Beasts of Beyond
Ame wa yamu koto wo shirazuni // p, margaery - Printable Version

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Ame wa yamu koto wo shirazuni // p, margaery - Roy Mustang - 05-08-2018

[ [member=449]Margaery[/member] ]

Roy wasn't exactly sure why he was padding into Margaery's garden. He was sure with the accident that happened recently, she probably would wish to be by herself, or at least keep members who are capable of producing flames out of her garden. Of course, Roy wasn't going to nor planned to snap his flint claws anytime soon, especially in a garden like this. Thankfully, Roy's fire power didn't work like Bastillepaw's; the melanistic bobcat has to manually ignite his flames with his mutated flint claws, with the flame array on his front paw pads and understanding what makes up a fire. And of course, there's also the deconstruction and reconstruction part of it too. It takes a lot for Roy to spark a single flame, huh?

But as he padded in, the flame alchemist gaze landed on the batch of roses. Just a few days ago, this batch of flowers were bursting with life, bloomed and absorbing the suns rays and getting the water they needed. Now, these roses showed signs of no life what so ever. They were all charred, the roses no longer had their beautiful red buds or prickly green stems. Instead they were black, some parts burned so much that some roses turned to ash. It was really a shame, considering the fact that the flame alchemist has finally gotten a chance to view her garden, she has put a lot of work into it. Roy knew he wouldn't be able to keep a garden going, even if he tried. Margaery clearly puts the effort into making sure her garden is healthy and thriving. He tore his gaze off of the burned batch, and his eyes began to scan the garden, before they fell on Margaery herself.

It looked like the feline was sitting in front of her lilies, which she seemed to be tending to. Looking back to that whole accident, Margaery almost lost her lilies too. There were some lilies that were burnt, but thankfully the majority of the flower was quite okay. Roy had arrived at the scene just in time to stop the fire, preventing any more lilies from getting harmed. He was unable to save the roses, those were destroyed. A sigh escaped his lips as he looked over at her, thinking back to the moment he saw her unconscious on the ground. He wasn't sure if a medic actually looked over her yet, but he still wondered how she was doing, as her lungs didn't seem to like the smoke very much.

With a flick of his ear, Roy made his way over to the chocolate point, his blue gaze landing on her. "How are you feeling?" Roy decided to make his presence known, hoping to grab her attention. "I don't believe we've officially met before, I'm Roy Mustang. I'm sorry about your roses, I didn't get here in time to save them."

Re: Ame wa yamu koto wo shirazuni // p, margaery - Margaery - 05-09-2018

How was Margaery feeling nowadays?

The short answer to such an inquiry would be a harshly said 'bad', for it seemed that her life had completely managed to turn itself upside down. She was not happy. Not in the slightest. But was stuck as to what she could even begin to do to fix the issues that she had inadvertently brought upon herself. A catatonic, self-destructive being as of late, she should have foresaw this outcome and yet, her turmoil had fallen onto blind eyes. Why? Why had she allowed this to happen? The only incident that had not been her fault had been the destruction of her garden but she still felt its ill-effects- ones that choked the very breath from her as she sat among the charred remains of something that was once beautiful.

The only thing that brought her any semblance of joy as of late was the fact that Suiteheart had managed to salvage her precious lilies. They, too, bore scars from the flames that had licked hungrily upon them, but unlike the roses that had been consumed in destruction's wake, had managed to survive on some lucky whim. She was sitting before them now actually, an empty gaze trained on one of the few that escaped with no damage.

How she envied that flower.

Margaery had been so lost among her own thoughts that she nearly didn't hear the sound of Roy's voice. She wondered, briefly, why he was here but decided not to question it. Had he not come along, her lilies would be nothing but ash. "Better," She lied quietly, forcing her attention to divert from her flowers to study the other male's face. [color=#b14767]"Margaery Mikaelson... it's a pleasure to meet you. Please, don't worry about the roses. You did all you could and for that, I'm appreciative."
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