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BE THE CHANGE ☆ music - Printable Version

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BE THE CHANGE ☆ music - – 2D - 06-04-2020

It wasn't exactly a big secret that 2D was musically talented. Although he didn't go around bragging to every other elysite that he was an amazing singer, it was hard not to notice just how much music was infused within the serval's life. Even the way he walked seemed to be along with a beat, granted that it was a rather awkward beat, which involved a lot of pausing and stumbling over his own paws. It also wasn't unusual for him to be found singing while doing ordinary tasks, even if he was only doing it to make menial tasks go faster, or to drown out the unfortunate ringing in his ears. He had gotten a few dirty looks from others in the past that weren't so appreciative of his musical interruptions, but he usually shrugged them off, just moving along without letting them effect him. He didn't exactly want to make others upset with him, especially considering his new position as a Decurion, but he also didn't want random angry people to stop him from doing something he loved. However, their disapproval did get the gears in his head spinning, and gradually an idea began to form over time in his mind. Murdoc would be quick to say that any idea the singer had would be dangerous considering his – somewhat – low intelligence, but 2D really thought he was on to something here.

As of late, things had been a little bit quiet around Elysium. Both as a result of a lack of people, and because of the recent attack by the Messenger. The group was still recovering, and most were just inside their homes, resting and recuperating. However, 2D thought that perhaps he could bring a little bit of joy into everyone's lives, and entertain them as well. His idea had taken a little bit of extra work on his part, since it meant that he had to search around Elysium's territory for what he was looking for. However, eventually, he found it – a keyboard. It was old, and a little bit more beaten up than he was used to, but it was a battery powered keyboard nonetheless. Sure enough, when the serval tentatively pressed a paw against one of the keys, the air lit up with noise, and that was enough to make him grin at the sense of familiarity that flooded through him. Driven by a new wave of eagerness, the serval had quickly pulled the keyboard along to the middle of the beach side town, his long tail excitedly lashing from side to side. Sitting down beside the keyboard, he took a deep breath before calling out, "Uh... would anybody like t'ear me play somefink? I'm pretty good on fe keyboard, 'n' I can sing. Fought it might brighten fings up a little 'round 'ere."

Re: BE THE CHANGE ☆ music - Alastor - 06-04-2020

A new day. Another day in... 'paradise.' The canine, frustrated and hurt from the fight, spent the first few days alone. At the time, he healed his wounds and rest soundly. Even so, the outside world begged for him to explore and take a hold of all it's glories. Alastor eventually succumbed to the thought, rolling out of bed carefully and pushing himself to his feet. Widely yawning, he proceeded out the door. His purple gaze swooped the area, spotting their newest decurion. Admittedly, Alastor did not know them well, but their position and how they held himself intrigued the doberman pinscher.

Alastor listened to the accented boy speak his mind as he wandered over. "I would," he stated, coming to a stop. Violet hues scanned the keyboard momentarily, curiosity beckoning him to poke at the keys. "Enlighten me, sir." While the male was not as much as an enthusiast of the arts as 2D was, he could come to appreciate some music. Serenade away.

Re: BE THE CHANGE ☆ music - fulzanin - 06-04-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Music. A foreign thing to Clony, as most were. Sure, the bat had a metronome stashed somewhere, but that didn't really mean that Clony knew what music was. Tunes were lost to the bat who's life had been spent mostly fleeing from things. The time and energy to partake and understand such a thing were lost to Clony. Such a loss was covered now by interest, where the very things that had deterred Clony a chance to learn were not present. Wings carried Clony over, and they landed with a soft thud of their talons.

"Brighten things up... like a laser?" Clony inquired. A fuzzy head tipped in a curious manner, looking over the beaten and old keyboard. Filled with curiosity were the bat's white eyes. Clony didn't have much else to do right now. Why not get a little curious? It settled into a relative sitting position, even if such a thing wound up with it looking like a complete fuzzball laying around. "If thats a laser its a really poor looking one. And you don't play lasers. Its not a laser, is it. Keyboard? Whats it do?" Clony chattered, ears perked and raised to match its internal curiosity.

TAGS 3/17/20: