Beasts of Beyond
Doppio’s staff application - Printable Version

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Doppio’s staff application - pallid-i - 06-05-2020

Ranks interested in: Junior Mod
Discord Username: boo__fiend#6666
Time Zone: Central time zone (CST)
Any qualifications or previous experience?: I’m a mod on two moderately sized servers and have been for six months now! I have knowledge in how to code for sites and website design so I can help out with coding if help is ever needed! I also took classes in website management
Why would you like to be staff?: I want to help with future coding projects the site might have, and I love the community and friends I’ve made here on BoB and want to see the community thrive. i like to make people smile owo
Got any fun facts about yourself?: I like helping communities out and right now I’ve been helping out my irl neighborhood community by making everyone free masks during the pandemic and helping host food drives for people in need!
Questions?: None! UvU

Re: Doppio’s staff application - pallid-i - 08-13-2020
