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LUMBERLY ACTIONS || reconstruction task! - Printable Version

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LUMBERLY ACTIONS || reconstruction task! - BLOODHOUND. - 05-31-2020

'The meteor didn't do much to the majority of our forest, but its force knocked down a good amount of trees in the westernmost reaches of our territory, especially towards the Typhoon; I'm guessin' this is because of gravity or somethin', since it was really low in the atmosphere at this point. Those fallen trees make for exceptional lumber, so your task is to haul back as much wood as you can. Like what I said to Snarl, feel free to enlist some helping hands. Ya should bring some saws to cut the wood smaller (but not too small), and find a sled so that ya can move it easily.'

[img width=50][/img][img width=50][/img][img width=50][/img]

Bloodhound set off in search of a sled, something sturdy and able to carry logs of wood. They started their search at the farm first, finding a few saws, hoping that at least one of them may help, as well as an axe. No time like the present, to find out if cutting trees using an axe was viable as a wolf.

Bloodhound found a sled too, it was worn and old, but they figured it would do the trick. They made sure to grab some rope as well, and tossed their assortment of tools into the sled. It was midday by the time they set out, snatching up the handle of the sled in their jaws, their mask pushed up to their forehead so they could see and breathe easier, tugging the sled along through the forest and fields, to the edge of the territory.

[img width=50][/img][img width=50][/img][img width=50][/img]

Some of the felled tress here, were caught against other trees, branches tangled, trunks tense as the ground refused to yield. Bloodhound picked up the axe in their maw, swinging their head down to try and cut a notch into one of the  trunks. They very quickly realized that this wasn't.... ideal.

Bloodhound switched then, to a handsaw, gripping the handle in their large teeth and forcing the serrated edge into the wood itself, sawing back and forth, until the tension split the trunk the rest of the way. They sawed the tree itself into segments, large enough to be useful, but not too large that it would be impossible to transport. They returned then, to the sled, grabbing the length of rope, and took their time to weave it around the branches on one of the segments. They then pulled the log right onto the sled, and tore the branches off with their teeth, spitting out the splinters.

Bloodhound took a break, as that had been a bit of a daunting task as it was, with the sun beating down on them in the absence of standing trees, with the heat rising steadily. They coughed and panted heavily, taking refuge in the shade. They would rest, for a little bit, before beginning to haul their load back into the town.

Re: LUMBERLY ACTIONS || reconstruction task! - Ivan - 06-01-2020

[td][Image: 1qs0g0C.gif][/td]
slav. "god is gracious"
a son
a brother
[td][Image: yoqcgBR.gif][/td][/tr]
A sort of vain haughtiness had consumed young Ivan shortly after the meeting. He was aware that he had no friends, and that he scorned everyone around him in his mind. Perhaps he would have made some effort to care if the event at The Pitt did not happen. It still haunted his pawsteps and despite his shallow emptiness, Ivan felt the need to keep himself in constant motion.

So constant motion. The earth is constantly moving. Ivan deduced so from the movement of the stars. It never rests in its circling around the sun. So Ivan too sought to pace around the truth he tried so hard to attain. He was afraid though, if he got too close, the flames of the devil would burn his world up and reduce him to ashes. Or glory, as was promised. He didn't know.

He didn't go to Leroy for a reconstruction task. His childish pride had been injured, and he recognized his weak facilities in a feline body, especially considering his mental condition. He could not even scrape the rubble off of his dead mother. But he seemed to have a slight change of heart when he noticed Bloodhound dragging a sled across the territory. Ivan hesitated in leaving his tree perch, but with a resolute shake of his head, he decided.

It would turn out he was a bit late. "I noticed you were going somewhere with that sled." Ivan blinked. "I'm sorry I didn't come in time. I should have helped. In fact, there's a lot of things I should be doing."

Re: LUMBERLY ACTIONS || reconstruction task! - toboggan - 06-05-2020

Leroy wore a countenance of mild awe in reaction to catching site of the timber-hauling wolf, though his state of mind was much more acute. The hound asserted that, if need be, Bloodhound should enlist the aid of several other individuals for this specific task. In the days of yore, he had taken up the role of lumberjack when Morgan, the then-general, wanted to do a little reconstruction of his own. It's a backbreaking line of work when one is on a team - to carry out the same job all by one's lonesome was nothing short of extreme. On the surface, the leader bore a somewhat impressed expression. But inside, he felt shocked.

Ambling forwards, he notices a contrite Ivan, already communicating to Bloth Hoondr in an apologetic fashion. He pauses in his tracks a fair distance away from the young feline. God, that kid had gone through a lot. Sometime soon, the male felt, he ought to pay the pipsqueak a visit, maybe try to see if he could talk to him a fair bit and cheer him up. "I'd say that Bloodhound did a mighty fine job on their own," he says, yet retaining an impressed outlook, before turning the entirety of his attention to the mask-donning canine, "I'm astonished. There's not much I can really say, but'cha did good. Really good. If ya need help draggin' that any further, just let me - or Ivan - know."

Re: LUMBERLY ACTIONS || reconstruction task! - BLOODHOUND. - 06-06-2020

They rested there for a nice little while, catching their breath before continuing the trek into town. Despite Leroy having told them that they were free to ask others for help, they had figured that everyone else had enough to worry about, with their own tasks, with mourning, with recovering lost homes, and mending wounds. It was then, in this moment of respite, that they notice that dark little cat---Ivan, approach, apologizing for things that Bloodhound would have never had asked of him. Not with one so young.

Bloodhound looks at the little one, their own heart aching for the kitten. He'd seen so much tragedy, so young. As much as their mind wants to drift to their own history with tragedy, they stay focused on him.

"You need not apologize, Ivan." They say, their voice kind. They pat the ground next to them with a paw, inviting him to sit. "I would not ask of you such a task."

Not because he was small and weak, but because it was a dangerous thing to ask of one so young. It was best if adults handled it. And even then, larger animals. Being an arctic wolf, they were strong enough to take it on, especially with previous experience hauling trees. Another lifetime of it, really. They think for a moment, looking to the rope that lay strung around the sled. If Ivan did want to help... "Do you know how to tie knots?" They venture, looking at Ivan. If not... perhaps they could teach.

Leroy had approached then, and Bloodhound looked to him, tail wagging, once, twice. The praise was lovely to hear, and they supposed... it was a bit of a feat, doing this on their own, especially as a wolf. What had been... more or less normal for them as a human, was a mightier task on four legs.

Leroy's offer of help was greatly appreciated. "You have my gratitude." They state simply, voice warm. "Your assistance is more than welcome, but for now, we can rest here, if you choose."

Re: LUMBERLY ACTIONS || reconstruction task! - OCTANE. - 06-06-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


So, he'd been surprised when he heard Bloodhound was here too. And a wolf? Kinda fit, he guessed, but at least they weren't like one of those dumb birds they always raved about. He wonders if he could get them and Caustic to fight, how would that go? Both were beyond skilled and he knows Caustic's discomfort.

"Damn, couldn't get the axe to work?" Octane doesn't have much to add- not that he ever does- as he approaches with the clack of his feet. "Uh, do you, uh, need something?" he doesn't know what else to do, quite honestly.


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime