Beasts of Beyond
will of the thousands | joining - Printable Version

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will of the thousands | joining - pallid-i - 06-05-2020

KORNAK - male - wyrm - tags - profile
[Image: Pixel_for_Pinkie.png]
Exhaustion. That was the first thing he felt when he came to this living, breathing rock. After being struck by a massive meteor and being dragged to a new world, he had been weakened from impact and he was forced to go under to heal. It was like being asleep, but he could still sense things around him. Hear and see in his own way.
The years went by and his powers began to fade and it was like being blind. He would have to do something about that when the time came to come out of hibernation, but still he had to rest. He needed to be strong. Things were changing around him and he knew he would need his strength when he came out. A feeling deep in his body and bones told him powerful creatures were waiting for him.

The time eventually came when his strength finally came back and he started to quiver and move. The beast unfurled his body and he slithered under the ground, causing the ground to tremble slightly in his wake. There was the feeling of disorientation as his jaws snapped and he swallowed dirt and rocks in his efforts to burrow upwards.

Kornak was finally ready to see this world for what it was, what it held, and what was in store for it.

Re: will of the thousands | joining - OCTANE. - 06-06-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


The daredevil is no stranger to large, dangerous animals. Hell, he'd ride a flyer with Havoc in hand any fucking day. It was for the thrill and there was the undeniable rush of grabbing a beast by the horns and wrangling it in the air.

Fucking fun, all of it. Octane wonders just what kind of trouble he can get into today. Maybe take a crocodile out for a spin? Maybe a few turns around the block wouldn't hurt. Octane's already got that sick grin on his face as he's stopped by the budding earth- "Hey?" He steps forward, poking at the earth. "Weird rat or something?"


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: will of the thousands | joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-07-2020

"Do you ever shut the fuck up, Octane?" Vigenere grumbled from behind the cheetah, his ears flattened slightly in irritation upon hearing his clanmate's comment. It should come as no surprise that Vigenere was investigating the scene, especially with all the earth trembling and shaking; it alarmed him, actually. Was it another bad tremor like before? Would they have to find cover again? Octane blurting shit as soon as the thought came to mind reminded Vigenere of Caesar; both of them seemed to be impulsive little shits. At least Octane seemed to have a better head than Caesar, he supposed.

Turning his attention back on the ground, Vigenere frowned in thought. Was it a mole? No, a mole wouldn't be able to cause this. Well... Now that he thought about it, a mutated mole probably could, huh? The savannah extended his good paw forward, trying to bat at the ground. Whatever it was, maybe it would poke its head out.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: will of the thousands | joining - toboggan - 06-08-2020

The last thing that would have surfaced in Leroy's mind ensuing the hindmost catastrophic cosmic event was would be the awakening of subterranean mythological creatures. This was partly due to the fact that the general had some friends that were mythological creatures, hence he very well knew that they existed - which took the 'legend' out of legendary. And, secondly, he simply didn't believe in fictitious fables like that. Sure, dragons and demons existed and shit, but from his recollection, a meteor wasn't what woke them up - they were just animals, like him, only much, much cooler. Thus, when Leroy happened upon the current scene, he didn't conceive anything absurd.

"Probably just a radioactive gopher, Vigenere" he states obtrusively, basing his opinion on prior situations in which the canine was personally involved, "I'd be careful; a bite from one of 'em'll surely give ya rabies." Amputating someone's leg hadn't a spot on today's to-do list, and Leroy did not yearn to have any more folks running around with weird prosthetic legs.

Re: will of the thousands | joining - pallid-i - 06-14-2020


After the disorientation faded he churned the dirt as he went up and burst out of the ground and looked around. Upon seeing people under him, he turned to look at them. Kornak spread his mandibles far apart and exposed the eye in his mouth, which was now staring down upon the three gathered under him.
The ten foot tall wyrm’s scales twitched and his booming and slow voice echoed throughout the clearing while his mandibles remained opened and unmoving.

Where am I?

This was a strange new world to him. Different than when he had last seen it, though this fact didn’t bother him. If anything, this made him think and consider his options of if this was ideal for him. Instinct told him to infect but he had to make allies. “Friends”, so to speak.

Re: will of the thousands | joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-16-2020

The ground exploded before Vigenere, before Leroy's words had registered in his mind. Vigenere hissed and grit his teeth as a creature came from the undergrowth, looming above him and his clanmates. The creature's scales twitched as it moved, and it opened up its mouth to reveal an eye, seemingly using the eye to see what was before it.

A masculine-sounding voice hit Vigenere's mind and the dream demon's ears flattened at the sound. It wasn't often that others spoke telepathically, and Vigenere felt uncomfortable having a voice in his mind. Vigenere tried to put a mental barrier up between him and the wyrm before him - though allowed the strange animal to be able to speak to him. Anywhere past that, though, Vigenere was uncomfortable with the idea of allowing this stranger in his mind.

"This is Tanglewood." Vigenere replied to the creature out loud, a frown on his face. His pelt prickled subconsciously, the fur on his shoulder twitching. It was a sign he was uncomfortable, though that wasn't something he wanted something to be shown on the outside. But alas, he didn't really realize what his fur was doing at the minute. "Who are you?" He demanded now, glaring up at the mythical creature.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: will of the thousands | joining - OCTANE. - 06-17-2020

When the dragon bursts out of the ground, Octane cheers. Holy shit- look at it! His tail stands up, taking a few steps back to look at the... damn, what the fuck is it? Doesn't matter, but it is big and dangerous, two of Octane's favorite, and the words leave him before he thinks about- "Do you do rides?"



Re: will of the thousands | joining - Ivan - 06-17-2020

[td][Image: 1qs0g0C.gif][/td]
slav. "god is gracious"
a son
a brother
[td][Image: yoqcgBR.gif][/td][/tr]
Two specific occurrences that happened in the past would shape Ivan's future interaction with Tanglewood's newest member. The first was the time Aurum's MAMA form had emerged after Moth suffered an attack from a gator. The spiked worm-like creature existed in Ivan's mind as the "beast with many eyes" and he had not at all fond memories of them. In fact, he had fainted while his younger brother suffered a seizure. If it weren't for Caustic, Ivan was not sure where he'd be by now.

That was the first, but the second was far more recent, and the connection of this moment to this certain past was what riled Ivan in a panic in the first place. The earth had similarly gone through a more violent tremor, one that ended his mother's life. There was not more to be said about that.

So Ivan, once he felt the ground shift and groan under his feet, bolted without a thought to the direction in which he was going. Unfortunately for him, he ended up running towards the epicenter. He saw a gathered group there already and recognized most of their scents. He started towards them, but immediately dug up his heels when the ground birthed a creature that only existed in Ivan's nightmares.

The young black cat stood stock still, his fur rising and ears folded back against his skull in alarm. He could feel his pulse pumping in his toes, in his ears, in his tail. The boy's flanks heaved and, as in all of his stressful reactions, had taken to holding his breath. The booming voice — he was not sure where it came from because there was an eye where Ivan would have assumed the mouth would be — only petrified him further. Unlike last time, he had greater control and did not faint on the spot, but the dizziness in his head would not go away. He didn't even speak. He didn't even feel like he existed in this actual moment. If he had said something, he didn't hear it, just as he couldn't hear what the others were saying.