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your trigger finger's mine | DUAL INTRODUCTION - Printable Version

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your trigger finger's mine | DUAL INTRODUCTION - Orion - 06-02-2020

'A night on the town.' The thought sounded nice. Bittersweet in theory for the couple, but the overall concept was... serene. Their seclusion had lasted too long, after all. The two needed to get out. If it wasn't for Morrison, Dixie wouldn't of breached the comfort of their home. Children were on their way and if they were left alone at home, without any interaction, who knows what they would become. A plentiful environment full of needed interaction was essential. The beloved children would thrive. Even so, the hesitance to go out surrounded his thoughts. What would they think of them? Would they be discouraged? Paranoid and spastic, the brown tabby was prone to overthinking. 

Morrison had to apply some force and coaxing to get his beloved out. Luckily, Dixie had agreed to the idea given time. Nevertheless, it was quite reluctant. Pushing the door wide, he gestured for the girl to head out. "A night on the town won't be that bad, dear," he cooed. Amber eyes zeroed in on her. A soft smile met his lips. "What do I always say?" Before she could answer, he commented abruptly. Morrison purred lightly. "I will protect you, no matter the circumstance. You know that." His tail swayed excitedly, begging for her to move quickly. The tabby's patience wore thin easily, so she would need to hurry. Thankfully, she moved on without a word and they headed into the town.

Leading the way, Morrison brought them to the tavern. Not only did the tavern give them an excuse to interaction with the many individuals of The Typhoon, it also provided them an opportunity to drink and indulge in cuisine. Morrison mostly benefited from that though. Nevertheless, the feline meandered into the establishment with his pregnant wife in tow. Wide eyes surveyed the area, soon finding an available table. Swiftly jumping onto a seat, he looked down at his wife. "C'mon now," he beckoned with a gesture towards the seat across from him. Once settled, he craned his head. "What do you think?"


Re: your trigger finger's mine | DUAL INTRODUCTION - trojan g. - 06-02-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: verdana;font-size:9pt;text-align:justify;"]Worry wracked through Dixie's brain at the thought of leaving the safety of her own home behind. A rough past she'd had before she had met Morrison and although it was wonderful now, there were times where she was still fearful, worried that bad things would happen once more from others. So she'd stayed inside their home, and she grew content.

Until it'd been suggested to go outside and meet others, that was.

Ears pinned to her head the female timidly pad out, walking in the direction she was led before ears pricked up as she listened to the words her husband spoke, maw opening to answer before shutting, only to open once again once seated in the Tavern. "I guess it's ok..." She would drift off. "There's not really much happening so far, not that I'm complaining."

Re: your trigger finger's mine | DUAL INTRODUCTION - APHRA CIPHER . - 06-02-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]DON'T YOU WANT TO TURN THE BEAUTY INTO THE BEAST ?。+゚.[/glow]
"Well, that's a little insulting." Aphra's voice was light and joking, though she certainly meant her words. The thin she-cat was making her way over towards the couple, though she didn't seem to be too interested in Dixie - no, her gaze was definitely on Morrison moreso than his partner. Dixie was pretty, sure - but Morrison seemed to be much more relaxed in nature. Not to mention, Dixie appeared to be pregnant as well; children were not something Aphra wanted to deal with right now. A hormonal bitch on the other hand? Well, that would certainly cause a show.

The tavern was a place she visited often, it was really no surprise she would take offense to Dixie's comment - especially with her belief of being the only one here who really started a "show". Of course, this was only Aphra's ego more than anything else. "I haven't seen you around before, hon. You new here?" She asked, narrowing her eyes briefly to study Morrison. Huh, he kind of reminded her of Pincher's old bengal cat body. Strange coincidence, she supposed. Although her question was clearly directed at Morrison, Dixie could answer it as well if she wanted to.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: your trigger finger's mine | DUAL INTRODUCTION - Luciferr - 06-03-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
It had been an idle day, for maybe the first time since the meteor when Jaime slipped from his home and made his way through the slow going everyday of the Typhoon when they were idle and could simply wind down for once with most of the debris being cleared now.

Paws of white ivory and black ink padded through soft sands as Jaime kept up a brisk jog that took him down to the tavern where most everyone was likely to be contracting this time of day - entering he overheard Aphra and two unknown voices he hadn’t heard before - not that he was familiar with everyone here besides his family yet either.

Oddly reptilian Green flicked over to the three as the cub meandered around to find a spot to sit, for now choosing not to approach given Aphra seemed to have struck up a conversation already, so he merely watched curiously - noting the two were an expecting couple clearly and mused quietly that it might be nice to have fellow kids around that weren’t just his siblings - though he loved them dearly - something different at least and nice to see the clan growing again.

