Beasts of Beyond
guess i overdid it / open - Printable Version

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guess i overdid it / open - alaric g. - 05-21-2020

    The tremors had come and gone, but the effects lingered regardless. Moth was dead, Vigenere had been injured, and Alaric's vision in his left eye was no longer spoken for, among others. He'd neglected to tell anyone about his affliction out of a sheer lack of real trust for any of his fellow Tanglers.

    His medical journals had listed off many potential symptoms of suddenly becoming monocular, including the loss of depth perception and an inability to track moving objects. Judging distances accurately was a thing of the past. No longer could Alaric hunt for his prey as he usually preferred to do; he'd miss his mark by a wide margin each and every time. He now had to result to the food stores in the tavern to sustain himself. Reaching out to move things was difficult as well, and oftentimes he had to try to reach for a particular object two or three times before he would finally grasp whatever he happened to be trying to get.

    Embarrassingly, Alaric had also begun to bump into things on the afflicted side. He was sure that under his fur was a number of bruises, each earned from a bump into a wall or the door of his home. No, it wasn't pleasant, and no, he hadn't adjusted. He was unsure if he ever would fully quite adjust to it, either. How the hell did Aurum do it?

    How no one had noticed was beyond him, honestly. To him, his change in behavior was dramatic, but perhaps it wasn't quite as drastic of a change for everyone else as it had been for him. His demeanor had certainly changed, though; he'd been a bit more temperamental lately, and he'd also been even more guarded than he usually was. Noticeably so, in fact. Coping with such a large change in his life was something that he needed to deal with on his own, although for the most part he tried to suppress any feelings of incompetence or anger that came as a consequence of his injury.

    To that end, Alaric had made the decision to leave his home for the day. Because of the collapse of many houses within the town, he'd reluctantly allowed a family to move into his home for the time being until they had either located a new home or rebuilt the one they already had. They mostly kept to themselves, but they were incessantly loud. On occasion they would attempt to reach out to him for casual conversation, and each and every time Alaric had managed to scramble for an excuse to take the emergency exit to that situation. Today was one of those days.

    Presently it was not yet nighttime, but instead that period of twilight where the sun's final rays are just barely holding out above the horizon. As a result there were not many creatures milling about aside from himself and the occasional Tangler. This was fine with him.

    One of Alaric's least favorite things about losing his eyesight was the fact that it was now significantly easier for someone or something to sneak up on him. So much so, in fact, that Alaric had been completely unaware of the Tangler that was approaching him on his left side, and at a rapid pace, too. This particular NPC had a penchant for catching his tribemates off guard, as well, judging by the "Boo!" that the NPC called out to Alaric with.

    The sudden intrusion into Alaric's thoughts, which would have previously been impossible but now was due to the loss of sight in his eye, caused him to recoil in fright. Recovering nearly immediately, he turned to the NPC with his ears pinned back and his lips peeled in anger. "What the fuck!" came his initial shout. "Are you kidding me? Who the fuck sneaks up on people like that?" The NPC promptly retreated upon becoming the brunt of Alaric's fury. The tabby watched with one eye as the Tangler left, his anger subsiding just as soon as it had come. His wrath had been yet another product of his tendency to bottle up his insecurities and emotions, truly. But what he didn't know, was that he would have almost certainly seen the NPC coming had his sight been in tact, a fact which was likely very evident to any onlookers.
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: guess i overdid it / open - OCTANE. - 05-22-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


They were lucky to get out of the tremors mostly unscathed. Caustic's lab had been torn to shit and the vials of his venom knocked and shattered on the floor. They had hid under Caustic's bed, where the wolf hunched over him, to protect him.
Is that what Caustic could be like? Fucking wild.
Said wolf was toiling away with some raccoon in his lab like a loser, so Octane was free to cause havoc on Tanglewood. He approaches now, cackling in his weird chirping tone. Certainly a weird reaction- Octane lists a paw to his eye, trying to make the connection if there was something wrong.
Ah- what should he say? His tail flicks back and forth, "Amigo, cat got your eye?" Octane takes a few steps closer, his metal legs clacking against the earth.


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: guess i overdid it / open - Ivan - 05-25-2020

[Image: b94dbd8a-65a5-11ea-af51-45358cb49cc4.gif]
pixel by tricky

[div style="width: 300px; max-height: 100px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color: #152232; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align: justify;"]He kept fancying that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward and important — that he was striving toward some goal, perhaps very hard to attain.
— Бра́тья Карама́зовы

When all's said and done, Ivan was starting to realize that his little bubble of family wasn't the only one who suffered from the tremors. Was it selfish? No doubt about that, but there was little he could do to help that. Ivan's back often ached, a physical ramification of his injury during the quasi-earthquake. It especially hurt with coupled with his migraines so he slept off the pain, giving him an often tired and irritated look.

He was disturbed from his doze when Alaric shouted at some Tangler he was only vaguely familiar with. The young cat raised his head and blinked wearily in the direction of where he anticipated the noise was coming from. He got up and limped over to Alaric. He wasn't alone. Octane was there as well.

"Hey, what happened?" Ivan demanded listlessly, ears angled in the direction of the retreating prankster.

Re: guess i overdid it / open - wormwood. - 05-26-2020

Shouting. That was never a good sign anywhere, and especially not where Tanglewood was concerned. Aurum was already fairly consistently on edge these days thanks to the aftermath of the tremors, but to hear someone angrily shouting? It both pushed him over the edge and just made him sigh, annoyance clear in his stance as he slowly got to his feet. The lion had been resting on his porch, trying in vain to get some rest for the day while his mind was plagued with nightmares of crashes and screaming, and Moth's voice. Just the thought of it made his heart twist painfully, and he sped up his pace over to where Alaric was, flanked both by Octane and Ivan. He immediately winced when he heard Octane, not even sure how to communicate how insensitive that was if it was correct. Although, given the mood that Alaric seemed to be in, the angel was sure that the other would communicate that quite clearly himself. Shifting a bit awkwardly from where he stood, Aurum allowed his one eyed gaze to scan Alaric's face, looking for any abnormalities. Once he was done with that, he muttered softly, "...Alaric? You doing alright? Cause I've seen that guy around before... he's not particularly sneaky." Aurum, above all the rest of those present, certainly knew what it was like to adjust to life with only one eye. It was painful and awkward, and not only for a little while, either. It had taken months for the lion to be able to adjust to the lack of depth perception and learn how to use his hearing more effectively. However, that also meant that he knew it wasn't a lost cause by any means.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: guess i overdid it / open - alaric g. - 05-29-2020

    A strange chirruping noise emanated from behind Alaric, once more startling him albeit to a lesser extent. He whipped around only to face Octane, someone whose presence did not outright irritate him but did often grate on his nerves. The tabby had been fine with the cheetah's extended stay before, but the longer that he lingered around, the more Alaric grew annoyed with his frankly childish nature. This was one of those times.

    "I don't believe that's any of your business," Alaric hissed, making very clear that he was not fond of those who made attempts to pry into his personal business. He doubted that Octane would get the memo, but now he would at least know better now.

    Ivan and Aurum approached next, and upon their arrival Alaric found himself calming. Turns out that a friendly face and a couple deep sighs were all he needed to calm himself down. But now he was at a crossroads: admit his blindness, or continue on about his day and be branded as someone who was prone to randomly snapping at anyone that crossed his path? He supposed the answer was obvious, then.

    Another exhalation escaped his lips before he began speaking again. "Ever since the meteor hit, I haven't been able to see out of my left eye." He allowed a brief pause. "Traumatic optic neuropathy. I think that's what it is, at least. It's incurable, and it's the reason why he was able to sneak up on me like that. ...Sorry for shouting."
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: guess i overdid it / open - OCTANE. - 06-01-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


Octane's lost his eyesight before, many times. Shot in the face, punched until his eyes were bruised shut, all good stuff. Alaric losing one eye? Not a big deal in his book. "Damn, that sucks," he's already blurting, tail flicking back and forth.

"Traumatic optic neur- neuropathy... Damn what the fuck? There a faster way to say that? That just means you lost your eye, yeah? Just say that-" saying too much and big words was always boring, just get to the point. "Why can't it be fixed?" he asks, tilting his head.


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: guess i overdid it / open - wormwood. - 06-01-2020

Why can't it be fixed? The simple question from Octane caused Aurum to wince, and it took everything the male had in him not to snap at the cheetah right then and there. It was obvious that Octane wasn't the smarter of the pair of he and Caustic, and considering the angel doubted he had any experience with medicine or healing besides just taking advantage of it, the question was outright stupid. Instead of snapping, however, the lion took a deep breath inwards, he rumbled as he shifted upon his large paws, "Eyes aren't that simple, Octane. They're delicate, and it isn't uncommon for them to be impossible to fix after they've been damaged. This isn't just some sprained paw or little cut. Trust me, I would know." As if to prove his point, he glanced the cheetah over with his one blue eye, seeming almost pained by the discussion. It had been a long time since he had been forced to think about losing his eye.

Turning back to Alaric, the male said softly, "I'm sorry about your eye, Alaric... I know that it's difficult to adjust to having half of your vision taken away from you. But don't lose hope. I've learned to live with only one eye. Hell, I learned to fly with only one eye. It just takes practice, and a great deal of patience. Which I know you have a stockpile of." While the feline could occasionally be a bit snippy or short tempered, Aurum had been around him long enough to know that Alaric was stoic, and thoughtful. It honestly wasn't surprising at all that the other male had kept his injury hidden for so long. Hopefully that thoughtful nature would work to his advantage and allow him to keep moving forward, rather than lose himself in wallowing over what had been lost.