Beasts of Beyond
Fear // open - Printable Version

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Fear // open - jacob w.c. - 05-08-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob couldn't breathe. For a moment that fact didn't seem to register entirely, partly because his mind was too preoccupied with the smoke that felt as though it must be pouring from any crack in the wall. His chest was rising and falling rapidly but he wasn't really taking anything in. Slowly, he began to realize that his face and the blanket he'd been curled up on was soaking wet. He had been sobbing in his sleep. Even now, tears continued to run down his face as he tried to push himself up. His legs wouldn't move and his movements were sluggish. His back right leg in particular seemed to drag behind him as he tried to capture any oxygen. His head felt light and his heart was hammering in his chest. His mind couldn't keep up with it all but he knew he had to get to the medic cavern. He knew how to take care of himself. His eyes went to Harrison's sleeping figure and his panic only increased. He couldn't let his son see him like this. He couldn't let anyone see him like this.

He managed to drag himself out of their little cavern and was making his way through the tunnel. He kept telling himself it wasn't too far away. He'd specifically chosen a room close to the central cavern in case there was ever an emergency or in case he had another episode at night. When he was getting nervous about it, he used to sleep in the medic cavern but he hadn't been able to do that since he adopted Harrison. Now that he was halfway down the tunnel, his thoughts were catching up with the situation and he felt another sob shake his body. It felt strange and detached but part of him at the same time. He could smell the smoke and he desperately wanted to get away from it but he couldn't. He wasn't fast enough. It'd burn him. Yet at the same time he knew it wouldn't burn him because it wasn't even there.

His legs collapsed and pain overtook him. He let a sob break from his maw at this point, allowing himself to just lay on the tunnel floor for a few moments while he tried to slow his breathing to no avail. "C-C-Come on. Don' stop. Come on, ya' can do it-" He got to his paws and stumbled a few more feet before he collapsed again. This time he released a louder sob and the panic began to set into both his mind and his body. "I-I-I-I can't move, I can't move, oh my God-" his words were barely a wheeze and he was barely stopping himself from screaming for help. He still couldn't do that. He had to move. He strained his legs but they were almost completely unresponsive. His breathing was completely erratic now, landing somewhere between a sob and a gasp and a wheeze all at once.

He let out a yell as he pushed himself to his paws and, leaning against the wall, managed to make it into the medic cavern. He just had to make it to the herbs now. He dragged himself to the storage area and began yanking everything out. He wasn't sure why but he couldn't remember where anything was or even register what it was. His paws moved desperately in the dark, trying to find the right ones from smell. He would've been able to do it any other day but he couldn't think straight. "A-Andiamo, andiamo, d-d-devi ricordare-" he spoke under his breath, tears still rolling down his face. Spots were appearing in his vision now and he collapsed again as he tried to run his paws through the herbs. Soon enough, he couldn't even bring himself to look through them. He shouldn't be doing this anyway. They were running low. This wasn't important enough to waste herbs on. Soon enough, he seemed to give up entirely and simply laid on his side, still trying to breathe and tears still running down his face. How could he let this happen? He knew it was bad to fall asleep when he didn't have any herbs nearby. He wished Pincher was here again, helping him just as he had a few weeks ago. He wanted to go get him but he knew he wouldn't be able to make it to Typhoon in his condition. He was alone.

//translation: come on, come on, you have to remember —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Fear // open - jacob w.c. - 05-10-2018


Re: Fear // open - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-12-2018

Fear had never been an emotion that he knew when he was younger. There was no reason for him to feel fear, and instead he usually felt pain and anguish for the torture sessions that he had constantly had to go through over and over again. He didn't have any fear of dying, because he had faith in his brother that the tiger wouldn't end up killing him because he was too important for the rest of the family. That had to be true right? Well at least so far he was right about his brother in more than one regard considering everything. The young assassin had been brought up thinking that he was the strongest and would forever remain the strongest when it came to the opponents that he had made his way toward. That there was no stopping him once he set his sights on someone and to rip through them like they were nothing. It was only until Killua had decided that he was going to leave the mansion that he had grown up in that he realized what true fear was. He didn't have a fear that his family would hate him and suddenly disown him for his actions. He didn't have the fear that he was going to have to deal with angry parents if he ever did decide to return back to that toxic place. No. Instead, he had the fear of who they would send out after him. After all, he was precious to them, the toy that they didn't want anyone else to break, and it was annoying. No. It was absolutely frustrating to know that who they were sending after him would be capable of ripping him to pieces in the first place. At this realization before he even conducted his plans, he was deathly afraid of his older brother. The tiger had taught him everything that he even knew to this day, and Killua hadn't learned anything new either so the other would know what to expect if they ever fought one another. The wildcat didn't have any tricks up his sleeve that his brother didn't already know about. The mutated creature more than capable of wiping the floor with him, and making him feel genuine pain despite all the training that they had gone through since he was just a kitten. It was this moment that he realized what the emotion of ear was, having to even look up what it meant to actually feel fear and the symptoms of said fear. He had never had fear before, as there was no reason for him to be afraid. He had always been confident, but instead Killua's curse was that of his older brother. One that could basically make him do anything that he wanted and Killua would have no way to resist against him. Illumi would be capable of beating him in every sort of category, and there was a reason that his family prided Illumi in such a way to be able to train the heir to the family business in the first place. To say that Illumi was terrifying was a massive understatement that no one could figure out until they finally came across his family. Which he prayed that no one would have to bring themselves to do, especially for his sake. He never wanted his family to meet anyone here in Snowbound for as long as he could manage to keep them away. Besides, he was just starting to enjoy this place and wasn't ready to give it up just yet. He was stubborn in that regard, and selfish not to even consider the well being of the clan that he was in.

Yet, he had to be, in order to keep his sanity because he was tired of constantly moving around and having to start all over again. There were faces that he knew here, and there were faces that he cared about that lived in Snowbound now. He couldn't just up and give that up, not like last time where Illumi had stripped everything away from him. Killua still remembered the moment that Illumi had ripped out his metal claws a couple months ago before Killua had to pay someone to fix new claws into his paws and so far they were working without any deficiencies. No matter how strong someone made themselves to be, they were always going to be afraid of something, even if that fear ends up being something small, someone always has a weakness that others could exploit. Killua's weakness not as strong as compared to others and harder to find, but even he has his weaknesses in that regard. The ivory-hued wildcat wasn't one to really sleep at night, as his species was slightly nocturnal anyway. But on another note, he didn't want to end up going back to sleep after his recent episode with his night terror. In which Jacob actually had to be the one to patch him up because his paws were too soaked with blood to be able to hold the supplies that he needed properly. He felt weak and vulnerable at that moment and hoped that Jacob didn't think that he would allow something like that to happen again. There were no second chances when it came to Killua anyway. The young male was walking through Snowbound camp, his eyes flicking back and forth as he counted the number of heads and bodies that he could see in the particular dens. He was making sure that even if some creatures were out venturing into the night, that the majority of them were sleeping right now. Night patrols were practically nonexistent in that regard, and so he put it upon himself to bodyguard everyone while they were asleep. While he was doing this though, he could hear muffled noises from tunnels that were a distance away from him. Was someone having a nightmare? The bandage covered serval silently made his way through the tunnels before he finally heard someone sobbing accompanied with the scent of salt. Someone was obviously emotionally distraught. Something that Killua didn't have a lot of experience with, but he was at least going to attempt to help whoever it was. It was coming from the medic den ironically, and he peaked his head into the cavern, only to see a familiar hybrid laying down on the ground, tears pooling around his face. His sapphire blue optics went wide with shock as he hadn't expected the husky to be in a place like this! What the hell was happening to him? Was he poisoned? The other had come to the medic cavern for an obvious reason. Killua didn't like the thought of anyone dying in Snowbound right now, and his pawsteps made no sound as he arrived at Jacob's side. One of his paws raising into the air as he aimed to press the deadly cold paw onto the canines side trying to smell any blood but not catching any scents. "Jacob? The hell is going on? What happened?" Killua asked quickly and straight to the point. Who would poison someone this late at night? Well if it was Guru he could see that happening, but he would have caught someone's scent unless they had the same powers that he did. He noticed the herbs that were scattered in certain areas. The canine had been looking for something. He clenched his jaw as he didn't know enough about herbs, but if he knew what it looked like he could easily conjure up the herb that Jacob would need at no cost to Snowbound. "What herb were you looking for?" Killua questioned again, his voice calm as he wasn't at the point of panicking just yet. How had no one found Jacob yet with all the commotion?
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: Fear // open - COSMIIX - 05-12-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_ocubwlXe4U1rifr4k_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #2E4053; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Fear.

As much as he would have loved to say that it was non-existent with him, it was the opposite. He had several fears back when he had his reign and even now he still had a few of them, one smaller than others but still fear nonetheless. The tiger had been minding his own business just roaming around since his insomnia wasn't planning on letting him rest, he could hear muffled noises and it made his muscles tense up slightly. He slowly walked forward glancing around soon making out the familiar voice that belonged to Killua, both curved ears angled forward as he stepped forward finding Jacob on the floor and Killua asking what herb Jacob needed. "Fuck," Stark muttered taking a few careful steps over to not step over any of the herbs glancing down towards Jacob letting out his own shaky breath "Hey. . . You alright, son? What's the matter?" Concern was glazed in his warm coffee bean pools only to turn his head briefly in the direction of the white serval asking with a curt nod "How long has he been like this?" He could feel his heart racing within his chest trying to figure out what to do, he had never been put into one of these situations but he wasn't to complain. There was always a first for everything.

Re: Fear // open - JERSEYBOY - 05-12-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Jerseyboy and Jacob were contrasted in many ways. One, Jacob was a large dog and Jerseyboy was a small cat. Two, they both were on very different ends of the moral spectrum. Three? They both had differing reactions to the smell of smoke. Jerseyboy could handle it, obviously. He was a smoker himself, and the smell had surrounded him for practically his whole life. When he was a kitten, his father had indulged in cigarettes, and he had eventually caught onto the nasty habit as well. Jacob? He flipped his shit. He hyperventilated, he wheezed, he fell to the floor, he started to cry. Jerseyboy knew this, too. He knew Jacob too well.

The tuxedo tom didn't usually crash until the early morning hours, and so he was awake and alert. He was in his cave, of course, listening to some music on a small battery-powered radio, when a commotion erupted from outside. This wasn't normal, seeing as everybody usually headed to bed at a decent hour. Jerseyboy couldn't help but poke his head outside of his cave and swivel his ears so that they were pointed towards one of the tunnels. It... smelled like Jacob. Being up this late? Not normal. Something was off. And, the more he analyzed the plethora of smells, he could identify that Killua guy and someone else. What, were they having a party without him? Like hell they were. So, his nosy-ass self took to the tunnel, trekking into the depths of it until he came across the medicine stash.

"The fuck's goin' on?" It hadn't taken long for something in Jerseyboy's mind to click. Jacob: on the floor, crying, panicking. Random people: standing around, not doing anything. At least in his eyes, they weren't. Perhaps they just didn't know how to handle the situation, but considering that Jerseyboy was Jacob's sibling-figure, he knew everything he needed to know about the chief. This included how to deal with his "episodes".

The tuxedo tom rather rudely shouldered forward and shoved past the two others standing by Jacob's side. "Move it, the both of ya's." He grunted. He didn't have the patience or time to deal with them; all he cared about was his little brother. Jerseyboy highly doubted that these two were the cause of this, but if they were? Hoh, they'd better be high-tailing it out of there before he found out. His dim, green eyes scanned over Jacob's damp features and he muttered under his breath, "Dammit." Trying to gather his thoughts, Jerseyboy put a paw on Jacob's shoulder and lightly shook it to get his attention. "Hey. Hey. Jake, calm down, alright? You're fine." Yeah, everything would be just fine. He glanced over at the herb stores before asking, "Whaddya' need, huh? Lavender? That, uh, thyme-shit?" Jerseyboy could honestly give less of a shit about anything medical-related, but after knowing Jacob for a long time, you tended to gather herb knowledge unintentionally. He could remember that these were anxiety-reducing herbs, and that Jacob needed these types to calm his frayed nerves.

Re: Fear // open - melantha - 05-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]Saying that Melantha is a little protective over Jacob is a massive understatement. She is not quite sure when the feelings began to develop, but there is no denying how strong they have become. Perhaps it is his kindness that won her over; the gentle thoughtfulness woven into every aspect of his life which convinced her that it was not just a facade. When Mel first arrived in Snowbound, the girl was convinced that he must be an angel. No one person can possibly so gentle, so intelligent, so wonderful. People like Jacob are rare in a world which only seeks to harm. Melantha is young, younger than Jacob, and already her life's experiences have made her cynical. She is suspicious and paranoid, always looking for ulterior motives. The Chief is not perfect, she knows that, but in her perspective, he has triumphed over the things that seek to corrupt his heart. Mel is envious of his qualities, but she is also committed to protecting them.

Very few individuals are awake in the hours between dusk and dawn. Melantha is among the few. This makes it easy to detect when something is wrong, which much credit going to the long, echoing tunnels of Snowbound's camp. Preferring the shadow of night to the blaring glare of the day, the young huntress performs most of her hunting and patrolling duties now rather than having to suffer in the daytime. She has just risen from the comfort of her nest when she hears worried voices reverberating through the stone halls. Hmm? Who is up at this time? Rather than searching for an exit, large paws propel the lithe predator towards the source of the commotion. Although her curiosity is already piqued, the sound of Jacob's name being used is what spurs her into action. Mel does not even stop to think. The tones of the people's voices are concerned, worried. That means she should be worried, too.

"What is going on?" asks the girl as she bursts onto the scene, dropping her weight to her haunches as she slides to a stop. Sagacious olive eyes sweep over the gathered party: Killua (her gaze lingers for a moment), Stark, Jerseyboy, and Jacob...on the ground. Jersey is saying something about lavender and thyme. That is for anxiety, right? "I'll grab them," says the huntress, only moments after she asked what happened. Melantha is a person of action. If someone offers a logically-sound solution, she acts on it. Both lavender and thyme are harmless herbs, more or less. And if Jacob is having a panic attack, they should help soothe him. Mel retrieves the aforementioned remedies from their storage containers and brings them back to Jersey and Jacob. "What do we do now?" she asks no one in particular. Melantha is no healer. She knows basic first aid and how to identify plants. But their exact uses? How to prepare them? She is a hunter, not a healer. Her plain visage is that of stone, but it is clear from her furrowed brow that she is far more upset by the situation than she is letting on.

Re: Fear // open - jacob w.c. - 05-13-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — First Killua and Stark arrived. No, no, no. This wasn't what he wanted. He certainly hadn't wanted Killua to find him in such a state. He was sure the feline already hated him and he didn't want him to think he was even weaker than he'd already seen him. Jacob didn't know how to fight and his legs didn't work and he didn't want Killua to think poorly of him, even if they didn't agree on most things. He still valued the other's opinion and he wouldn't want him to think he was completely incompetent. Besides that, he could hardly focus on what either of them were saying. He simply curled himself in a tighter ball. He figured out that one of them had asked about which herbs to use and Jacob tried to recall their names or how to prepare them or what he needed but all he could think about was fire and the smoke that he swore he could smell billowing in. His chest still moved at a nearly violent pace and he was shaking even more than he'd been before. "I-I-I-I'm sor-r-rry, I d-d-dunno, I dunno-" his words came out as sobs as he tried to remember. The words came out shaky and fragmented with his odd breathing pattern and sobs.

When he felt someone touching him, he immediately recoiled away but then he heard Jersey's voice. He heard someone else too, maybe Melantha, but he sprung up and wrapped his paws around the feline. "J-J-J-Jersey, Jersey... th-th-th-there was a fir-r-re. I tr-t-r-tried t-t-t-" his voice shook horribly and now sobs freely came from him as he couldn't even finish his sentences. That night had been terrible and it'd never left Jacob. He still saw the fire and smelled the smoke and heard the crack of beams falling. He remembered when his Pa told him to go, that the stallion couldn't move. All of that burned in his mind as though it'd happened just yesterday and, in a way, it had. He had seen it in his dreams and even now the smell of smoke plagued him when there wasn't a real one in sight. "J-J-Jersey, help-p-p me-" he cried the words as he held onto the feline, any thought of what Stark or Killua would think out of his mind now. He just wanted it to be done. But his heart pounded in his chest, the smell of smoke was prevalent in the air, and his lungs refused to stop trying to pull in oxygen at an alarming rate.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Fear // open - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-14-2018

