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clone - metronome - fulzanin - 05-19-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Technology was something that Clony liked to think it understood well. It new how to destroy technological stuff, for certain. Normally such was done by flying near objects, and normally that made flying around far more hazardous. Clony never really minded, because that meant that it could sort through those things afterwards and find nice bits and pieces for its contraptions. Clony hadn't built many things, but the things that it had built had always been awesome by Clony's standards. The bat had yet to built anything since it had arrived in Elysium. Finding the tools and materials was difficult, but there was no reason to go looking for things when Clony had no idea what it wanted to build. Lasers, obviously. Everything had to come back to the best item to exist ever. Lasers were dangerous and useful, and that was what made them thrilling! No one around here had lasers, and so Clony had to be the first.

Most people around here had houses instead of far more important lasers. Clony hadn't ever had a house before. Much like how it wasn't particularly looking for laser parts, it also wasn't quite looking for a home. It was more than content with finding comfortable canopies to sleep in, resting upside down with its feet tightly grasping onto its selected perch. That didn't mean that Clony didn't want a house, it would most certainly like a place to keep all its things. Clony didn't have many things right now, and therefore had no reason to have a house. Therefore, in the eyes of Clony, in order to get a house to store stuff it needed to obtain stuff to be stored. Things that Clony liked that were materials and not related to lasers were things that Clony needed to figure out. It didn't have any ideas. Those lack of ideas applied to what Clony knew of. Clony didn't know what a metronome was. It'd accidentally knocked the thing over after mistaking it as a stable object for the bat to land on. Ears twitching, the bat hobbled off the tipped over item and nudged it with its head.

Carefully it looked the item over. A somewhat rusted object it was, with small buttons on the left side. A fluffy tail slowly swung behind it, deciding that the best way to figure out what this thing was to push the buttons on the side. Clony certainly wasn't expecting for the metal stick present to start swinging back and forth. It made noise, too, Clony's ears raising in interest. It was a steady ticking, clicking noise, sounding every time that the metal stick tipped to the furthest it could go from its pivoting position. The noise was very nice in the mind of Clony, shuffling on its silvery feet. "Huh," Clony commented quietly, ears flicking at the rhythm based ticking. Slowly the bat began tipping its head from side to side to match the tempo of the old metronome, pearly eyes wide. It was a very nice tune for someone that had never heard of music before. The bat was huddled near the old metronome, happily watching and tipping its head alongside it's newest possession.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: clone - metronome - – 2D - 05-23-2020

2D, by contrast, did not have very much experience with technology. As a loner, the serval hadn't exactly had a lot of interaction with humans – not that he could've anyways – or anyone who knew the ins and outs of human technology. He had eventually learned enough to work a small projector and a keyboard, but that was really the full extent of his technological know how. He had pretty much learned what was necessary to indulge in two of his favorite hobbies, and then he had decided that anything beyond that was unnecessary. Occasionally he had considered asking Murdoc what he knew about technology, considering the canine could not only play a bass with his claws, but also create some really impressive tech. However, the singer never went through with it because he knew he probably wouldn't have been able to understand. He didn't want to waste both of their times by making Murdoc repeatedly explain a concept that 2D simply couldn't wrap his wounded mind around. So instead, he just let the canine do what he wanted, occasionally poking his head in to watch – usually tucking himself between Murdoc's paws to observe him working. It was an odd dynamic, but it worked for the two of them, with 2D usually perfectly content just to be the observer, and not the genius of the two of them.

However, if there was one thing that 2D did understand, it was music. When he and Murdoc had first met, they had quickly bonded over their shared love for music, and the serval had been more than happy to show off his singing skills, as well as his playing around with a battery powered keyboard. It had taken a lot of practice and time on his own, but 2D had eventually learned how to sing with the rhythm of a song, and do it well. Unfortunately, singing wasn't a skill often needed around the large groups like Elysoum. Sure, he could entertain if they had another event like the festival, but outside of that? Singing wasn't going to stop any wars. However, he took pride in his craft, and a metronome was certainly not a piece of technology that was foreign to him. After all, how was he to learn how to sing along with a good beat without practice? That was where many a metronome had come in, showing him when to tap his paws song with different speeds. He hadn't seen one in quite a while, however, far too distracted by his travels to keep one on him at all times.

When 2D happened upon Clony along with the very familiar piece of basic machinery, he felt his heart leap and a wave of nostalgia pass over him. It was sort of heartwarming, seeing it bounce from side to side along with the beat of the little device. Before long, his own paw was tapping along as well, reminding him of why he had enjoyed learning along with his own little metronome. Coming up beside Clony, 2D was soon humming g a little tune, mumbling out soft words that could only be heard by his own ears – a lullaby along with the gentle tick of the metronome in front of them. Once he seemed satisfied, he turned to look at Clony, happily purring to the batlike creature, "'Ey Clony! Where'd y'get a metronome? S'been a while since I've seen one. I used t'use 'em all f'time in order t'elp me wif singin'." There was a stark contrast between 2D's gentle tones when he was singing his low lullaby, and his current cockney speaking voice, which was high and cracking.

Re: clone - metronome - larkspurkit ! - 05-25-2020

larkspurskip !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
despite larkspurskip sharing the sentiment for music, he had never come in contact with a metronome. his lute playing was more casual, and he preferred to strum to his own tune and beat, not really caring about proper ways to play. his songs weren't real ones either, simply him rhyming his emotions over a few chords. most the time it was done passive aggressively toward stark or whoever was in his crosshairs of annoyance, but he hadn't done that in quite some time.

he and stark's relationship had become rather well repaired since they left elysium for a bit. he was almost a grown boy now, though, and spending months with the malamute had brought them closer than expected. his lute playing was noticeably upbeat now and his rhymes softer.

clony and 2D were unfamiliar to lark, but he came forward anyhow out of pure curiosity. not for the metronome, but because clony was a bat, something lark had never seen in person before. "what are you?" he asked, standing over it with a frown. it was like an odd mix of animals, but most of all it was simply odd to look at.


Re: clone - metronome - fulzanin - 05-25-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Perhaps Clony should have been far more aware of its surroundings before getting utterly entranced by the ticking of a metronome. It had certainly wrapped up all of the bat's keen hearing abilities, utterly amazed by the repetition. It was foreign to them, amazing them with every swing of the pointed needle. Hearing someone speak jolted them to awareness, their wings stretching in a messy sprawl upwards in the air. As quickly as Clony flung itself upwards, it plopped back down on the ground. "Oh, hey," It chatters, finding itself hopping over to perch itself upon the top of the metronome. "I just kinda came across it. Pretty cool, isn't it? It makes really nice clicking noises!" Their bushy tail swings behind themself, head lowering to watch the needle swing back and forth. "Singin'? This thing has a use?" It chatters, pearly eyes widening with disbelief.

Now that they were not entranced by the lovely ticking of a metronome, Clony was more than prepared for the next to trot up to the scene. An unfamiliar face, earning a curious tilt of their fluffy head. "I'm a clony," They answer swiftly. They didn't know the name of the species they were currently. The only answer they had was the one that they had named themself after. Clony the clony. Original it was, and the bat had mighty pride in such a thing. "I'm one of the many me's, but the rest of them aren't here. Just me. But there's a lot of us. Not here and I normally don't look like this. But out there! So I'm a clony named Clony." It adds on after a few moments pause, once more getting distracted by the gentle ticking of the metronome. It drabbles on and on, unable to find a stop due to just how much of its mental capacity was taken up by being enthralled by that of a steady ticking noise.

When it came to verbal noise, Clony often went without. The flapping of their wings and the brushing of their tail was often their only noise. Their voice, never used, only communicating through telepathy. Gently knocking and striding into people's minds to deliver their words with it's own voice, and then politely shutting the door back once again. Clony's small mouth, reserved for eating, never for speaking. Likely unable to, likely another one of Clony's many mutations that also included the normal webbed wings of a bat to be more like that of a bird. They wind up attempting to make a noise to replicate the entrancing notes of a metronome, a shaky clicking noise not too far a cry from the ticking of the item it was perched upon. The noise was very foreign and certainly hurt the bat's throat, but being lulled by such a repetitive noise was too great a task on the mind for Clony to truly notice the noise it was making.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: clone - metronome - – 2D - 05-28-2020

2D was so distracted by his musical reverie that he almost didn't notice when Clony actually turned to face him. His dark eyes were focused down on the piece of machinery below the bat creature, although they were eventually pulled back to Clony when it started to speak. When Clony explained that it had just found the device, 2D found himself laughing a little bit, muttering as he reached out to poke at it, "Y'really just found a metronome 'round 'ere? I guess fere must've been some creative music types 'ere fat left it be'ind." Their loss was Elysium's gain, he supposed, even if it didn't seem as though Clony really knew what it was supposed to do with such a contraption. Hearing Clony repeat his word, down to his rather thick accent, caused him to chuckle a bit, a smile curling at his muzzle. In the past he might've been embarrassed by the cockneyed way he spoke, but it seemed as though most of Elysium didn't mind. Feeling invigorated by music once again, the serval wrapped his tail around his paws before he explained, "And yeah, it's f'singin'! Well, singin' and other stuff too, of course. Y'can play instruments along wif f'beat it gives. Fat's what the tickin' noise you can 'ear is." As if to demonstrate, he tapped his paw gently along with the clicking beat, bobbing his head and humming as well. His whole body seemed in motion and at peace, even if he was still gangly and awkward looking. Music really did change him almost entirely.

Lark was the next to approach them, and although the feline was unfamiliar to 2D, he couldn't help the frown that came to his face. What are you? It seemed as though the question was just born out of curiosity, but it still felt rude to the decurion. Especially considering he had, in the past, dealt with the question being thrown his way because of his black eyes and blue fur. He opened his mouth to say something, but Clony was faster than him, and soon it was explaining, in the oddly complex way that only it knew how. The explanation made no more sense to him then when Clony had introduced itself to him, but he figured it was best not to ask any follow up questions. He would just end up making his head hurt that way. Instead, he just waved a paw in greeting to Larkspurskip, saying in his usual high and cracking voice, "Uh... 'ey fere! M'name's 2D... m'not really as excitin' as Clony, but I figured I should introduce m'self." That was what he was supposed to do now, right? Decurions were supposed to be welcoming and helpful, and even if Larkspur had been along for longer than he had, he could still do that. Thankfully, it became easier for 2D to relax when Clony began to chime along with the gentle tick of the metronome. Although Clony's clicking noise hurt his ears a little, it matched along with the beat, and soon enough 2D was once again swaying casually.