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Vitus Jullus - Printable Version

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Vitus Jullus - Tryanis - 05-20-2020

Name: Vitus Jullus
Nickname: Juls
Name Pronunciation: Vy-tus
Age: 3
Species: Bull terrier/ Ethiopian highland wolf
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male

Loyal- Vitus is above all a loyal hybrid. He may be vile and cruel, but he does have a certain code. He will fight to the death for those he is loyal to, he will advise them faithfully and always keep their best interest at heart- even over his own. It is one of the highest of insults for him to have his loyalty questioned- especially by those he is loyal to. He will carry out the hard tasks that no one wants to complete, if asked to.
Militant- Vitus has a military mind. He is a soldier, a damn good one at that; he has a sharp eye for battle and a keen mind for strategy. Vitus is a brute without mercy when it comes to battle. Mercy is weakness and there is no place for it on the battlefield.
Stoic- Poised and somewhat emotionless, he rarely shows emotion that he does not want others to see. Those that he trusts do see more emotion from him than others however. To those he does not trust or care for, he can seem downright stonelike. It is great for when he needs to address others in a diplomatic fashion (not his favorite thing) but it can make it difficult for others to trust him- as it is harder to tell if he is being honest.
Manipulative and sly- when it suits him or those he is loyal to, he can be quite manipulative and deceitful. He will do whatever is necessary to deceive others. If he needs to be cruel he will, if he needs to be nice…well…he will grit his teeth and be kind though it is not his strong suit.

Language: To be decided within threads

Appearance: tba

Voice: Ed Tullett
Scent: ClarySage and black coffee
Mutations: ~
Crowds: Somewhat
Groups: Yes
Lover: Somewhat
Combat: Mentally and Physically difficult

Re: Vitus Jullus - Tryanis - 05-20-2020

"Give me your toes." test