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LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // trying to walk - Printable Version

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LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // trying to walk - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-20-2020

[glow=white,1,400]YOU FUCKING DISAPPOINT ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Injuries were something Vigenere was, by far, used to. Working in the King's Guard meant injuries were normal - almost expected, even - and eventually the demon had to learn to tend to minor wounds himself. Broken bones, small, minor wounds were something he was used to. That being said, however, Vigenere was no medic and he wouldn't want to be one by any means. The duty of a soldier meant so much more to him.

With all of that, though, Vigenere was too prideful to admit that he needed help. Although he accepted and appreciated Keter helping him at the time of the tremors, the ex-Captain hadn't visited Selby or the other medics in order to make sure his paw was healing correctly. As mentioned before, it was a matter of pride for him; he didn't want to admit he needed help and that's something that followed him even from his past home. Back in the Guard, Vigenere often tended to his own wounds and wouldn't see a medic unless things were severe. Luckily, shit never happened to be so severe that he ended up needing a visit.

During the last couple of days, Vigenere had wrapped his paw in a makeshift cast using a bunch of leaves that had fallen during the tremors. Right now, the savannah was trying to tighten the cast as much as he could, replacing some of the older, more frail leaves. His paw had healed slightly but it was far from being back to normal... Unfortunately, Vigenere was somewhat impatient when it came to healing.

"Fuck!" Vigenere cried out as pain shot through his arm and up his body, making him crumble to the ground. He grit his teeth together, inhaling air as he tried to get the sharp sensation to go away. The claws of his good paw dug into the soft ground beneath him, his tail lashing as he tried to get the pain to pass.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // trying to walk - OCTANE. - 05-20-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


Octane has so many fucking cool scars as a human- all over his face and arms, and that wicked one Caustic gave him on his back. All of them were gone with this new body, but a few new ones were there from when he got attacked. The one across the back of his neck hurt every once in a while, and that bite should have killed him.

Octane's dumb brain revels in the memory of his own near-death experience, transferring his wounds to the nearby rabbit. Caustic was still asleep, so the daredevil was alone to reek havoc on Tanglewood. He watches Vigenere now, tilting his head as he observes. Probably an accident from the tremors?

"Dude, what happened to your leg?" Octane draws close now, metal feet slapping against the ground. "Take it from a guy with no legs- take it easy."


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // trying to walk - alaric g. - 05-21-2020

    The meteorite had affected everyone differently—Moth was dead, which had a number of adverse effects on her family, Alaric had lost his eyesight, and Vigenere had been hurt as well. The specifics of the savannah's injury weren't quite clear to him as of yet, but he could recall Keter having carried Vigenere to the town square, leading Alaric to assume that it had to do with one of his paws. This assumption would prove to be correct.

    Presently he watched with his one good eye as Vigenere attempted to walk on his casted foot and then promptly crumpling to the ground with a howl of pain. Octane was the first to approach, followed closely by the tabby, who nodded in agreement with the cheetah's speech. "You should get that looked at by Selby or Kiira," stated Alaric, his blue gaze coming to rest upon the cast made of leaves. He wanted to help out, but with the lack of depth perception caused by his loss of eyesight, he wasn't quite sure how much help he would really be. "A cast made of leaves isn't gonna help you much. It'll heal incorrectly if you don't get it looked at."
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // trying to walk - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]YOU FUCKING DISAPPOINT ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Fuck, of course this was going to cause a scene. God damnit. Vigenere tried to hide the fact he was uncomfortable with how everyone seemed to have their eyes on him. "I fell from a tree during the tremors." The demon grunted in response to Octane's question. He briefly glanced down when Octane brought up his metal legs. "What happened to you?" He mused. Metal legs weren't anything new to him but damn did it mean that something horrific probably happened. Vigenere wouldn't have asked usually, but Octane seemed like the type of guy to brag about that shit.

Then there was Alaric. Vigenere's ear flicked as Alaric brought up seeing the medics and he inwardly groaned. That was something he didn't want to do, but he knew Alaric was right. A leaf cast wasn't going to do jack shit. "I'll be fine." He grunted. "If it gets worse, then I'll have no choice but to see a medic, hm?" It was mostly him wanting to avoid doing that.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // trying to walk - OCTANE. - 05-23-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


Octane slots and locks his leg back in, rolling onto his stomach to loaf and prop his chin on his paw. "You know it's rude to ask a disabled person what happened to them," he chirps in a cackle, waving his paw in dismissal. "I'm just pulling your leg," aw man, he was the pinnacle of comedy, "anyways, I blew them off.

"You should definitely see a medic if that gets worse. I don't think you guys got the tech for cool robo-legs like me," Octane chitters, tapping his paws.

Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // trying to walk - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]YOU FUCKING DISAPPOINT ME !。+゚.[/glow]
Yknow what, Octane actually had a point. Vigenere opened his mouth to apologize for the prodding question, but Octane ended up laughing it off and pulling a joke. Vigenere rolled his eyes, trying to hide the small smile that was forming on his face because of that dumb pun. "You seem like a guy who doesn't care about questions like that." The demon mused, though frowned when Octane also advised for him to see a medic. Shrugging it off, Vigenere asked, "How did you get those, anyway?" To be fair, he supposed the guy just... could've been born like that, for whatever reason.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // trying to walk - wormwood. - 05-26-2020

Injuries were quite familiar to Aurum, if that wasn't plain enough for anyone to see just by looking at him. After all, one of the first things that newcomers noticed about him – either right before or after the wings – was the fact that he was missing an eye. Although he hadn't lost his eye in the most grandiose way, he still didn't regret how he had ended up losing it. He had been intent on helping Beck, and even if he had ended up suffering for it, at least it seemed like the kid was doing... semi-well. Better with Selby to guide him, at the very least. Aside from just his eye, Aurum also had a multitude of marks and scars littering his body, all with different ages and severity. Some were just small scratches from when he was a cub and he had been a bit too rambunctious, while some were as raw and still new as the massive starburst scar on his chest. However, he wore his scars as a sign of pride. After all, they meant that he had gone through the worst things in his life and had come out the other side, battered and bruised, yet still whole. Of course, that didn't account for the multitude of emotional scars that littered his heart, but be preferred to keep those hidden away, healing gradually as he worked through them.

Even with the great deal of injuries he had sustained in his relatively short life, Aurum had pretty much always been smart enough to go to a medic when he needed to. If it was something relatively small? He could just patch that up and deal with it himself. After all, little scratches didn't need an entire medical team to carefully inspect them. However, when it was something a bit more complex, especially something that could get worse over time, Aurum was always sure to bring that to the medical team. Even if Vigenere thought that his injury was relatively minor, the lion knew it would only grow worse with irritation, and he couldn't help the worried and vaguely annoyed expression on his face as he trotted over. Looking the other feline over slowly, the proxy tilted his head before speaking, "...You shouldn't be shifting the attention to Octane just so you don't have to worry about seeing a medic, Vigenere. If you keep walking on that without it being properly looked at, it'll only get worse and worse." He wasn't sure if Vigenere would actually listen to him, especially considering they were relatively new acquaintances, but maybe his firm and authoritative tone would make up for that.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // trying to walk - OCTANE. - 05-29-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


Octane's voice croons in his chittering laughter, "Well you see, when you know a couple guys and come from the freaky future, you can get cool robo-legs like me." Octane tries to snicker, but it comes across as a weird, toothy expression.

That freaky-deeky lion Caustic complained about arrived, Octane's tail flicks back and forth, eyes gazing Aurum up and down. Briefly, he wonders what the dude's bite force is.


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime