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Sticks and stones ☁️ Fishing - Printable Version

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Sticks and stones ☁️ Fishing - RB Graveyard - 05-21-2020

You're alive and so am~

The boy had grown, his legs long and slender and Wheatley finally grew into his ears. The dogs nose was still a brownish pink and he still had the faint smell of puppy breath, but his size and weight alone told him he had grown much more than he had thought. Wheatley's painted coat had darkened in colour, but still had those soft white edges. The boy supposed his sister had grown too, but he hadnt really seen her around lately. He preferred to stay up on the mountain; wanted to get a good view of his mother, but the days had been getting hotter and much longer. The dog didnt know what to do with himself.

He could go into town, maybe by the shore? Wheatley carefully made his way down off the side of the small mountain, his toes digging into the rocky dirt. Staying up in the mountains all day, well it made him think. Some thoughts we wonderful thoughts like trying salmon or when he ate a butterfly..others weren't so great like why did their mother leave. Were they not good enough for her, was he not good enough for her to stick around? Where was their father, did he think that Honey and him arent good enough?

Shaking his head lightly, Wheatley had made his way to the sandy shore of the sea town. While exhaustion pulled at his legs, he didnt feel like laying down. "Does anyone know where i can find a fisherman?" he asked aloud.


Re: Sticks and stones ☁️ Fishing - Alastor - 05-22-2020

With the sun above their head and the warm weather, Elysium seemed to be getting back on track. Plus, the last of that dickish crow god seemed to perish. Alastor thought he deserved a break because of that... or at least that was the reasoning for him being idle. The doberman's legs sprawled out lazily in the sand as he laid on the shore. His eyes stared out into the horizon. Thoughts of pleasure and grandeur came to him easily as he relaxed. He was clearly enjoying his time alone. Unfortunately for him, his serene environment was crudely interrupted by the gawking of an incessant pup.

Weary eyes pulled away from the sky. Purple orbs narrowed at the other canine, letting out a soft sigh. "Do you not know how to hunt?" he questioned genuinely. For a young Elysite, Alastor wouldn't be surprised, but Wheatley seemed to be the appropriate age to start learning. He kept his trap shut though. It wasn't the time for his cocky remarks.

Re: Sticks and stones ☁️ Fishing - fulzanin - 05-22-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony hadn't interacted with most the people within Elysium. It was new, and still getting around and all. A type of person that Clony hadn't heard of before was 'fisherman'. A term like that was unfamiliar to the bat, who's large ears allowed for it to easily hear the question at hand. Paw. Technically paw, nobody had hands. Clony barely grasped what hands were. Deciding that such a thought was off topic, the bat gave a sharp shake of their head before closing their wings in a dive and descending downward.

"Hunting is stupid and overrated," Clony would chatter in their ever present telepathic manner. Their landings were getting better, meaning that it wouldn't wind up crashing into either of the two present and speaking. The second one to speak seemed like they'd be less tolerant to such a crash landing with the sigh that followed their words. Clony was unable to eat meat, and its ears twitched a little. Was a fisherman a hunter? Hard to think about such a strange term when it didn't know the true meaning. "I don't know where one is, but I'm down to help you look! If you'd like, of course." It then added in, fluffy tail swinging behind them. It didn't know what they'd even be looking for, but the youth seemed like they grasped the term. It'd only be fair for the flying creature to offer their services - especially if it meant getting out and about and doing things, meeting more people for sure!

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: Sticks and stones ☁️ Fishing - Alastor - 05-22-2020

Finding himself inevitably interrupted, Alastor paws pushed off the ground and haunches pulled himself into a standing position. Unbeknownst to him, a new arrival had approached. No crash landing either thankfully. The doberman pinscher, as suspected, would not be tolerant to such a thing. With the flap of wings passing through and the chatter of Clony, his pointed ears turned. For an animal who prominently focused on pests and insects, he was confused on why they'd dislike hunting. The act was important for their survival. Maybe this bat species specialized in a different diet though, so he chose not to argue. "If it's overrated that I need it to live, then so be it," he grumbled silently before trailing off.

Gaze shifting from Clony to Wheatley, he continued on. "If it's really necessary, I'll offer my services and catch you a fish," Alastor remarked. "Or I can teach you." As long as they didn't get snappy, they were on acceptable terms. Fishing would go south otherwise.

Re: Sticks and stones ☁️ Fishing - – 2D - 05-24-2020

Truth be told, 2D had never really been a great hunter. Even before his fucked up vision and head injuries, he had never been great at stalking prey with his long limbs, or avoiding his lanky shadow showing over the water while fishing. It was unfortunate, but he tried to make up for his shortcomings in other ways, like making people laugh or singing for them. He had been trying to contribute more to the food pile within Elysium, but no matter how hard he tried, hunting came no easier to him than it had before. Unfortunately, this meant that he wouldn't be of much help with Wheatley's endeavour. Still, the decurion found himself drawn over, his head tilted to one side as he looked over the little group around the boy. He frowned when he heard Clony's words, shifting a little before he spoke, "I don't really fink it's overrated. Like 'e said, s'necessary for most of us t'live..." He gestured his head over towards Alastor, still not one hundred percent sure of the canine's name – and he certainly didn't want to try guessing and get it wrong.

When Alastor looked toward Wheatley and offered his assistance, 2D found his black eyes lighting up with delight. The male was offering to teach about fishing? The serval had certainly tried to learn about it in the past, but perhaps he had simply never had the right teacher who could make it seem easy. Glancing between Alastor and Wheatley, 2D found himself piping up before long, "You... y'should take 'im up on 'is offer! Fishin' can be really useful, not t'mention fun." Perhaps if Wheatley agreed to some lessons, 2D could tag along as well to see what Alastor would say. He would try to be discreet about it, not wanting to admit that he didn't have a firm grip on the principles of hunting and fishing.

Re: Sticks and stones ☁️ Fishing - kinglykingstone - 05-25-2020

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him forever," quotes the old dog as he approaches, eyes landing on each of the others one-at-a-time. Most of the faces were dissapointedly unfamiliar, but he had plans to change that. The Magna, gave a smile at the offers of teaching bouncing around, lifting his long head.

"Perhaps we could all head down to the beach or the docks and fish together as a group!" He suggests, hoping they would all agree. He thought it may be a good way for them all to get to know eachother, which was something he really felt like would help the group grow. Everyone needed another to support them.

Re: Sticks and stones ☁️ Fishing - fulzanin - 05-25-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony's fluffy ears twitched, hearing Alastor speak out his retort to Clony's words. The herbivore knew not the struggles of carnivores, the bat barely having any knowledge of dietary trees as is. "I just don't see why most of you go through the trouble of killin' stuff when there's plants just, y'know, around," It chattered in its telepathically chirpy tone. Their weight shifted from side to side, watching as more approached. 2D, affirming the first to rebuttal's statement, earning a jagged flick of the bat's tail. "I can view it however I want," It grumbled, head and ears lowering to a more pouty position.

At the offer of going down as a group from the latest to arrive at the scene, Clony felt their ears rise of their own accord. It didn't really understand fishing, much less what a fish was. Pearly eyes flicked from one side to another. "Maybe I could come? See what this 'hunting' and 'fishing' business is all about and why you all choose to need it," Clony chattered, delight ringing in their tone. "And then when you fall in the water I can laugh! That's fun stuff, right? Pretty sure it is. I'm going with that." Continuing to speak, the bat flapped their wings a few times to lift up into the air. Sure, with Clony's thick fur and mutated body, it likely wasn't going to be of much help with learning to - and performing - fishing techniques. Excited it was, nonetheless, giving something it deemed overrated a chance. What could go wrong for at least trying? Not much, it hoped internally, spinning somewhat from where it was trying to hover in the air.

TAGS 3/17/20: