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let it breathe - gavin saga - Printable Version

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let it breathe - gavin saga - fulzanin - 05-28-2020

let it breathe
a part of the gavin saga in which we rewrite his terrible characters dying in a multitude of ways!
alternatively: Blits activates the braincell for a short period of time
There weren’t too many things that Blits cared deeply about. The open sky? He could care less despite his air element’s norm of loving such a thing. He figured that he had about anything he could ever want. A nice home where his hybridization wasn’t anything to shake a stick at. He had a wonderful room with a comfy bed where his pretty boyfriend was. Everything was nice and peaceful, ironic for a place that had monsters roaming about. He hadn’t really been scared of any of the monsters in a while. It was a wonderful place to live and he did his best to help out whenever he could.

Normally, Blits’ mind was far too fried to really apply any deep logic to anything. That was why he relied on Scot so much, not that there was a lot of deep thinking for Blits to do around Crux. The human was so smart and so pretty, Blits wouldn’t have married anyone else. Those that he lived with he liked too. It wasn’t as if he’d had anything against moving to Crux other than spaceships being involved. His technophobia barely was writhed under control. He still got to visit his other family in the Mirror World as long as he was careful to get back on time so nobody unintended got through. He knew all of the family that he now had at Crux, and he loved and liked all of them. That even included Tray, despite his… Tray-ness. He was family too, despite such. Everyone at Crux was!

All but one. G. He was new, Blits easily could recognize such a thing because he’d think he’d remember such a… horrendous person with ease much like how he remembered Cevan and Bubua and Aslisk.. The red Sefortian had shown up at a meal, been all sorts of awkward and rude, and then left to get lost in the tunnels. That wasn’t the worst thing that had happened. No, no, Blits knew better than to get fluffed up about such simple things like storming out in a hurry. G being weird during a ‘tell three things about yourself’ game had flown over his head. G was an oddity, he was new.

Blits’ fried brain could work occasionally. It was rare and usually didn’t last long, and usually there had to be a pretty significant reason for the hybrid’s shocked to near unusable nerves to fire off in a way that thought worked. Waking up to Scot’s face being bruised? It had set off those nerves, it had ruffled those feathers, it had warranted his mind to turn more than it normally ever could. He knew what the bruising was caused by - his beloved had used his mind control powers to help Blits learn how to use his magic back at Nieve. Something had to have happened. What it was, he didn’t know. He could figure it out though.

Magic allowed him the simple answer - being told that his marriage with Scot was wrong somehow and then Scot being promised into secrecy - as well as the means to resolve such a thing. Blits wasn’t violent by any means. He had a spear, one that he normally kept hidden away because even his fried up brain could realize that his husband, who had been stabbed with the weapon by his very own paws, likely wouldn’t want to see it. Blits hadn’t had to use it in a while, not that he was particularly skilled due to having flunked his training.

“Hey, G,” he chattered, noticing that the red Sefortian had just left Tray and Nahja’s room - probably to have seen the new hatchlings. “I was wondering if you wanted to come and see all the books we got around here to read!” He smiles, tail swishing behind him and jostling his comfortably positioned bands.

The other blinks his purple eyes at the hybrid, shuffling on his feet. “Uh. You have a library or something? Anything on the monsters?” G inquires, beginning to head off down the hall before Blits can even begin to remember which was is the correct one.

Blits’ tail twitched, having to wrack his fried brain. He settles with a shrug, following after G upon remembering that ironically the other was actually going the right way. Why the other wasn’t questioning his spear in his grasp, he himself wasn’t questioning. A fried piyan and an utter idiot the two were, the only problem being that the fried piyan happened to be pissed as hell and somehow more competent.

Upon arriving at the lounge room, a title that Blits commonly used instead of the actual term due to it being hard for him to pronounce, he shuffled on over to one of the bookshelves. “We’ve got marine biology, and more marine biology!” Briefly the hybrid is distracted, looking at the pretty cover of the book. He’d get Scot to help him read through this one later, after this was resolved and a forceful blink of orange eyes gathered his attention back.

“Ugh, seriously?” G scoffed at the seafoam piyan, snatching the book from his grasp. He looks at the cover before tossing it towards the couch that faced the nearby television. “I want something actually interesting, like the monsters.”

Normally, the regulation gem that Blits neatly has banded around his tail keeps most of the random and sporadic and slightly violent thoughts from ever gripping his mind. It kept both his air element as well as his Nitisian side neatly bundled up where it would never become a problem (as it had been in other timelines). Not that Blits needed the permission of his Nitisian side to grab G forcefully by the arm and drag him over to the door. “Alright. That’s strike three,” the hybrid snarled while using a wing to open the door.

