Beasts of Beyond
every single night's alright — koc visitors - Printable Version

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every single night's alright — koc visitors - icarus. - 05-26-2020

The terrain here is completely unlike the moors; the soft, springy earth of the rolling hills gives way to harsh, craggy rock lined by a thin layer of flora between staggering peaks and valleys that stretch into the horizon. Icarus has crossed mountains before in his travels, but nothing like these — he's plenty relieved when the heavy scent of a border crashes over him in a wave and brings his ivory paws to a halt. He places the basket he'd carried along on the ground before him, glancing back to see if any of his clanmates had taken him up on the offer to tag along without falling behind. Idle green gaze shifts back to the territory that lies before him with a keen spark of curiosity lingering behind the thoughtful sheen. The golden tabby knows exceedingly little about any of the groups in this area — he'd come from somewhere much further away himself, and still he's known many clans in his days. Icarus doesn't know what to expect from Elysium, but he has at least some diplomatic experience to help him take whatever may come in stride.

He seats himself, unsure how long this will take but having no intention of leaving until it's done. "Hello," the Judge calls out, wasting no time in making introductions. If someone isn't already on their way, he hopes that his voice will summon them. Icarus blinks into the trees with a tilt of his head, as if expecting to find a pair of eyes staring back at him. Perhaps they are. "I'm Icarus, from the Knights of Concord. Just came to introduce ourselves, since we live not far from here," he carries on mildly, whiskers twitching. A pause follows. "...And we brought gifts," Icarus finally adds, maw easing into a smile. If that doesn't entice the Elysites to come say hello, he's not sure what will. Tail tapping gently against the ground, he falls silent and waits.

Re: every single night's alright — koc visitors - – 2D - 05-28-2020

There were people on the border that didn't smell of Elysium, but didn't seem interested in joining, either. That was... new. 2D hadn't yet had much experience with diplomatic encounters with other groups, but he supposed that today was as good a day as any to learn, especially since no one had approached them yet. Getting up from where he had been bathing lazily in the sun, the black eyed serval headed towards the direction of Icarus's voice, half tempted because of his duty as a decurion, and half tempted because of the promise of gifts. He was really just curious about what kinds of gifts a group called the Knights of Concord would bring with them. Little swords? Horses? The possibilities seemed endless to 2D's still slightly sleepy mind. When he finally reached the golden tabby and saw the basket full of gifts, he couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed it wasn't anything extravagantly knight themed. However, he kept this to himself, just offering Icarus a slightly groggy smile. After all, it would be rude to frown in the face of someone who had come to give you presents.

Stretching a little before he sat down, 2D glanced from side to side, the singer trying to see if anyone else was coming along before he spoke, "'Ello fere, Icarus. S'nice to meet you! M'name's 2D, and I'm a decurion 'ere in Elysium..." What next, what next? He really wished he had some kind of experience with this diplomatic stuff. Or that he had let someone else come to greet Icarus. Either way, he was in too deep now to stop, so he continued after a moment of thought, "'S'really nice of y'to bring us gifts! I wish I could give somefink back, but I'm afraid I've only brought myself." He laughed a bit at his own joke, hoping he didn't come off as awkward as he felt, "'Uh... so, who are fese Knights of Concord? What're you lot all about?" That seemed like a fine enough way to continue – ask them about themselves. That was what his mum would call neighborly.

Re: every single night's alright — koc visitors - kinglykingstone - 05-31-2020

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Cooper approached, head tilted as he listened to the speaking stranger. He took in the golden tabby, glad to see they were a friend and not foe. A new group forming, hm? Interesting to hear, he hoped they weren't going to end up aggressive. He took this introduction and gifts as a good sign though.

He greeting 2D with a nod, glad that the Decurion had been the ones to greet the visitor and had done so with kindness. "Welcome to our territory, Icarus, it is a pleasure to meet you." he greets, coming to a stop beside the purple feline. "I am Agent Dale Cooper, current Magna of The Elysium, but you can call me Cooper if you'd like!" he says, tail wagging slowly behind him. He decided to keep the fact that his leadership was only temporary to himself, now wanting it to be used against them at any time. "We much appreciate the gifts and can offer you a place to get a night's rest after your long trek," the old canine offers with a nod of his head. He hopes the visitor answers 2D's question about their group

Re: every single night's alright — koc visitors - spacexual - 06-05-2020

Re: every single night's alright — koc visitors - Alastor - 06-08-2020

An unknown group appearing on their border peaked Alastor's interest, but he couldn't help but to wonder what their intentions were. After all, they only introduced their name. No policies were mentioned. Their gifts, at least to Alastor, were lackluster and held no meaning. They would need to prove themselves otherwise. As of right now, his suspicion remained true. The canine couldn't help but let out a subtle sigh as he wandered over, awaiting further words from Icarus. Perhaps they would provide useful information... Rather than a bribe.