Beasts of Beyond
CUT IT OUT AND THEN RESTART / building pier - Printable Version

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CUT IT OUT AND THEN RESTART / building pier - bubblegum - 05-31-2020

Re: CUT IT OUT AND THEN RESTART / building pier - roan ; - 06-01-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan, along with some others such as his mama and cousin Goldie, didn't need to worry so much about the island being split apart. After all, he had wings to carry him over the gaps that were too wide for simple bridges, and he was getting pretty good at using them without crashing. However, it wasn't uncommon nowadays for him to be in a rather exhausted state thanks to his work. He would fly from one part of the fractured island to another in order to grab herbs, and then he would find himself too tired to be able to make the flight back. It was a rather unfortunate predicament, and it had led to him having to take naps in odd places of the island more times than he'd like to admit. As such, the idea of the piers being build for their small ships was appealing, especially since it meant no more worried chattering from his mama when he came home late after a nap. He knew that she had plenty of reason to want to know where he and the rest of his siblings were, especially after the events of the meteor strike, but he couldn't help but feel a little bit tired of firm lecturing in Spanish.

Roan wasn't a particularly strong feline, but he also wasn't particularly weak, either. He was more of the middle ground, especially now that he was nearly his full adult size. As such, he wasn't sure exactly how much he would be able to help his cousin with things, but he found himself trotting over anyways. His darkly colored paws sunk down into the sand as he moved over, dipping his head to Goldie before meowing, "Hey, cousin. I'll try to help in any way that I can, okay?" He offered her a sharp-toothed smile before he moved over to one of the pieces of wood, gripping it firmly in his jaws and pulling it along to where it could be put down in the sand. He figured once they got low on the wood they already had, he could go flying around to try and find some more.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: CUT IT OUT AND THEN RESTART / building pier - ROXANNE R. - 06-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, here came the lecturing mother now.

The small feline have overheard that they needed wood and frankly, Roxanne wasn't all that strong or big enough to lift much without possibly running the risk of breaking her back but she did have her lovely reptiles to assist her along the way. Specifically, Kalayavan who was possibly the largest salt water crocodile there was on the whole beach and Roxanne was guiding him along hearing Goldie's call. More wood. Surely, the feline and her crocodile companion could go gather that all up, a smile pulling on her lips as she shifted into her jaguar form leading the large crocodilian to follow her with a coaxing voice. It didn't take long before the Reaver would approach both her son and niece with some wood dangling from Kalayavan's back though she had tied it around the reptile with tight rope in hopes of keeping it there without much of a problem. A soft sigh left her maw only to mew with a large grin "A lil bird told me y'all needed some more wood," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]