Depending on how the next conversation went, he’d be sure to at least say hello before the day was out.
tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: your trigger finger's mine | DUAL INTRODUCTION - ROXANNE R. - 06-03-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne when she had been expecting her cubs a while ago had never gone out to the tavern since she felt as if she didn't really have much of a say there or well, the fact she didn't feel comfortable around the tavern to begin with. At least, she knew that her lover at the time wouldn't have wanted her to possibly get hurt or risk their cubs but even so trouble found it's way into Roxanne's life while expecting her cubs. Thankfully, all her cubs were healthy and happy it seemed. She had no worries now. Jaime, Margaret, Eulia, Trygve, and Natyli were well and happy within the Typhoon especially with their older brother, Roan, and uncle Michael running or doting after them when Roxanne didn't have the time to do so. The responsibilities of a Reaver were a little different than that of a Privateer but even so, Roxanne wanted to do a well enough job at her position seeing as Goldie had promoted her to a rank that Roxie wasn't normally used to. The most she had gotten during her time in the Typhoon had been Privateer and that was it, a soft sigh slipped from parted lips as she shoved those thoughts back and concentrated onto what was in front of her. Two new, unfamiliar faces.

Aphra and Jaime were already there, the draconic feline would approach in slower steps pressing her side against her son only to twitch her whiskers. Aphra might've had her eyes set on Morrison but Roxanne's mismatched gaze was locked onto Dixie who she would offer a warm smile to, it was nice seeing that the Typhoon would possibly have new children running around the clan. Roxie would open her maw slowly with a nod of her cranium "Hello there, m'names Roxanne Roux. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting one another," A pause before she continued with a soft purr "Or else, I would've remembered." She couldn't help but take a few steps forward but there was still quite a distance between her and Dixie "What's your name?" Her eyes locked with Dixie only to falter slightly at the sight of her swollen belly, she would add with a light roll of her shoulders "And congrats on the kittens, I'm sure they'll be absolutely precious."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: your trigger finger's mine | DUAL INTRODUCTION - michael t. - 06-03-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Nights on the town were not unusual for Michael, who often felt a need for at least one drink after most days. Although he loved indulging in just staying at home with Trevor and their many pets, he couldn't deny that getting out was also a positive. It brought back feelings of when he and T would be on heists together, and his blood would start pumping faster whenever anything rowdy started happening in the tavern thanks to all the hotheaded drunks. However, he had started going less and less often as of late, for multiple reasons. First, he had been injured for quite a while, and concussions and alcohol did not make a very good mix by any means. Second, Trevor had been trying to keep him in the house as long as possible as of late, so that he would actually give himself time to heal and relax – not that it was particularly difficult for the coyote to convince him to stay in. Lastly, whenever Michael was outside of the house, the bobcat was often just making an active effort to help out as much as possible with rebuilding. He didn't want to just be a lazy layabout anymore, especially with his promotion to privateer, so he felt the need to be busy.

Even with all of these factors preventing him from visiting the tavern often, he still found himself there on occasion, even if he wasn't actually there for a drink. Just the social interaction and atmosphere was good enough for him at most times, and he was really starting to dislike the way that his head spun whenever he drank anything even slightly strong. Because of all of this, when the privateer slipped inside of the tavern that day, he had intended on it being a rather short visit. Say hi to some familiar faces, maybe have one very weak drink, and then return home for a pleasant evening of warm cuddling with Trevor and feeding his rats. He hadn't really been expecting to encounter two new faces, especially two new faces that were already being questioned by both Aphra and Roxanne. With his short tail twitching behind him, the thief surveyed the scene from afar before he decided to head over, not wanting to be weird. He was curious, but not curious enough to look all suspicious by lingering near the doorway and staring at the couple.

Padding up beside his sister, the dark furred feline pressed gently into her side in greeting, flashing her a sharp little grin that she would hopefully spot before he turned back to look at Morrison and Dixie. They certainly seemed to be... interesting. A pair he had never seen before, obviously together, and seemingly expecting as well. The thought of having more children around both excited and terrified him. After all, it meant there would be more kids around to bond with and protect, but it would also mean that there would be more children around to constantly worry about. He chose to shrug that off for now, smiling at the pair before he spoke, "Ah, hey there. I don't believe we've met before either. I'm Michael De Santa. Her brother." He gently nudged his paw against Roxie's side as he spoke, keeping his statement brief. Aphra and Roxie were already asking some questions of the two, and Michael didn't want to overwhelm them. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART