Beasts of Beyond
penny's staff app - Printable Version

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penny's staff app - april . - 06-06-2020

Ranks interested in: Moderator/Junior Mod
Discord Username: wuffles#1994
Any qualifications or previous experience?: Yes! In fact, I am...

- A former Server Moderator/Community Moderator for the Official Discord server, serving under WildWorks from April 2020 until early October 2020.
- Former mod for YouTuber, Jake Randall- both in his YouTube livestream chat and Discord server.
- A former moderator and admin of BoB, as well as a former mod of FeralFront (back in the spring/summer of 2016).

All of these positions have granted me a lot of experience in handling a wide array of issues, from petty little squabbles among server or site members to things as big as stopping raid attempts! I'm also very friendly and approachable.

Why would you like to be staff?: I'd like to help this site grow into a fun and safe place for everyone! I'm also good at handling tricky situations because of my modding experience, so i'd love to help the staff and the members of the site when they have trouble!
Got any fun facts about yourself?: I hoard plushies like a dragon would. I’m also a C. Difficile survivor! 3 months of hell but i’ve come out of it stronger and healthier than before.
Questions?: Nope <3

Re: penny's staff app - april . - 03-30-2022

omg this is old but hayyyy…. Smile