Mental stability wasn't something that was hard to break. Killua had watch even the strongest of creatures break down on the spot because of how weak they were, or if they considered themselves to be a failure for not being able to protect those that he cared about. He knew all the different mental illnesses that could come from trauma, but that didn't mean he was an expert when it came to said information. Killua about a lot of things in most regards, but that was because he had other priorities when it came to his training. If it wasn't something that he could learn to later exploit in life, or if it wasn't something that pertained to him specifically, then he wasn't taught how to deal with it either. The assassin only knew the basics of what it was, and he wasn't a complete doctor either. Him being put in a position where he wasn't used to obviously would make him panic in most regards becuase he was used to knowing how to deal with every situation that presented itself. Yet, there was obviously things that Killua wouldn't do and that meant he was limited to his current skills and knowledge. Killua himself had his own form of mental issues, while some of them actually weren't brought to him by himself. Trauma rarely worked in away such as that. Killua had a voice that spoke out in the back of his head occasionally, especially if he was around London or anyone that he was connected with. The wildcat knew the reason for this because it went against all of his teachings to be around others that weren't his target. He was supposed to isolate himself like his brother had taught him to, and that would be the end of that. The assassin knew this and yet he continued to fight it as best as he could. The urges were becoming easier to control, but the worst part was if he started to become afraid of someone. His family is capable of manipulating his emotions from a distance. Something that Killua himself didn't even know about but he had a couple theories as to why he constantly had mood swings during certain situations. After all, it all went back to his family when it came to his misgivings, but Killua had never fully hallucinated before in his life.

That wasn't his issues as they usually happened while he was asleep rather than he was awake. The voice that he heard in the back of his head wasn't a hallucination, as it was actually his brother speaking through to him using some sort of power. Probably telepathy, or something very similar so that his brother would always make it feel like he was right next to him. He hated the bastard because of that and just wished his family would leave him alone. Everyone had their own issues, and he wondered if it was true for most of the creatures in Snowbound to be as happy as they were. The assassin knew that there was probably a catch, but like everyone else, there was something that they were hiding. Killua already knew that Jacob was hiding something based on the way the other had reacted a long time ago when he had asked if he came from a city and where he had come from in general. He could see the look in the other's eyes that showed that it wasn't exactly a happy story. Killua wasn't the one to dig up someone's past, and Jacob seemed to be the same as he wasn't the type to really question something about him. The young male kept that to himself, but it would always be in the back of his mind as he was incredibly observant to whatever happened to those that lived in Snowbound in the first place. But did he expect something to this degree? Of course, he didn't. Had he ever experienced someone going through an episode that wasn't himself? No, he didn't. And he wasn't sure what to do. His head snapped over his shoulder at the sound of a familiar voice, hearing the voice before he caught the tigers scent. Killua was nervous, and anxiety was digging its way through his throat. "I-I don't know I found him like this." Killua was quick to reply to the other's question as his gaze turned back toward the canine. What usually calmed him down? Nothing really. Logical words, but Jacob had never been the logical one so him probably saying that whatever was happening wasn't real probably wouldn't work. His jaw clenched when he heard more pawsteps coming toward them, it was going to get crowded in a space like this, and crowding around someone wasn't going to help. At least that's not what he would want. Jersey soon made his appearance, and Killua knew that even himself was out of his league, and moved out of the way before the other could push him.

He tried to console Jacob, and he wasn't sure if that was even going to work. A family usually helped right? Mel was the next on the scene, as he turned his head to look over toward the cougar, concern in his sapphire blue eyes for the Chief that was laying on the ground. She was quick to acquire the things that Jersey spoke about, how were those herbs going to help though? Killua wasn't an expert when it came to herbs, as he used more human items when it came to healing others. His eyes flickered toward Jacob when the other began to speak. Fire? What fire? Had something happened where he thought of a fire? This wasn't good with the way the other was breathing, but the other could just make himself pass out with the way that he was hyperventilating anyway so should they just knock him out? That would make everything easier but it wouldn't get rid of the core problem either. Lavender had a strong scent. Maybe that would have an effect on that or something? He had to do something as he hated feeling so damned useless. "Mel, put as much lavender as you can in front of Jacob. Have him smell it maybe? That might be why he turns to it." Killua said toward the Snowseeker before turning his gaze back toward Jacob. He needed to control his breathing. The wildcat would cautiously make his way forward and would aim to put his paw onto the side, he needed to count the others breaths if he was going to help, whether or not Jersey liked it or not. One mistake he could make the other start to suffocate. "Kuso." Killua cursed under his breath at the current situation before he began to work. His eyes focused on Jacob, and it was there that he would aim to slowly begin to control the amount of air that was flowing into the other's body. Not enough to completely cut off his air supply with the way his body was needing oxygen, but he was controlling it to where it would be a small decline. The other wouldn't suffer from his actions, but it would slow his heart rate if he controlled the other's breathing. He had one of his other paws raised as he would move the paw in a swirling motion as he controlled the air, and he aimed to slow Jacobs breathing to a regular tempo.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: