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FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - Printable Version

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FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - ROXANNE R. - 05-28-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]

A close ally to the Typhoon, Roxanne always felt comfortable within her homeland yet she figured that she would branch out. Whether it be the sake to meet the rest of the Rouxs that resided here or to ensure the clans continued to have strong ties with one another. A faint smile on her maw as she moved along the swamp with a lash of her tail, her eyes moving about only to find herself at the border wincing as her paws had sunk into the muck underneath her. Ah, how quaint. She never had this problem with the beaches over in the Typhoon although, she was sure that she would grow accustom to it in no time soon. She knew of a single reptile out here that resided within the swamp that prodded her interest; alligators.

Roxanne absolutely loved the scaly brutes back at home specifically her beloved Kalayavan, who had been rather distraught when he had seen her leaving the Typhoon, she promised that she would come back home. She might be switching back and forth but she was certain that she could handle it well enough. The Reaver would shake off a bit of the muck from her paws and shifted her wings a little bit only to speak up after clearing her throat "Aurum?" She would call out slowly only to pause trying to recall the Tanglewood leader's name, funnily enough, it sometimes felt like Aurum was leading but she always had to remind herself that he wasn't in charge. Leroy! That was his name. "Leroy? Hello," There was a brief pause before she would finish with a sheepish grin "I'm here to have a dual membership," To her dismay, she would learn that Aurum had left. She wouldn't know until someone broke the news to her.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - Blazic - 05-28-2020

Re: FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - Grimm - 05-28-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]A sight to behold that which next traipsed forth with relish.

Unshackled from the experience of prior events, cruel the eyes of fortunate laid upon the outskirts of untamed wilds held in a tentative peace, the child bore a weight his own. Aside it placed, however, allowed the broken string of muffled notes to drift from clenched teeth. Of a size dwarfed he who carried it with some difficulty the bucket barely held aloft above the churned sediment was coated with mud. Inside similar may be found, yet the manner of odd movement spoke of unknowing companions.

Deposited upon the gathered mess of moisture stricken earth his prized possession, the halt of his movement one not overly graceful. Owlish the wide depths that perceived a scene rife with unnecessary confrontation, unease arising as his attention flicked between both present in turn. Yet it was to the unfamiliar he was drawn, a few hesitant steps drawing him forth until realisation struck. To his bucket did he once more turn, extracted something showing brief flashes of pink beneath its own covering of mud.

Again did he begin to move forward with tottering, slow steps, head held back at an odd angle with the worm balanced precariously on his muzzle. Bright the grin adorning his soft countenance as he presented the invertebrate, bouncing slightly as he shifted his weight back and forth between his paws.

Re: FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-28-2020

[glow=white,1,400]YOU FUCKING DISAPPOINT ME !。+゚.[/glow]
"Alright easy now," Vigenere's voice was calm as he approached the scene, having scented The Typhoon and followed the trail here. Luckily he was here to hear Roxanne's explanation of why she was here and the savannah dipped his head to her. "She's here to be apart of Tanglewood while also being in Typhoon." A duel membership, huh? Vigenere hadn't heard of that concept in forever. "I'm no high position here, but I personally don't see an issue with it." He smiled at Roxanne, hoping that Snarl's actions wouldn't scare her off. "She is right through -" He added, gesturing to Snarl with his tail. "- Aurum is gone. No idea where he went." It was a shame, they lost their deputy. At least in a military perspective, losing a high position like that was bad and he hoped Leroy chose a successor soon.

"It would be nice to know your name," Vigenere quickly went on. "I'm Vigenere Cipher." Strange how he wouldn't have even bothered to introduce himself to a Typhooner, given how they had previously housed Caesar, but they were now allies; he was practically forced to be friendly with them at this point.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - safflower - 05-29-2020

the border was the main base of safflower's shenanigans, rarely delving deeper into the marshlands than he had to. really the outskirts were where the most action occurred, it seemed. aside from the typical movement from the swamp gators, it seemed their borders attracted attention from all sorts of characters, including himself.

his scent was practically indistinguishable from the rest, having visited so much he could pass off as a new blood at this point. his fun around here just kept getting better and better, honestly.

he remained up in one of the trees above roxanne and the others, his body hidden within the dense foliage of the branches, the eyeshine of his eyes the only thing visible. his gaze stuck primarily to snarl, finding her the easiest target out of them all. she was snappy, irritable. he would enjoy seeing her humbled, if just a little.

safflower looked around before pressing his paws flat against the branch he rested on, feeling for the growing roots that had practically cemented themselves into the earth. it took some effort lifting one of the shorter ones from its place within the muck, raising it from a few inches away and using it to flick a wad of mud at the hyena from behind. just as quickly as he had risen the tree's root, he pulled it back down with a small plip from the muddy waters, covering his mouth with his paw to muffle his giggles.

Re: FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - CAUSTIC. - 05-29-2020

They could smell the sea salt, first. It was a scent that still lingered to Octavio's pelt, between Tanglewood's swamp and Caustic's lingering coffee scent. It was something they didn't want to acknowledge- with their heightened senses, they could pick up these things about the other. Caustic's gas carried an aroma of almonds and coffee, and Octane's general lack of care left him with some scent of copper and iron. It'd rubbed off on each other.

Caustic cringes at the thought- it represented some form of closeness that he would rather not acknowledge at all. The wolf watches as Octane catches the scent now, too, and Caustic studies for his reaction.

So he had uh.... kinda left on a sour note. Octane kind of just stole a bunch of their wack ass juice, grabbed his shit, and left. He fucking hated sand and trying to help them out... was there a nice way to put it? Didn't want to. It wasn't... he hums, trying to think it over. Why did he leave? He just... got bored, perhaps? There was only so many times he could run laps around the Typhoon before he wanted to smash his head in. Ugh, but now one of them was here... Octane doesn't want to be reminded.

The wolf is already pulling him away, though, because it's Caustic's job now. What a loser, having responsibilities.

Caustic comes from the surroundings now, Octane at his heels, gas puffing from his face with each breath. The wad of mud is already midair when he glances away from its arc to the subject in question. "I don't believe we've met," or if they did, he didn't care to remember. "I am Dr. Caustic, Guardsman," he hates this, but now he has to do this. Joiners were trivial and never worth his time, but courtesy is a requirement.

"Hi Roxie! What are you doing here? Hermana, I thought this place a little too gross for you?" at least, that's what he says before he can truly think it over. Didn't Roxie seem more like the clean type or something? Octane tries to rack his brain- wasn't she like? His face furrows into confusion beneath his mask and goggles.

"Regardless, as the others said, Aurum has departed us," one less person to subjugate him for continuing his scientific achievements, he thinks. "And you are... Roxie, it seems. Why are you interested in a dual-alliance?"

// written at 4AM let me know if I need to clear anything up!


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - ROXANNE R. - 05-29-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
The first one to appear didn't really startle her nor did she understand why the other was so hostile when Roxie was standing at the border not having set a paw onto Tanglewood land quite yet. Roxanne had dealt with angrier people before like her brother, Pincher, whenever he didn't get his cigs but she pushed that thought away only to fixate her mismatched gaze onto the female with amusement creeping onto her face. How cute. With a twitch of her whiskers would she add with a shrug of her shoulders "I've already stated my business, hon." And she wasn't going to repeat herself for the sake of Snarl no matter what kind of gibberish began to pour from her maw, the amusement didn't die down for a moment. Was this how they treated all of their close allies? Man, Roxie would be sure to let her niece know with a bout of giggles. She would lift up a muddied paw up to her chest beginning to introduce herself with her smile still intact "Reaver Roxanne Roux of the Typhoon," It was funny, the three Rs but apparently that's how they would present themselves within the Typhoon so Roxanne would do it for the hell of it. It seems like the hyena didn't have much patience but frankly, Roxanne had plenty of it so she continued to watch with laughter dancing in her gaze. Is this was Kaz had handled all these months? She wondered why he left to begin with the people seemed to fun to poke at, she'd tease him about it later. He was just as much as a hothead. Suddenly, a wad of mud had been flung over in the direction of Snarl. Ah, a soft fit of giggles left her maw.

When a child approached her and offered the worm, she was caught off at first but her smile only grew as she would gently take the wriggling creature into her grip. Her ears twitching lightly as she watched the invertebrate wiggle within her paw although, Roxanne didn't have much of a clue as to what to do with it. Was she supposed to eat it? Keep it safe and nurture it? Several questions buzzed throughout her mind but her stance would shift a bit looking back at the child offering a warm smile and her gaze softened to one of a mother for that was what she was "Thank you, I love them." She would sit down deciding to let the worm continue to wiggle onto her shoulder and made sure that she didn't drop them the entire time.

Deciding she had enough fun with the hyena would her gaze switch over to Vignere and her pupils narrowed for a moment, no, that wasn't Caesar. If she had remembered correctly her boy had torn a bit of the felines tail and this tomcat had a different set of scars than the exiled member of the Typhoon. She would roll her shoulders a bit and adjusted her pupils so they weren't simply dangerous slits staring at the taller male. Though her smile faltered slightly when the news of Aurum had finally set in, what a shame, he might not have been leader but she was excited at the possibility of working with him in the future. She nodded slowly "Thank you for telling me," She decided to go with for now until the other presented his name to her did she perk her ears forward. Vignere Cipher. So he was related to the shithead that was Caesar. Interesting. She would nod slowly saying her name once more "Roxanne Roux but feel free to call me Roxie." But she was sure that everyone would have their own variations of names for her along the way, it would be exciting to discover which but that would unfold eventually.

Her gaze locked onto the stranger who had thrown mud at the hyena and she only offered a large grin. If she had thumbs, which she didn't sadly, she would have offered a thumbs-up. Who wouldn't enjoy a prankster? Roxanne personally liked what he did, maybe that would humble the hyena a bit or piss her off more. Probably the latter yet Roxie was ready for whatever would unfold in front of her.

Once more would her gaze shift over to see one familiar and one unfamiliar face, Octane and some large brooding wolf. Dr. Caustic? Was he actually a doctor? He didn't look like one to her though her ears twitched a bit about to introduce herself for the third time until Octane finally spoke up. It was nice seeing him up and about recalling the last time they had met... When he had been hitting his paws against the floor to the song Bad Guy. Interesting fella. A giggle would leave her maw at the gross comment "This? You think this is too gross for more? I've been in more grotesque situations, hermano. I'm here to join obviously," She would lift her paw up a bit to shake some of the mud off only to direct her attention over to Caustic once more hearing once more that Aurum had left. Man, if only she had arrived sooner she could've chucked some mud at him. Oh well, she was sure that he would come around the Typhoon since he was well known there. "Yes, I'm Roxie or Roxanne. Pick your poison," There was a pause at his next question though she would offer with a slow nod of her head "I wanted to make sure the ties of the Tanglewood and the Typhoon remain strong as a Reaver, I figured the best way to ensure that was through a dual-alliance. And I was curious in meeting the rest of my family, the Rouxs. Since we're all over the god damn place," Roxie twitched her whiskers having taken a serious tone for that moment but she was peppy once more as she would add on with her usual smile "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vignere and Caustic." A pause only to continue "Nice to see you again too, Octane."

She would shake her paws out once more not caring about the muck that bad began to litter her coat, her eyes shifting over to Snarl "And you too, grumpy." Her eyes wandered over in dim direction of Safflower with that large grin of hers "And I'd love to get to know you," She'd pipe out. He seemed like someone who could take a joke, now, that was someone she would love to have as a friend. Friends. She hoped to make plenty of those here within Tanglewood. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - toboggan - 05-29-2020

Roxanne? Like that one Police song? Basing your first impressions of someone on anything other than their behaviour was an unwise decision, for sure, but goddamn... that song was a fucking jam. And, owing to the aforementioned fact that the song in question was a fucking jam, the wolfhound felt no discomfort in this curiously-designed individual's presence.

Eager pawsteps bring the male forward, signifying his moderately late entrance to the occasion. Whatever his tribemates had said prior to Roxanne's introduction wasn't perceived by him, and perhaps his belatedness was for the best - hearing multiple mentions of the deserter's name surely would have soured his adequate good mood. While unable to give ear to all that'd been said prior to his coming, the general arrived just in time to catch the newcomer's preamble.

Learning of her current status of Reaver only added to his preexisting ease, for he regarded the Typhoon as nothing less than trustworthy. On the other hand, however, gaining the knowledge of her last name sent waves of restlessness through his system. There were so many fucking Rouxs - hell, he even made a bedmate out of one. Either that family was a science experiment gone wrong, or their ancestors had a very productive spring one year.

"Another Roux, eh?" he muses, marking his first batch of dialogue in this encounter, "there's an endless supply of ya, I gotta say- not that that's a bad thing, of course." Pincher, Goldenluxury, Crow, Selby, Pastel, and now Roxanne. Quite the big creed, and that was just the folks he knew. Big families like that had big fortunes, especially when a hefty chunk of the family being discussed consisted of pirates. Perhaps the wolfhound would ask Crow about it later, and if he were entitled to a percentage of it due to his relationship with a family member.

"Roxanne," the canine croons quietly, roughly in tune to the song, before resuming a proper conversational tone, "how's the Typhoon been after - y'know - a fuckin' meteorite impact? Had the intentions of roundin' up some helpful folk to provide aid if need be, but we've got some cleanup efforts of our own to take care of first, unfortunately."

The male figured that all of the typical introductory bullshit had been covered already. The 'who are you' and 'what are your intentions' business. Thus, the mongrel hadn't anything new to add to the discussion. Oh, wait. "M'name's Leroy," he says, "General of Tanglewood."

Re: FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - OCTANE. - 05-30-2020

Octane's tail flicks as he thinks it over, "Ah, okay. I mean, fuck- hm-" he stomps the ground for a moment as he tries to put the words together. "You'll get dirty a lot. Lotsa mud. No sand, which is cool, I hate sand now, gets all in my legs," he blabbers, then pauses as Caustic clears his throat beside him.

Caustic's ears tilt back, gas puffing from his mouth in a huff, "It's Dr. Caustic." The wolf bores his gaze into Roxanne now, "If you're planning on staying here, you should refer to me as such." It's a respect thing- Caustic has one name and one name alone. Few close companions are allowed to drop the title from it, with Octavio being one of them. Caustic doesn't have much time to add anything else before the General arrives, and the wolf silences to let Leroy speak.


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by quibbs, commissioned by dangerjunkie

Re: FOLLOW ME INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN / dual membership - ROXANNE R. - 05-30-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Once Leroy had approached, the feline couldn't help but feel relieved in the slightest yet her ears would perk forward and twitch lightly as she offered the shaggy canine a smile. Hearing what he said made a giggle erupt from her maw "Oh yes, there's a lot of us. I was just as surprised to learn that when I became part of the family." Her tail would lash to the sides recalling when Pincher had taken her into the Roux family with open arms, she had became the first Roux to be adopted and it was such a special moment to her. It would never be taken from her is what she had decided when she stayed within the Typhoon with the rest of her new beloved family, a soft sigh leaving her lips. Though her ears would immediately perk up at the sound of her name but in a different tone, a tune, and her smile would only widen in that moment as she would add with a soft giggle "You don't have to put on the red light..." Soon after did the General inquire about the Typhoon's state and she would smirk with a light shrug of her shoulders "We've been well, we're starting to rebuild and clean the beaches of debris. You know us pirates, we're tough motherfuckers."

There was a pause as her smirk faltered hearing of Tanglewood's conditions, her whiskers would twitch lightly "That's alright. A wee angel dropped by after the meteor impact and he brought us a bit of supplies so that helped. Although, once the Typhoon is in better conditions. I'd be willingly to bring a small team to come help around here. We gotta watch out for each other as allies after all... But for now, I offer myself and will do as much as I can 'round here. Sound good?" Finally, the canine would introduce himself to her and she would give a subtle nod of her cranium "A pleasure to meet you, Leroy." There was a pause only for her to add with a large grin "It'll be a blast working with you," Her gaze would shift over back to Octane only offering a shrug, she didn't understand why he wanted her to leave but she had already decided on staying so she would do such. She glanced over to Caustic and had to put a paw over her maw as she muffled a bout of giggles "I'm sorry you want me to what?" She would clear her throat but only a few more giggles would make her body slightly tremble. Dr Caustic, huh? Where was his PHD? Hell, not even Roan or Ahab demanded such a title. It was just too amusing to her and she simply mewed with playful wink "That's a mighty request of ya, I'll try not to forget." She had officially joined, this was her second home. She would take a few steps forward into the beyond that was the swamp only to mew without turning around "Thanks Caustic,"

/ out! uwu[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]