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alter ego + goldenluxury - Printable Version

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alter ego + goldenluxury - toboggan - 06-05-2020

Goldenluxury Roux fell under a distinct category as a person. She was an individual of immense power, having been at the helm of the Typhoon for quite an extensive length of time. With the Typhoon being Tanglewood's numero uno ally, Leroy maintaining a healthy, mostly professional relationship with the demigod simply made sense. Not only that, but the hound had known the tigress for nearly a year now. And if the foregoing details weren't enough, she was also technically the cousin of his romantic interest, but the general preferred not to think about that side of things - because the Roux lineage tended to be incredibly knotty at times, and attempting to process it typically ended in a migraine for the male.

Yet, the relationship he upheld with Goldenluxury was a tad different, he felt. He didn't see it as a formal connection solely based on graceful amenities, but rather, a genuine friendship. Or acquaintanceship; Leroy didn't want to assume anything, of course.

The Irish Wolfhound surmised that his connection with the pirate captain arose before he'd commandeered his leading position, some months preceding the end of his legitimate lifespan. Cancer had yet to start eating away at his health, so he was able to muster enough energy to embark towards the island tribe. It was then he'd met with the tigress for the first time, and it's due to this that he took his familiarity with her as less of a formality and more of a personal bond.

Leroy respected the Captain immensely, and the level of esteem he had for her was far from insignificant. Unfortunately, he worried that his recent lack of interaction with her suggested otherwise. Though their two groups were strong allies, a hot minute'd passed since the last time he paid the female a visit. The general took sole responsibility for this, for there were more than enough irons in the fire that he needed to tend to. Among the responsibilities ailing him was dealing with the calamity brought upon the territory by the shaking ground, coping with the desertion of his second-in-command, and struggling to keep the medical team afloat, as the recent death of Moth left Kiira as the only remaining functional healer; Selby was an emotional wreck at the moment, so he was out of the picture.

However, the Typhoon had it much, much worse than Tanglewood. Whilst the forest group dealt with the tremors caused by the meteorite, the Typhoon absorbed the full impact. Their territory was left in devastation, and many landmarks were undoubtedly destroyed or misplaced because of it. Yet, even though there was a lot on her plate back home, Goldenluxury found the time to pay her allied tribe a visit. A noble notion which made Leroy feel as though his previous excuses were folly.

Well, no longer would he hold off on a visit of his own. He trekked into the heart of the Typhoon's territory, conversing with various passerby throughout his expedition. This wasn't one of those 'I'm another leader, everyone come talk to me' visits; he yearned to see one person and one person alone. Taking in the destruction with a morbid fascination, he patiently awaited [member=48]goldenluxury[/member]'s arrival. "speech"