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PLASTICO, PLASTICO ☆ bad day - Printable Version

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PLASTICO, PLASTICO ☆ bad day - – 2D - 06-04-2020

2D, like most people, had good days, and bad days. Well, really, he had very, very high days, and very, very low days. The majority of the time, the male was upbeat and smiling, trying to entertain others and have them smile along with him. He enjoyed seeing others smiling and laughing, and he really did care enough deep down to want to see his efforts succeed. However, it also wasn't uncommon for these efforts to take a turn for the worst. Because, despite his constant mission to keep others happy, the serval knew that he had plenty of issues of his own, which kept him from being truly happy. Usually he could block them out with music, or company, or zombie movies. But there were days that felt like they just wouldn't end, and they drained him until he felt like nothing would ever be good again. Unfortunately for the decurion, he was never able to tell when one of these days was going to strike, and usually they were triggered by some random, seemingly meaningless event. If he was in a more stable mindset, he probably would've laughed at the rather mundane things that ended up dragging his mood down to the depths of hell. But if he was in a more stable mindset, he wouldn't be having a bad day in the first place.

The azure furred serval had known from the moment he got up that morning that something was off. He had slipped from his bed inside his floating home, and had headed down towards the front door, only to pause when he caught a flash of himself in the mirror. Turning his head towards the reflective surface, 2D immediately felt his heart – as well as his mood – drop down below the floorboards. The male wasn't commonly bothered by his own appearance, considering he had grown used to his unusually colored fur and black eyes, but... there were certain days he just couldn't stand it. Those were the days where all he could think about was back when he was a kit, and his fur had been a soft dark color, and his eyes had been a bright, hopeful blue. Now, he stared forward at his reflection, and all he saw were black pits in the middle of his face, faintly gleaming in the low light of his home. All he wanted to do at that moment was turn around and head straight back to bed, just so that he wouldn't be forced to face the day ahead of him.

However, although many things could be said about 2D and his personality, there was o e thing that couldn't be said – that he was a quitter. So, even as a storm cloud seemed to linger unpleasantly above his head, the serval headed out of the house that day, his mind already seeming to pound with an oncoming headache. Although he tried to think of what he should do that day, his muscles felt heavy and lethargic, and eventually he just slumped down in front of his house, a heavy sigh leaving him before he muttered, "Why does fis always 'ave to 'appen..." It obviously wasn't a constant thing, but when it was one of the bad days, it really felt like the bad days outnumbered the good ones.

Re: PLASTICO, PLASTICO ☆ bad day - kinglykingstone - 06-04-2020

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"What's the matter, dear boy?" rumbled the aging canine as he approached the unnaturally colored feline. His gaint was lopsided and a little lagged but confident none the less, his age beginning to show in more than just the grey speckling his muzzle. He settled himself beside the decurion, heterocromatic eyes peering down at the younger animal.

His head lifted as he awaited a response from 2D, his gaze falling upon the floating homes that lined the boardwalk as emotions began to toil in his chest. It was moments like these, looking at the changes that truly showed the difference in The Ascendants and Elysium, that left a heavy ball of lead in his stomach, reminding him to mourn those he had lost.

A huff left him, a quiet outwards breath to clear his turmoiling mind as he refocused on the feline beside him. "Has something happened or is it just one of those mornings?"