Beasts of Beyond
Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. - Meeting 5/21 - Printable Version

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Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. - Meeting 5/21 - kinglykingstone - 05-21-2020

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Cooper plodded into town, an odd nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach as he approached the meeting area. The old canine took a moment to cit in the center of the cavern to look around, centering himself. "Elysium, please gather!" he would crow, patiently waiting for the members to gather. He wasn't surprised at the questioning looks he would receive as they approached.

"First and foremost, let me address your confusion. After recent events, Warringkingdoms has decided to temporarily step down and asked me to lead in her place. A pause to gauge reactions. "I have been speaking with her and any major decisions made today are relayed from her! Any questions you have that I cannot answer, I will take to her but I ask you to give her time rest!"

He thought back to what his friend had told him and decided to start with the most serious of the matters. Ignoring the flare of anger in his chest that rose, he began to speak. "Caeser Cipher has been exiled and we have denied him a trial due to the severity of his actions and having GoldenLuxery as a witness to his actions. We also have her to thank for helping Warringkingdoms during his attack." He wasn't sure of the groups treatment of exiled, he would have to ask Rin. If it was up to him, Caeser would be attacked and killed on sight for what he did.

As he allowed that to sink in, he mulled over what to discuss next. Promotions and demotions should be done next, that way he could close off with plans. "Next is the discussion of ranks! Due to her seeming disappearance, Mistrim is sadly demoted. If you see her please let us know as we are worried for her whereabouts and do hope she is faring well." His eyes scan over the crowd, hoping to find her standing among the members. "In brighter news, we would like to promote 2D to Decurion! Congratulations! If you don't mind meeting up with me later, I'd like to discuss some things!

"Also a big welcome to Loey, Jill, and Winston! It's wonderful to see some new faces and if you'd, or any others, would like to step forward and take the oath to become proper members of the Elysium, just do so and we can get that started!"

Right, there was one other thing Rin wanted him to say on that topic... Ah yes! "Also, shout out to Playerone for being active! It's nice seeing you around!" A smile was on the male's face as he cocked his head to the side as he thought. "That's everything I have from WarringKingdoms but I do have a few things to say myself!"

"Despite the unfortunate ending to the festival, the activities themselves went well and our visitors seemed to enjoy themselves! Once we have recovered, I wish to send them something as both a thank you for coming and an apology for the after event they had to experience in our land!"

He nods, a huff leaving him. "After these many brutal attacks, I want to focus on strengthening us as a group. If you believe that you are capable of teaching self defense skills and medicine or healing skills, please meet with me sometime soon! I'd love for us to begin some classes to help others! As well, if you have healer skills please let it be known and let those injured in the attack to come to you for help!"

"That's everything for today! Any questions?"

Coop and I are currently temporarily in charge! At the moment it's only for about a month!
Welcome to [member=13759]Jill Valentine.[/member] [member=961]LOEY.[/member] and [member=13752]Winston R.[/member] !!!
Minstrim has been demoted but 2D has been promoted! congrats!
cooper wants to help the members grow and is looking for some people willing to lead some classes!
that's all the major stuff and I hope you're all doing well!

Re: Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. - Meeting 5/21 - Alastor - 05-22-2020

Upon hearing the call of another canine, the Elysite's head whipped around. Purple hues narrowed in on them. To hear a new voice doing meetings was... strange. Alastor had never seen Cooper himself, but if Warringkingdoms trusted them in their place, then so be it.  He held no authority here. His word was practically nothing unless he demanded it, but with his good reputation lately, the doberman pinscher kept his mouth shut. Someone should give him a gold star. With that thought in mind, he wandered forward. (Though, who knows, this could be a crazy elder and his delusions too. That would be interesting. Alastor just rolled with the entertainment anyways.)

The canine wandered to the front and sat down. Ears pointed up towards the sky, listening to Cooper's words carefully. So their leader was on break temporarily? Understandable. If the Gods kept trying to damn him, he'd be off relaxing too. As for Caesar, no surprise. An exile seemed like a fitting punishment. No trial woudldn't have been his choice, since he did enjoy watching someone struggle to find a reason, but it was logically understandable. Besides those announcements, the rest seemed to be a snooze. Elysium's normal promotions and demotions, along with generalized declarations, never interested him unless it pertained to his liking.

With a yawn, he turned away. Alastor began to travel out but Cooper's last words caught his attention. His position stiffened, questioning whether or not he should step up. Memories of healing his brother's gruesome wounds and catering to his own flashed through his mind. Their father had been a monster to them. From his desperate experiments to mental abuse, he was a dastardly man. At least he could thank his father for one thing: medical knowledge. Breaking free from his thoughts, the canine spoke up. "I'm willing to attend to the wounded if need be." Hosting a practice session wasn't out of the question either.

Re: Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. - Meeting 5/21 - – 2D - 05-23-2020

Hearing the call of someone asking all of Elysium to gather that distinctly wasn't Rin was... odd, to say the least. Although 2D had not yet been present for a full fledged official meeting, he had still been around long enough for Rin to tell them to gather. However, Cooper wasn't Rin, and as far as the serval was aware, Rin hadn't chosen a deputy type or anything either. Confusion gleaming in his deep black eyes, the long legged feline found himself padding up shortly after Alastor, sitting down to listen to the news. So Rin was temporarily stepping down? He supposed that made sense, considering what he had heard she had just gone through, yet the male still found a worried frown tugging at his muzzle. What if Rin never returned to her position? Was she going to be okay? Was there some way he could help? Nervous thoughts churned in the singer"# head, so overwhelming he almost missed the majority of the news that Cooper was delivering. The exile of Caesar was of note to 2D, considering he hadn't been around for Rin's attack, but he trusted her judgement. After all, this place was all about justice, and he didn't think they would throw that all away just to toss one guy out. It was a little disappointing, considering 2D had been hoping to make a friend of the brightly colored feline, but if Caesar was in the habit of attacking people... perhaps it was for the best that he wouldn't be around any longer.

The next thing to come up was demotions. The demotion of Mistrim made sense, considering 2D hadn't even seen the female since he had first joined the mountain dwelling group. However, the more surprising part was that he was promoted. To decurion. The serval found himself blinking a coupe of times, an open expression of surprise upon the male's face. He had been around quite a bit as of late, but to say he was expecting anything like this would've been a huge overstatement. He had always figured promotions within these groups were just for big personalities that were cutthroat enough to get to the top. Still, he was glad to be wrong. A little grin came to the male's muzzle as he focused his dark gaze on Cooper, saying cheerfully, "Fank you! M'really 'onored y'fought of me... I'll be fine with meetin' up later!" He wasn't exactly sure what his new position in the group hierarchy would entail, but he was sure he would find out after his conversation with Cooper. The entire exchange filled the young serval with both a jittering feeling of excitement, as well as a healthy mix of nervousness – he wanted to do a good job, of course.

After that came welcomes, as well as a bit of information from Cooper's own perspective. 2D found himself simply nodding along with most of it, taking it all in. He was glad that the festival had gone off mostly positively, even with the rather unpleasant ending to it all. When he heard Cooper speaking about sending things to those that had attended, he found himself sinking his claws in and out of the ground before he spoke, "I might be able t'bring somefink to someone... once we're ready to." He didn't exactly have great self defense or healing skills, but he was enough of a traveler in the past with Murdoc in order to know how to get to places quickly, and with as few hitches as possible.