Thankfully, G couldn’t teleport due to the overall nature of Crux. Blits didn’t really know about it, he’d never tried to teleport before. A fried mind didn’t allow for much wriggle room, much like how G was trying to wriggle out of Blits’ grasp. “What? No, no this isn’t strike three! This is like, strike 1 or something! You can’t even count?!” The red Sefortian shrieked, his golden wings madly beating. Sadly, Blits happened to be far bigger than G and could withstand a few wing smacks hitting him.

Where was a good place to very, very quickly get rid of someone? Not a hallway, Blits figured. Someone could just walk along and that wouldn’t be good - he might accidentally hurt a monster, or someone he actually deemed family! Almost getting to the tunnels worked before G had pulled out his rapier, trying to slash at Blits’ arm. The stabbing weapon did nothing more than bonk harmlessly off his shirt.

G winced as the hybrid finally let go, turning his horned slowly and bringing his spear to be grabbed with both paws. “I can count. You don’t get another number after making Scot cry.” G shambles back onto his feet, pointing his rapier towards Blits.

“In my defense, it's because your relationship is incredibly wrong.” The Sefortian shrugs, his scorpion tail twitching behind him. “The two of you would work great as best friends! You’ve just turned it into something that’s horrifically sinful!” G’s voice rose in the last part of his statement because of Blits hurling a blast of magic at him, exploding and sending him flying. “Geez! You’re mean! It's not like it's a hard fix!”

Blits’ barbed tail sharply twitched. “You say as if you hadn’t just promised my boyfriend to  secrecy! Who does that?!” The hybrid snarled. His orange eyes briefly flicker to make sure that yes, the spell he used had enough wording so that it didn’t actually damage anything. G charged towards him, again slashing his rapier in Blits’ direction.

A sturdy flap of feathered wings sent G flying once again, saving Blits from another harmless blow. “He was the one who wasn’t listening to reason!” G sputtered as he struggled back up to his feet. He arched his tail, preparing to spray his venom at the hybrid. Alas, Blits was already rearing back, and threw his spear. With a followthrough of one of his wings, the throw had more than enough force to go right through the other’s tail. A shriek of pain, especially when an outstretched paw and a flicker of magic yanked his spear back to the owner and whacked G over the head.

“What reason? The reason that he shouldn’t have proposed to me a couple years ago? You don’t get to be the one to decide that! I’m the one he proposed to so only me and him get a say in it!” The last time someone had tried to tear apart their relationship, Blits hadn’t quite managed to actually get his paws and/or spear on/or through them. Kowaski had been hard, because Blits was more concerned with trying to keep Scot safe while also trying to not piss the Neopa off and possibly get Scot into more trouble. Free will, it was a fickle thing, one that Blits was happy to have.

“Its not natural, so it shouldn’t have happened at all! You’re both guys, Blits! Even you should be able to see that, even if you can’t count!” G screeched back in response. Blits had to pause, his fried brain trying to grasp what numbers had to do with both him and Scot having the same ‘y chromosome’. He remembered that from… a reading session? Likely a reading session. G finally does manage to whack Blits with his rapier while he’s stuck dazed, mind scrambling back to attention. The hybrid’s incompetence reigned supreme near all the time, and combat sadly was no exception.

The anger that came from being reminded about how G had made Scot cry helped keep his attention far more focused than the norm. Usually Blits could spare not straining himself to stay focused, think hard, make sure he isn’t going to do something horribly wrong or stupid. Usually he had Scot, his wonderful boyfriend there, helping him do things so his fried mind didn’t sputter like frozen hands scrambling around a door handle. “I doubt you know what natural is, especially around here,” the hybrid retorts. “What’s natural around here is, is being family, and you aren’t family. At all. Not in the slightest.”

When G comes blindly charging at him again, Blits decides to make great use of his horns. One of them was quite crooked, but it still served its purpose well. The purpose of the male Nitisian’s style of horns was to ram into things with no problem. Such Blits did, lowering his head and ramming right into G’s chest. He slams G against the wall, then whacking the Sefortian with the handle of his spear. The other tumbles, coughing and sputtering.

While G tries to stand up again, Blits quickly flings another hastily squawked out spell. Again it explodes and sizzles into harmless orange sparks. The hybrid charges forward, again ramming G with his horns before then grabbing him and slinging him onto the floor. Blits had failed his guard training, but he safely could say that he did remember a few things. That, and his size certainly made combatting the smaller Sefortian far easier.

Blits tries to swing his barbed tail at the other, but G somehow manages to muster the logic to hold up his rapier to keep the jagged end from meeting skin and clothes. Blits again flaps his wings, flinking himself backward and behind G so he can stab the other in the back. It doesn’t go all the way through due to the other moving forward and away from the blow. A spark of magic fixes that, yanking G back towards Blits and allowing him to stick out a leg and trip him.

Blits pivots on his feet and readjusts his spear with a flick of a wrist, stabbing the Sefortian in the chest. A foot is placed on the other’s chest, holding him down. Orange eyes glared down, yanking his spear out from his opponent and spraying the other’s blood around from the messy blow. Blits wasn’t great at combat, much like how he wasn’t great at most things. On his own he could be trusted to mop, sweep, sleep, and cook. Combat was barely able to be grasped by Blits, so fueled by the rage that this random person had strode into his family’s home, been rude and snappy, and made Scot cry.

Blits blinked a few times, his attention staggering to the red blood from G’s nasty stab wound. Blood. Right. He’d have to clean this up, whether it be by magic or a mop. Probably magic, he wanted to get back to Scot as soon as possible. A nice and cozy bed and a long, comfy nap were in order. Blits uses his own barbed tail to stab G, promptly paralyzing him. It wasn’t something Blits knew about in depth. Scot had his own resistance to magic and the hybrid being in combat certainly wasn’t the norm. He figured it was as easy as using it as another method of stabbing while he readjusted his grip.

“Well this, this family is incredibly wrong! I was gonna show Scot the Star Power! Then you’d be in a good, healthy, best friend dynamic!” G insisted. Blits’ feet were covered with metallic shoes, something that he wore all the time spare when he was sleeping, swimming, or washing up. They ended with sharp blue talons, easily able to keep G pinned due to both their weight and the force being applied by the looming hybrid that wore them.

Blits hissed loudly, raising up his spear and stabbing G in the arm. Not the shoulder, no - there were too many uncomfortable memories that bubbled at the slightest thought of that. “Scot’s the one that wanted to get married! He asked me, he’s the one that wanted us to be more than best friends. That’s how it should be, that’s how he wants it and how I want it, and you don’t get a say in it!” He twisted his weapon harshly, not sure whether he was satisfied or disgusted when he managed to rip the other’s arm off. “Oh.”

G screeched loudly, his wings flapping in a sporadic manner - sporadic due to the paralyzation that Blits’ tail caused. “It's sinful and nasty! Don’t you know two guys aren’t supposed to lie in bed together?” He sputtered, bringing up one of those ‘hour’s worth of facts’ that he’d told Scot that he had. Another wail as Blits stabbed him again, more rapidly, working quickly to shut the red Sefortian up.

When the struggling stopped and a quick spell told him that yes, G definitely wasn’t breathing anymore, he finally stumbled back a few paces. He glanced down at his clothes, wincing, then lifting his gaze. He was quite surprised no one had shown up, his fried mind sputtering and quickly suggesting the idea that the sound proof rooms likely were the cause. Blits flexed his wings slowly, stretching them after they’d been tensed and sporadically moved during the fight.

He kicks the body with one of his shoes, a rolling squawking noise sounding from him. His fried brain remained tired after the fight, not wanting to even attempt thinking about what to do with the mess. “I enchant for all the blood to go away, from my clothes and the, the uh, the mess right there,” Blits mumbled as he flickered up more of his magic. His wording was never great with his spells, but he figured that when all the blood vanished with a sizzle of orange magic that it was fine. “Oh. And the spear. Get the blood off my spear too. Put it in the same spot, the same really far away one.”

Blits picked up the pieces, turning and sluggishly heading out the grate to where the monsters roamed. One last thing, he assured himself, and then he’d be good to head back to the room and sleep. He had to find Mara, one of the monsters that he was incredibly familiar with - and one that he knew was quite familiar with him. Blits’ frequently struggling mind knew better than to go deep into the tunnels, and so he figured that if the beast didn’t happen to trot by soon then he’d leave the body parts - that he didn’t happen to notice slowly regenerating due to his exhaustion and overall fried mentality - to be fair game for the next monster that came by.

Mara, like all the other monsters in Majang’s facility, was allowed to roam freely whenever she wanted wherever she wanted. While she did have her own pen she frequently left to just enjoy the open space that Nieve had not had. She was a big monster, white with glowing red eyes and several silver spikes that lined her entire body until practically every angle of her was a death trap, she was easily recognizable even from a distance. Blits would find the large white monster sprawled out in one of the more open cavern like tunnels, squeaking and tiny roars coming from her two cubs that bolted around the room like little white blurs. Mara could only see movement, and realized heavily on her hearing and smell to identify the handlers or other monsters that came near her. Deep gruff grumbles came from the beast as she shuffled over to greet Blits when she either recognized his scent or put a name to the click clack of his shoes on the stone flooring. Indeed she recognized the piyan, Blits would long since come to know that she would never purposefully hurt him and most certainly would not eat him.

Blits’ knowledge was incredibly basic when it came to being around the monsters that inhabited Crux. Most he’d either learned from his time at Nieve, or Scot had told him. Being slow, rather quiet, and keeping from abruptly doing anything was a good overall idea in the hybrid’s mind. Not that such was hard to do when the exhaustion from combat settled in. It had been a long time since he’d been scared of Mara out of all the monsters simply due to being incredibly familiar with her presence. “Hey Mara, look, I brought food!” He chirps, remembering to mind his tone more because again, abrupt was the overall thing he knew to try to avoid. Fast moving stuff was prey, after all. While Mara wouldn’t eat him, he was pretty sure she’d like to chase him if he did run around - ironically in a way similar to what G had done. “Either for you or the cubs, doesn’t really matter. I figured you’d, you’d like it.”

Mara had long ago lost her ability to speak, wizens weren’t good speakers to begin with and it was very easy for them to simply lose the skill. Neither she nor her sibling Elza spoke, but their cubs most certainly chattered up a storm. She would’ve said that she couldn’t really see what he was holding, the white flashes of movement shoved her that it was merely lumpy. Still she could smell the blood, not ketchup meat… shame, but food was food! As someone who had been once starved for three years straight to make her a more effective war weapon she never had to be pestered to consume food. In this case it made her an ideal body disposal method, one could always count on her wanting to eat.

“Food food food food!” One of the cubs bounced over, sniffling loudly as it did. “Fooooooood!”

“Gghhhhhhh….” Mara reached to grab what Blits had given her with a slow motion as to not accidentally knock him over or claw him, her large humanish like hands ideal for ripping up food into bits small enough to go down her throat. She had no bottom jaw after all, chewing was not an option. Hm. Well, this smelled a little familiar…. hadn’t Scot told her not to eat something with this smell? Mm. Well what she had been told not to eat had clearly been a person of some kind, this was a fleshy mound and Blits said it was food so she was going to eat it.

“Where food?” The second cub scrambled over, tripping over unsteady feet. Young and clumsy, as babies were. “Want want want!” It gave a small scream, one quickly silenced as Mara clawed up a piece tiny enough for it to swallow, which it did gleefully.

Blits thought that the cubs were quite adorable. Sure, they were monsters, but Blits also happened to think scars and secret chickens for hair were also adorable features. A bit of an odd ball, but on a level entirely different from the Sefortian that he figured he’d killed. He held out what he’d carried so it could be taken with ease, shuffling back. He had to do his best to not since when one of the Wizen cubs screeched, not having the protective ear muffs to nullify the noise. The scramble for food was also adorable in the hybrid’s eyes. “Okay, I’ll leave you to it then,” he chatters. He keeps the turn around slow as well as his pace - again, he really didn’t want to get tackled by hyperactive Wizen cubs at the time, nor did he really have the energy for such. Briefly he had a small flicker of worry for what he’d just done, but his fried mind quickly supplied the notion that he had more than enough reasoning. Easy disposal of a horrible person, and all the hybrid wanted to do the moment that he made it back through the grate was to flop down in bed and sleep for quite a few hours. That sounded far nicer, and he wouldn’t be waking up to the bruised face of his beloved or Scot being in distress. He’d fixed it! He needed to add that to his nickname, he sluggishly thought while making his way back.

Mara made a much more quieter grumble that almost sounded like she was attempting to grunt out the syllables for ‘thank you’, the closest thing she could get to speech. Appreciation from monsters of all creatures, G wasn’t even able to appreciate the kindness or the hospitality of the Crux crew. You knew you were a bad person when a massive killer beast made by an even more diabolical person was more grateful than you were. Amongst the three beasts G’s corpse did not last long at all. There wasn’t even blood left over to say something had been eaten there, the two cubs eagerly licking the stone clean of any and all substances. Given Majang didn’t have cameras everywhere (he did have a few but it wasn’t like this was max security prison where every inch of space was being watched) and given nobody had seen, Blits’s actions would probably never be revealed to anyone less he said anything. Would Tray have cared? Absolutely not, G had quickly come to freak him out and disturb him, with the whole telling him to get ready to spank his children and the whole staring at him as if he was some psycho when he said he never wanted to hurt anyone let alone his son and daughter. Nahja had barely interacted with him, though of course Diego and Shayna were also her children and it did not sit well with her that some stranger thought he could tell her husband that it was okay to hit children. Of course she would also despise him for tormenting poor Blits and Scot when their relationship had already seen so many lows before.

Not even there for two whole days, G was gone and they were free from the stranger who from the moment he walked in acted like he owned the place. Majang had been a little worried, but the red Sefortia was a moron. It was obvious from the beginning that letting Arthur convince him to take in the monster enthusiastic Sefortia had been a mistake, he wrote G’s disappearance off as ‘death caused by one’s own negligence.’