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SEE THE DAY || JOINING - Printable Version

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SEE THE DAY || JOINING - LIO. - 05-28-2020

He awakens in a field. It's not a place he's seen before, or even dreamed of before. He wonders how... why he got here, why his memories don't quite seem to match up with the location...

The last thing he remembers is... his powers draining. The strain between his body and the Promare he was anchored to. Strapped into a machine. His body disintegrating, turning into ashes with the force of it all. Trying desperately to stay afloat, alive. Galo... where was Galo?


Rage fills him, explosive. Hot and boiling over. He stands on his four, trembling with it. Realizing... noticing then, that. He was standing on more legs than usual. Looking down at his body, finding fur. Paws. A tail. He checks over every inch of himself that he could, all dark fur, fur that caught the sunlight in such an odd fashion. All of this seemed painfully familiar. Horribly. With his memories and this... strange reality so soon, so intertwined now, he finds it... hard, to grasp his current situation.

He was a cat. He was in an unfamiliar place.

Kray was alive and still out there. Galo was... not here. And neither were Meis. Gueira. He was alone. It wasn't anything new to him, the concept was easy for him to grasp. But this new body, the way he distinctly remembers feeling himself die...

It was confusing. He'd expected death to be the end, that the ashes that scattered from his fingertips, his legs, were just. Gone.

And yet. Here he stood, tail lashing back in forth in agitation. Had this happened to the other Burnish? Were they waiting for him, somewhere beyond this grassy plain?

Not far off, he notices a gate... railroad tracks. A road to civilization. He begins to make his way over, keeping his eyes and ears open for anyone---anything that might be hiding. It doesn't take him long to reach the tracks, to notice the bell. Lio sniffs about, trying to catch the scent of anything. Anyone. A clue, a marker. Something to let him know that someone was around. Finding only what he can determine are border marks, he quietly makes his way over to the bell, slowly reaching a paw out to ring it. Beneath the bell, as it tolls, he hears hissing, and leaps back, noticing the black mambas. His fur stands on end as he stares at the bell, at the bucket of snakes, his tail thrashing from side to side. Waiting, for one to slither out. Itching to get away from whoever thought that was a good idea.

And perhaps it was, if they didn't want visitors.

Re: SEE THE DAY || JOINING - Luciferr - 05-28-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
Given his recent return he had made a habit of avoiding the borders, wary of the strangers that came across it but far more interested in getting to know the home he’d been ripped away from so many months ago - but today his idling route brought him closer to the railroad tracks and thus within range of the bell.

Jaime’s ears flicked forwards, alert at the noise and the child deliberated on going over to check before finally deciding he could always simply spy from the jungle he was currently in when he neared the sand.

He slowed as he got near the treeline, peering from the dense undergrowth that hid his small form in shadows and peered out.

A dark furred feline seemed to be the culprit, one standing well aback from the mambas in their baskets - Jaime’s eyes narrowed in thought before finally deciding to emerge though he remained somewhat tense, untrusting of the maybe inherent good nature in strangers that willingly rang for their answer.

“Who are you and what brings you here?”

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: SEE THE DAY || JOINING - bubblegum - 05-29-2020

Re: SEE THE DAY || JOINING - ROXANNE R. - 05-30-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
The sound of the bell ringing was something she was accustomed to hearing and she knew what it usually meant, an ally or a new face wanting to join the Typhoon. The Reaver rose to her paws slowly grimacing at the slight pain in her side though she did her best to ignore it, ribs that were slowly mending themselves was taking quite a bit of time and made breathing painful so Roxanne tried her best in not overworking herself. It was a difficult task seeing as there was so much work to do around the island and Roxanne wanted to do her part to make sure that her clan and family would continue to thrive, a soft sigh left slightly parted maw as she would make her way over in the direction of the chiming bell. Her ears twitching at the sight of both her niece and her son, Jaime, a small smile tugging at her lips though her eyes would fixate onto the feline who had rung the bell. The Reaver would roll her shoulders briefly only to nod slowly to the joiner brushing past Goldie gently and would stand beside her son with both ears perked forward. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SEE THE DAY || JOINING - roan ; - 05-30-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The tolling of the bell brought with it the promise of a new soul – or souls – within the Typhoon, a prospect which was both terrifying and exciting to young Roan. Exciting because it meant new friends, new histories to learn about, and new avenues to possibly be explored. Terrifying, because it also meant a new face to watch over from afar, desperately hoping that they wouldn't be hurt so badly he wouldn't be able to help them. He kept these fears to himself for the most part, not wanting anyone to lose faith in their sage just because of his anxieties, but occasionally they bubbled over, like when he had vented his frustrations to Piers. However, he would not let the worry deep down inside prevent him from seeing what was going on. Cousin Goldie wouldn't let her fears rule her, nor would his mama. He wanted to follow in their footsteps, and that meant not giving up, even when he was exhausted. With this in mind, the draconic feline got up from the sand where he had been napping, popping back into his family's hut for a moment to grab his bag. If this new person was injured in any way, he wanted to make sure he was well prepared. Once he had everything, Roan turned and headed out, padding after the scent of his mother towards the bell and the tracks.

It wasn't too long before Roan came up beside his mother, joining the welcoming party consisting entirely of his family. Seeing Jaime look so tense made the siamese frown slightly, but he didn't say anything about it, not wanting to call the other out. He was glad to have his little brother back, but what exactly had happened while he was gone? Was he okay? Roan bit his tongue and forced himself to look back at Lio, thankfully mostly distracted by the other's... unique appearance. The dark fur was familiar, considering uncle Michael was dark in coloration as well, but the iridescence of it made it so that Roan couldn't help but stare. Feeling a little bashful about his inspection of the newcomer, the sage hastily lifted his head, muttering quickly, "A—And if you have any injuries, I can take care of them." He hadn't seen any injuries on the other male while looking him over, but it was a good enough excuse to have been staring. He didn't want Lio to think that he found him weird or offputting. It was just the first time he had seen someone's fur change color like that without shapeshifting. He had heard of scales changing color in certain lighting, but he had never heard of a feline's fur doing the same.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: SEE THE DAY || JOINING - LIO. - 05-31-2020

It didn't take long for someone to show up. Or rather, a whole group of people---felines. At least one seemed to be wary of him. Perhaps they didn't want visitors. But the others.... aside from a little staring, didn't seem to be unfriendly. Lio simply sits, curling his tail around his paws, making himself less of a threat. The claws were away, and he was attentive. Open.

The one that was quickest to arrive asks for his name and purpose here. ...His name. It takes Lio a moment to remember, as his eyes drift from feline to feline, all of them odd, unfamiliar shapes, with horns and burns, and wings. It was a strange sight, but. He supposed things were already fairly strange for him today. He wasn't one to judge based on appearances, anyways. He catches Roan's eye, for a moment, but thinks nothing of it.

"My name is Lio Fotia. I'm not from here." He says simply, calmly. "I don't mean any harm. I apologize for disturbing you. And your snakes."

Lio glances at the bell, the bucket of black mambas hidden beneath. That was not an experience he was keen to repeat.

"I'm not hurt, either." He smiles at Roan, appreciating the offer. He continues, "I'm looking for somewhere to live. I smelled the border here, and figured this was a good place to start."

From the response, and the amount of cats that had arrived to meet him, Lio was inclined to believe so.

Re: SEE THE DAY || JOINING - bubblegum - 06-06-2020

Re: SEE THE DAY || JOINING - Luciferr - 06-07-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
the tense feeling leaves him gradually as more and more of his family show up to greet the stranger - Lio, no longer a stranger but a new recruit it seems to be - the cub’s slitted sea green eyes flickering up to his cousin, grateful for her arrival most of all when it came to strangers and just what they might be doing here.

At least until his mother also joins them and his older brother - so many he has yet to catch up with but given the territory, there seemingly hasn’t been time - briefly inclining his head to brush against mother’s while Goldie and Lio speak to each other.

Intent clear, Jaime’s eyes flick to the topic of conversation - the mambas, still hissing in their baskets - he doesn’t have much in the way of opinions on them, they’re merely tradition and well, he has yet to be harmed by snakes - mostly larger predators so far in his young lifetime.

He peers quietly at the strange furred feline - it almost reminds him of Luci’s scales except the polar opposite with how the light played off of them - before nodding ”Jaime” taking his queue from his older cousin - and well it would be awkward not to give his name.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: SEE THE DAY || JOINING - LIO. - 06-10-2020

The tiger's shared disgust towards the mambas was... heartening, to say the least. He wasn't sure how safe it was, or healthy it was for the snakes, to keep them couped up like that, but.... he supposed they served a purpose. He kept his eyes on the tiger as she continued to speak then, telling him a recent meteor showers that decimated their territory, how there was much work to be done. That he was welcome, so long as he could pull his weight.

Perhaps living and working here would help him find out exactly what happened to him. Or why. He nods, as she finishes speaking, the tip of his tail curling. That was.... easier than expected, but he supposed they were all hands on deck, at this point.

"I'm happy to be here. I'm willing to help, in any way that I can." And he was. He was not one to sit down while others were struggling. He made a mental note, to check on the rebuilding efforts as soon as he could, to lend a paw where needed.

As the tiger introduces herself, both in name and in title, he simply bows his head. While he historically took issue with authority, she had done no wrong by him, and he did appreciate the warm welcome.

The first one to arrive offers his name as well, and Lio smiles softly at him.

"Pleased to meet you, Captain. And you as well, Jaime."


\\ dw about it!!! life happens!!! im sorry for MY late reply jdfh,gjhfdgjhfdgfd

Re: SEE THE DAY || JOINING - Luciferr - 06-13-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
the iridescent feline seems certainly willing to help, which Jaime counts as a point in their favour - another being that they’ve been unfailingly polite so far, which considering some joiners they might get, it was nice to have the straightforward yet well mannered meetings.

Seeing as no one else had spoken again yet and with a glance up at Goldie, the younger cousin decided to speak up ”we can take you to the tempest to find you a room? I’m not sure a tour is possible with the damage” barracuda bay was the other place where lodgings could be found but alas the meteor’s turmoil likely left that place half ravaged itself - the safest place to rest might simply be the great anchored ship for now.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion