moving. A lot. It was quite distracting, although not in a bad way. The wagging of the tail was most notable, the way the other couldn't hold themself still was equally so. A small twitch of her antennae. If the other was trying to speak with motion? She could safely say that she saw no 'orange flavored balloon grass' floating adrift in the sky above.

Next was... Leroy, yes? She was pretty certain that she'd heard his name. It was hard to recognize people but figured that she should have at least made an attempt after attending the latest meeting. A leader, that was what he was. He hadn't spoken, which left Nuzapa to briefly blunder and second guess her assumption of who this was. She turned her head and nodded nonetheless, deciding that a simplistic nod of her head would do. Speaking to those that didn't want to be spoken to? Such was her guess, and such would be what she would follow through with.

Then came Ivan, who promptly introduced himself. Her antennae flicked forward a little. "Oh, much of anything really, dear. I didn't have any specific topic in mind. If you'd like, you could pick it." She offered with a delighted buzz, a tip of Nuzapa's head showing more of her curiosity. Her abdomen wriggles a little, shifting her position and her feet against the ground. Yes, this still seemed like a nice place for a talk. Nobody was blundering into anyone, and that she would gratefully take. Antennae flick, darkened eyes pointedly moving between where the other person's were positioned. Eye contact was important, not that the bee could really perform such a thing. Large eyes without pupils meant that really only the most general narrowing of eye sight could be determined. Nuzapa would do her best to do such anyways.

TAGS 5/1/20: