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[Image: BgQuir8.png]

A cool sigh escaped from his slightly parted lips while he carefully padded through the snowy territory. Believe it or not, this was pure bliss for the young teenager. Everything about this place was a paradise to Todoroki as he was quite fond of the snow. Unlike some people, it did not bother him at all as he was used to the weather. No, the snow was far from being his main concern. Todoroki was more worried about something else. He was feeling anxious about messing up and losing Midoriya again. It had already happened before, after all. He had already lost his friend two times in total. The first time had been out of his control while the second was complicated. The worst part about it was that he was the one at fault for the last time, not the villains that had killed them when they had been a human. He had been given the opportunity to be with the green haired boy again and he had blown it. After being killed by Midoriya's murders, the quirk user had been reincarnated into a cat and eventually came into contact with his friend in the forest. The domestic feline had even had full control of the situation that time. There had been no enemies, no distractions, just him and his lost classmate. It had been a heartfelt reunion, though it had not lasted for very long. After the ex-Thunderlander treated his wounds, the two decided to part ways as they felt as though they had different paths to take. Though it was not as if he had not had a good reason to leave them. The boy had gone to look for his missing relatives that may or may not have died in a recent house fire. He had confidence that he would have encountered them again. The scarred male had even believed that he would have been able to meet Midoriya another time. Unfortunately for him, his journey had been futile as it had led to nothing but disappointment. He had not been able to find any of his parents or siblings. It was as if they had just...disappeared. The only positive outcome was being able to see his timid comrade again. As selfish as it sounded, Todoroki had gone all the way to the Thunderlands territory in order to convince Izuku to leave. It had not been easy but his feelings were enough to eventually persuade the boy. Within a few days, the cheerful little furball had left their clan without a trace, leaving no clues as to where their whereabouts were. It was a mystery that the Thunderlands might have never been able to solve. He felt bad for making the youth leave their home but a part of him needed them alongside him. They were the only friend he had at this point and the only remnant of his past life. Without them, he did not know what he was going to do. He probably would have continued journeying with them, if it had not been for a strange portal teleporting him to another world. It had occurred so suddenly that he had forgotten how it had happened. He had not even been given a warning and before he knew it, he had landed in another area. The land was completely foreign to him as it was unlike the one he had been living in before. And rather than worrying about his well being, it simply made him brood over the fact that he had grown further away from his missing classmate. It meant that no matter how hard he tried, he was never going to find what he wanted. The bottom line was that he was never going to see Midoriya.

The first few days of wandering around the mysterious terrain had been unnerving and lonely. Aside from not having anyone around to talk to, he had no idea what he was doing. The heterochromatic eyed youth was a complete newbie around here and did not know his way around the land. It made him as pathetic as the time he had been left alone to fend for himself when the house of his owners had burned out. After leaving the safety of his home, he came to realize just how difficult it was to fend for himself out in the wild. It made him respect the clan creatures that had to go through this mess every single day. He could only imagine how they had survived out here in the wild for so long. Unlike them, he was probably going to be a goner. There was no way he was going to live when he was not even capable of catching a measly little mouse. His only regret was the fact that his father had forgotten to teach him and his siblings the basics of fetching their own food. Rather than developing their skills in that, the larger male had thought that it would have been a better idea to focus on fighting. That was useful and all but what the point of fending off enemies when he was just going to die from starvation anyway? His incapability of catching prey would have probably bothered him for the whole day if it had not been for another fateful encounter with his friend. He was not sure how it was possible but an outside force had allowed the two of them to meet up with each other. It was as if they were destined to meet one way or another. This time, he had not even bothered to question it too much. The Japanese male was more concerned about not losing the clan cat again. After talking things through and reassuring the youth that he was not going to leave them, they both agreed that he was going to join their clan. The last thing they wanted was to lose each other as there was no telling when they would have had another opportunity like this. If they had been given another chance, then he assumed that they were required to use it wisely. Besides, Midoriya claimed that clans were one of the safest options for wanders like him as they provided food and shelter. All he had to do was stay loyal to them and fight for the clan. It was a win-win situation, in his opinion, as this gave him the ability to stick close with his acquaintance. The slender tom cat twitched his whiskers in thought as he recalled the male's instructions. Before heading off to assist their clan with something, Midoriya had made sure to give him the directions to their clan. They had been pretty straightforward but he had forgotten the last few things they had told him to do. He could not remember for the life of him if it had been a right or left turn. The loner scanned the area for a bit before he clicked his tongue. Hmm, well this was not good. Perhaps it would have been a good idea to call out for help. "Oi Midoriya. You there?" he softly uttered out while he continued to look around for any signs of the brightly colored male. It should not have been too difficult to spot them, considering they looked like a fluffy green broccoli.

Re: CLOUDS OF MARIJUANA — OPEN, JOINING - jacob w.c. - 05-09-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob knew about loss. He knew too much about loss, to be more specific. Before coming to Snowbound, he'd lost almost everything and everyone that mattered to him. Jacob wasn't oblivious to what'd happened in the city and he knew that his family hid more than a few things from him but he still didn't think they should've died. Maybe they did deserve it, though. How many lives had they ruined? Yet he still loved them and it still hurt. He'd lost the man who'd treated him as a son, Harrison, his Pa, and he'd lost his Ma. He never knew his biological mother but she'd been the closest thing he'd ever had to someone like that. He couldn't see his biological father for their safety, his Babbo. There'd been the fire and he lost much of his movement and continued to experience significant pain in his legs and torso. Most of the time it was numb, as the nerve damage afflicted upon him had that affect, but he'd wake up in the night feeling as though he were burning alive all over again or he'd have terrible nightmares about that night. He still had Jersey but that was all when he came to this place. Since arriving, he'd made friend, and even family, among the Snowbounders. For the first time in a very long while, Jacob didn't feel afraid at every turn. He felt like things were starting to look up both for him and his friends. While the other groups may be troubled with war, they were at peace and hadn't breathed one work of violence since the incident with Typhoon but that was all in the past now.

Jacob had been out on a walk, trying to move his legs. Some days it seemed like all the physical therapy and herbs he used were really helping but other times he wasn't so sure. Today was a good day but tomorrow he might be curled up in his bed, unable to move. There usually wasn't an indication of what kind of day the next one would be either. It was sudden and unpredictable and Jacob hated it. Still, he reminded himself, at least he had good days. There were plenty of people in his condition that didn't. He was drawn away from thoughts of his treatment and legs when he heard an unfamiliar voice calling across the snowy landscape. He shifted his trajectory, making his way to the newcomer. Even when he was having a good day, his limp was obvious and he wasn't quite able to run. Soon enough, though, he arrived and settled down. The stranger didn't seem hostile so he wasn't too concerned about getting attacked or something like that. "Hello! 'M sorry but I dunno' anyone 'ere named Midoriya. 'M assumin' tha's why ya've come ta' Snowbound?" the husky asked. The name sounded completely unfamiliar to him but then he remembered more recently when Izuku's friend had referred to him as 'Deku'. Maybe this was another nickname situation that Jacob was unaware of.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: CLOUDS OF MARIJUANA — OPEN, JOINING - arcy - 05-09-2018

Izuku couldn't deny, he was getting -- a little overwhelmed, with all of his old classmates(and Aizawa, of course) showing up just kind of .. out of nowhere. Izuku had spent a lot of time with Todoroki, of course, and despite Killua's reassurance over the whole thing, he hadn't fully expected to see him again. Maybe that'd been a little pessimistic, though. After they got separated, Izuku had gone back into old routine , which was basically just fighting for his life. Izuku's trouble magnet tendencies doubled whenever he was alone, apparently. Then he'd become aware of new groups and, well, here Izuku was, back into old routines. Well -- not quite old, he'd certainly had to make a lot of adjustments.
Anyways, meeting the bicolored feline again had come as a surprise to Izuku. He couldn't deny that he'd sort of expected for that to be it. But no, here he was. Honestly though, he's not sure what he expected -- first Aizawa, then Uraraka, why not meet up with Todoroki again? Izuku, for one, just hopes he's not appearing exclusive with all of his old classmates(and Aizawa) showing up, already knowing Izuku. He really isn't trying to if he is! Though, maybe he should put extra effort into interacting with his clanmates, if only to stop feeling bad about the whole thing.
"That's me, Jacob," Stumbling over was Izuku, eyes still bound and grinning sheepishly. He'd been nearby when he heard the call, and being called Midoriya again was ... still weird. He got called it fairly frequently by people from before, everyone knew him as Izuku these days, and he didn't mention any other names enough for it to sink in, apparently. "Midoriya is, um, my surname," The maine coon explains with a clumsy wave of the wing. Izuku takes a moment to grin at Jacob(he's not really looking at Jacob's face, but the attempt is still clear), still appearing somewhat sheepish. First of all, this was like -- the second time somebody had shown up on the border asking for him. I mean, that meant new members and that was great for activity and such but. Still. Plus, it was kind of weird to realize Jacob didn't even know his surname? Izuku had mentioned it a few times, but he supposes that surnames just aren't that important.
"But, um -- hi, Todoroki!" Here he was!! Izuku is still grinning a little crookedly as he turns his attention back to Todoroki with a wagging tail. He wonders how Todoroki had been while they were apart? Izuku had no cues to go off of aside from the other's voice at the moment, she can't help but fret at least a little.



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[Image: BgQuir8.png]

When he checked the snowy territory one last time, his bicolored hues finally caught sight of another creature that was approaching him from afar. The stranger was some sort of canine that was fairly well-built. And while their body was significantly larger than his, their appearance did little to faze him because of the strange attire they had on. Unless he was seeing things, he was pretty sure that the older male was fashioning an oversized fuzzy sweater. It was definitely something that he would not have been caught seen wearing as it probably would not have suited him. Though he supposed it was none of his business as it was the wolf dog's choice. Perhaps they had it on to protect them from the cold weather. If he were a normal creature like them, then he probably would have had to wear one as well. The red and white feline's gaze continued to linger on their outfit until something else caught his attention. They seemed to be struggling to make their way towards him due to one of their paws. Perhaps they had broken or sprained it somehow. What a shame. Losing a leg made it difficult to fight, after all. They still might have been able to defend themselves but their opponents would have always had the upper hand due to their handicap. He patiently waited for them to make their way over and was almost tempted to pad over to them himself. Though he decided not to as he doubted it would have been smart to cross the border. They had it for a reason and that was for creatures like him to not intrude into their land. After they barked at him, he noted that they had a peculiar accent of some sort. He was not sure what to call it since he had never heard it before, not even in Japan. If he cared enough, he might have asked them but the domestic feline was too focused on finding his lost friend. Todoroki cleared his throat after he listened to what the mixed breed had to say. They gave him a greeting, an answer, and then a question. The loner slowly blinked his dull luminaries as he collected his thoughts. Instead of saying something stupid on accident, he decided to be smart about what he said. The last thing he wanted to become an enemy of a clan. He would have had an unfair advantage as it would have been one to ten or however many creatures they had. Instead of questioning the chief's response, he pressed his lips together. The husky mix claimed that they did not know of someone named Midoriya, which puzzled the boy. Were they being serious or were they just trying to deceive him? His green-furred friend had told him that this was the place where they lived so where were they? Did the fluffy tom not go by his last name or something? Now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure the Thunderlanders knew the boy by his first name Izuku. "He also goes by Izuku, if that helps."  the smaller feline added in a whisper. Surely, they had not left already, right? He doubted the winged feline would have just left without saying anything to him. They had seemed grateful when they had reunited with each other a few days ago. The lanky youth simply nodded his head in reply to their last inquiry as he did not feel like speaking anymore. Who would have wanted to when their friend might have been missing again.

Flicking his tail in agitation, he narrowed his sharp oculars towards the ground. Dammit. Where the hell had the winged feline gone off to? He continued to muse over Midoriya's whereabouts until a familiar voice filled his ears. "That's me, Jacob." He nearly jumped in surprise as he abruptly turned to face the tinier apprentice. "Midoriya?" he murmured aloud as if he was making sure it was really them. The ex-human seemed stunned and realized at the same time, almost as if they had believed that the trainee had disappeared for good. Without even thinking, he stepped over the border to get closer to the maine coon. He stared at them for a moment before a small smile appeared on his lips. It was microscopic to the naked eye but it was definitely there. Now that the striped Snowbounder had shown up, Todoroki had completely forgotten about the other canine's presence and was too busy making sure that his comrade was still in one piece. The Japanese apprentice probably had no idea how worried he had been when he had heard that there had not been a Midoriya around. If they had, then they would not have been grinning from ear to ear. And instead of sharing all of his worries with them, he merely let out a sigh while he shook his head in amusement. "Hey..." After this, he closed his mouth as he was not sure what to say next. He wanted to say more to the child but was not sure how to put it into words. It also did not help that he was hella awkward at participating in conversations. He preferred staying silent over talking. It usually helped if there were more creatures around as that would have averted their attention to them and not him. But in this case, he was the one that Midoriya was speaking to and not Jacob. The silence continued to fill the air until he broke it by addressing the leader of the group again. "Like you said before, I came here after your clan was recommended to me by Midoriya." If it had not been for them, he most likely would have never found this place. And speaking of the maine coon, were they not cold? He was pretty sure the quirk user was not immune to the weather so why were they not wearing a sweater as well. Perhaps they were just enduring it or had gotten somewhat used to it. They also had a thick coat but so did Jacob. "Is that fine with you or do I have to go through some sort of initiation?" he added while he lifted a metaphorical eyebrow. Todoroki would have preferred not having to deal with a test though it was required to prove his worth, then so be it. At least it allowed for him to stick around with his ex-classmate. He would have just had to show the Snowbounders what he was capable of as he doubted they wanted a clanmate that would have been of little use to them.



All clans were basically similar but also the same in certain regards. Killua had experience when it came to the clans, but that didn't mean that he fit into them all that well either. The assassin was still getting used to the social aspect of the clans and was still struggling with the voice that was still in his head. The wildcat knew that eventually something would go his way, but he also knew it was only a matter of time before his family actually got involved with the clans and that would be the worst case scenario for everyone. Killua wasn't sure if he still liked the way some of the clans worked with one another, and the fact that some of them pissed him off was another factor. When he first met the clans, he considered all of them to be nothing but massive idiots that were wasting their time. They never seemed to be concerned about their own well being, and instead, they were more concerned about the events that they were putting on. Killua thought that they were putting their priorities in the wrong places, and in some instances, he was right when the clan would get attacked and they weren't prepared for it. Killua was definitely in awe with the number of clans there were in certain areas, and how all of them lived in different territories. However, there were those clans that were power hungry while there were others that were more focused on survival. It was the more power hungry clans that ended up pissing the Zoldyck off because the creatures that lived in that clan believed that they were the strongest that there was ever going to be. What he would have given to be able to laugh in their face on that comment because the clans were far from strong. No matter what clan he ended up going to, he was always considered to be the strongest in that group. Which usually made other's uneasy considering that if he was ever to go off the rails, no one would really be able to stop him in that regard. Killua understood their fear with that, but it was their own fault for being too lenient when it came to the creatures that joined the clans. It made little to no sense as to why letting anyone basically walk in was a good idea in the first place. It was idiotic and the plan usually backfired. Especially when he was just let into the clan without any issue and then the clan started to find corpses on the border. The clans didn't really seem to care about his attitude as long as he was around enough, to the point where they would even begin to promote him for whatever reason. Despite the fact that he wasn't really doing his job and didn't care about working with the clans at the time either. Clanners never really seem to think twice before putting a plan to action, and it's because of that most of their plans end up failing. Killua wasn't even sure now if he was willing to help the group with a plan if they actually were going to end up attacking another group. Which there wasn't all that much to attack all things considering but still. Killua wasn't like that anymore, as he knew that the clans had something that he didn't have. A family mentality. The albino serval didn't know what it was like to openly trust those that they encountered in the clans and to be able to enjoy life.

While he was constantly thinking about when his family would rear their ugly heads and ruin his life and what the clan was doing as a whole. It was stressful, and he wasn't about to talk to other creatures that were about to spill his secrets to those around him. He wouldn't stand a chance. Killua didn't think all the clans were stupid, but if they tried to pull a fast one on him, then they were going to have another thing coming. He was a professional strategist and wouldn't be mocked by the knowledge that a clan that doesn't fight has. He was probably the strongest fighter in the clan right now, he held that title over his head carefully. He needed to remain the strongest if other's were going to take him seriously thanks to his age. After spending months of his lives in the clans though, he simply got used to their antics where he ignored all the dumb choices that they ended up making. One of the current dumb choices that had been made in Snowbound was making Typhoon an ally. Something that the rest of those that were Snowbound seemed to have no issue dealing with at all. Like the previous clan, all of them seemed to be like sheep, not thinking about the consequences to their decisions until it was too late as they would follow their leader to the ends of the world. Killua wasn't like that though, and he would openly have his opinion against the clans, which usually got him into trouble. But right now as long as the Typhoon didn't try anything then he wouldn't think too much about it. Like the domestic cat, Killua didn't mind the cold despite the species he was. Servals more accustomed to warmer climates than the likes of a tundra that they were living on right now. Well, more like they were living in a forest, that was surrounded by tundra in the end. Having practically grown up in colder climates, living on the top of a massive mountain certainly helps, his fur had adapted to growing out longer to keep him warm. He also didn't have to worry about the weather thanks to the power that he has in the first place. His air elementals capable of changing the temperature of the air around him. He quite enjoys the snow on the factor that it provides good camouflage thanks to his albinism. He wasn't the only albino that lived in Snowbound, but his pelt was better suited compared to London who still had her spots as a clouded leopard. The wildcat's wounds were still healing thanks to the most recent night terror he had survived, and he wasn't about to sit around and wait till he was completely healed either. The young male wanted to get around and find strangers on the border so that he could have someone to talk to instead of listening to the voice in the back of his head. Killua used his air elementals to make it so that no one could catch his scent and made it so that his movements were completely silent. It was one of his most used power, and very few animals that lived in the clan even knew about said power. He kept everything about himself that could be used against him away from the ears of those that he was living with. He didn't trust everyone after all.

His metal claws sank into the bark of the branch that he was standing on, his eyes scanning the ground. He was near the border and was doing his usual rounds despite the bandages that wrapped tightly around his right arm and his throat. He leaped from branch to branch when he saw figures in the distance as he looked between the branches. Was someone joining? Killua stopped on a branch that was ten feet above the ground and was directly above the group. There was a domestic cat that was white and red, an interesting color combination, but probably not something that would help him hunt in an area like this. He was able to catch a majority of the conversation. Izuku knew this guy? Had this been the one that Izuku was talking about that he got separated with? The Snowstriker laid himself down on the branch he was on, his long metal claws still unsheathed so that he wouldn't fall off the tree he was on. He flicked one of his large white ears as he memorized the domestic cat's name. Todoroki. A Japanese name. Did this guy also speak Japanese? A grin spread across his jaws as he opened his mouth to speak, wondering if the other would be taken surprise by his sudden presence out of nowhere. "Anata wa budō ga hanashite ita monodeshita" Killua sounded like he was teasing the other while he spoke, a smirk spread across his facial features now. Killua had created a ton of different food-based nicknames just to address Izuku as. It was always fun to see the other's reactions to them. "I wish there was an initiation. Would mean we could make you do something ridiculous. But nope, you basically can do whatever you want in Snowbound now." The young albino serval said with a casual shrug of his shoulders. Todoroki could do whatever he wanted now in the territory, and Killua wouldn't really care as long as he wasn't here trying to kill someone.

(Translation: So you were the one Grape was talking about)
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: