Beasts of Beyond
FLAME / leaving & gifts - Printable Version

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FLAME / leaving & gifts - T. ROUX - 05-31-2020


As much as he loved spending every day with Aine and Gael, he still couldn't get home off his mind and he missed his family dearly. His whiskers twitched when he had been at the Typhoon for a small amount of time, he had gone and taken a few things from the merchants. Gifts for both Aine and Gael seeing they had been the kindest to him, hell, they even let him stay within their home. And he had been a complete stranger to Gael at the time yet eventually the two of them had gotten used to each other it seemed, Trygve having been touched that the vulpine had painted him alongside with his family even if the butterfly that rested on his nose within the painting irked him slightly. It was touching. It felt as if he had found a second home despite this, he still missed the Typhoon and thought it would be best to give Aine and Gael their gifts before he would leave for home. His heart aching at the thought of leaving Aine yet he would be certain to visit her once more like they had done before he had moved to the Pitt. The thought made a smile lift his lips upwards as he looked at the gift he was currently finishing up at the time.

He had got a block of wood and with the knife that his uncle had given him, Trygve Roux had set to work trying to carve something beautiful for the pretty girl that seemed to always be on his mind. There was several attempts, he kept getting frustrated when it didn't turn out the way he wanted it and there was a few splinters within his pawpads but once he had gotten the result he yearned for. He would stare with awe at his creation, a wood flower specifically a rose. It stood beautifully on a block of wood, he would use the blade gifted to him to make it smoother. He smiled quietly before carving Aine's name onto the block of wood only to start carving little flowers into the wood itself. For Gael, he had gotten charcoal, several paints, and a few canvases for the other vulpine. He took a deep breath ignoring the way his paws ached as he brought the gifts for both individuals foward. He swallowed slowly speaking out with a timid smile which was rather new to appear on the child's face "Aine? Gael?" He cleared his throat slowly before continuing to speak "I got something for the both of you," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FLAME / leaving & gifts - Luciferr - 06-02-2020

This is not your grave,
but you are welcome in it
unfortunate then, that the first being to find him was one he did not know.

Nor one that was likely a welcome sight, though Silent rarely was to most

And decidedly the last sight to quite a few indeed.

What looked like perhaps a ragged collection of skins or carcasses of food shifted in the shadows of the area that the cub had stepped into with his gifts and A series of disconcerting cracks and snaps as the decidedly not carcass pile moved and unfolded from its tightly curled position - limbs lengthening outwards with sharp clicks, the tendrils about the thing waving idly as it ambled into an upwards sitting position.

Silent’s neck cracked as the bulging spine swung its head around to the cub he’d never met and the maw gaped open,

cubs bearing gifts? was the mild tone of curiosity as the minds calculated behind the eyeless pits.


Re: FLAME / leaving & gifts - aine. - 06-05-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Was that Trygve calling?  The petite druid felt her ears perk, pushing her head out the window of the family treehouse.  Hazel hues flickered, bright with curiosity.  'Got something?'  Like a present?  At least, that's what her father often meant when he used those words. 

Slowly, Aine trotted out to the steps, tensing for a split second.  Her right hindleg now bore a careful splint from under her father's care, holding it straight as the bone healed.  It made traveling up and down the stairs a new challenge, though her wobbly legs had hardly helped from the beginning.  Stubborn, she began the climb down, soon bounding over to her best friend.  Albeit, with a semi-lopsided gait.

The massive shadowy creature speaking to Ry was more than enough to ruffle her feathers.  But he voiced her initial thought at least.  Gifts? Whatever for?  Of course, it was not as though Aine didn't like to give out gifts on random occasions.  As such, she simply smiled as she turned her gaze onto her best friend.

She noticed the paint supplies first.  "Da will love these!" Especially the charcoal, she thinks.  It was a medium she didn't see her father experiment with often, but always enjoyed the results when he did.  Maybe he would make something for Ry in turn with the charcoal.  She hoped so.  Gifts came without the expectation of something in return, but it was still nice to receive something even when you didn't ask for anything.

Her eyes fluttered over.  An intricate wooden carving of a rose.  And it had her name!  Joli.  "Je l'adore! You made this?  It's so pretty."
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —