Beasts of Beyond
NET NEUTRALITY REVOTE TOMORROW(May 9th, 2018) - Printable Version

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NET NEUTRALITY REVOTE TOMORROW(May 9th, 2018) - vvintersoldier - 05-08-2018

[Image: banner-970x90.png]

This is a reminder, and an urgent message to let you guys know that Net Neutrality is going to be revoted on possibly repealing it tomorrow, May 9th, 2018! In case you guys don't know what Net Neutrality is, this is the google definition: "The principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites."

Back in November 2017, the FCC voted to remove the Net Neutrality in a 3-2 result. Without Net Neutrality, internet providers can block websites and products, and even make the internet slower. I'm sure all of you guys can agree with me, that the internet should stay open and free. It shouldn't cost us money to access websites or worse.

But Net Neutrality is not dead yet!

There are ways to help protest the removal of Net Neutrality. You can sign a petition, you can even call your state representatives or senate! And if phone calls aren't your thing, you can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to contact congress. If texting or calling congress isn't an ideal for you, you can even put a banner like the one above in your signature or change your avatar to help get people to join in the fight to save net neutrality.



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