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MOTHER KNOWS BEST ☆ checkups - Printable Version

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MOTHER KNOWS BEST ☆ checkups - roan ; - 05-19-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan had been lucky enough to be spared most of the damage that had happened as a result of the meteor strike. After all, he wasn't injured in any way, and he still had a home, and although he was pretty much constantly exhausted by his sage duties now with so many injured, at least that gave him the opportunity to feel useful. All in all, the young male knew that things could've been far worse for him, and because of that, he had been dedicating himself wholeheartedly to helping others. Thankfully, it wasn't too hard these days to find people to help, with the collapsed structures all around, and the many injuries that had been sustained by each and every crew member. It wasn't ideal, but at least it meant that he was able to get to the worst of the injuries very quickly, since they weren't exactly silent about the pain they were in – well, unless they were knocked out.

However, now that a little while had passed since the initial impact of the meteor, Roan knew that there were still plenty of faces that he had not yet checked up on. Which meant either that they were fine, or that they hadn't felt their injuries important enough to come straight to he or Ahab on. He wanted to make sure that everyone got the care that they needed without him needing to go from door to door on each of the huts checking on everyone, so he had decided to do a clan wide checkup. Picking up his distressingly light herb bag in his jaws, the young siamese had padded over to near where the most active center of the Typhoon was – right near the tavern. From there, he put his bag down and shook out his pelt, his blue eyes glancing around at the various faces he could see at work on rebuilding. When a temporary hush fell over the area, Roan took his chance, raising his muzzle to the sky and calling out loudly, "It's time for checkups! If you sustained injuries from the meteor or anything else and you haven't been treated or looked at yet, please come over here so I can look you over. Even if you have already been patched up, feel free to come over so I can check your progress." He silently hoped that Ahab would show up to help him in some way, but he resolved not to get his hopes up. After all, he needed to be able to do his duties on his own as well.

( if your character is hurt please put their injuries + what state they're in if they're already patched up <3 )
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: MOTHER KNOWS BEST ☆ checkups - bubblegum - 05-24-2020

Re: MOTHER KNOWS BEST ☆ checkups - hollows creek ! - 05-25-2020

hollow's creek was hesitant to approach, wondering if it would be appropriate of him to accept. he was still fairly new to the typhoon, and there could still be few minds who saw him as an intruder as ahab did. he wouldn't imagine being denied, considering the hospitality their captain already provided, but the judgement was what he concerned himself about. holly didn't want to appear as if he would be taking advantage of their sage's skill and supplies so soon.

he lingered while mentally debating with himself, pacing slowly. elk had taught him that the longer a soldier took to swallow his pride to get looked at, the worse it was for the healer to treat. the saber took in a deep breath before finally overcoming his internal war and came forward, greeting the two with a wry smile.

"i don't have any external injuries, thankfully. but after the crash and landing here i've had some mild headaches and dizziness. sometimes i get confused about what i'm doing, briefly, though. it has never happened to me before this, so i assume it's new."

[he has a minor concussion from impact o:]

Re: MOTHER KNOWS BEST ☆ checkups - MYERS - 05-26-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Roan was a good kid - better than him at doing his job, Ahab was sure. Where the bear was prone to distance and more likely to wait for trouble to find him, Roan was, in the interest of doing the right thing, prone to seeking it out. (Of course, these were basic duties of their crew, but Roan would always be small and vulnerable in his eyes.) At least this time, the child wasn't wandering the borders and talking to strangers, but taking a step to ensure that his clanmates were safe.

...Something that Ahab, once again, had failed to think of. But rather than feel any sort of jealousy, that Roan was perhaps better suited to the elder role, the other Sage merely decided that he'd give Roan a good clap on the back as he approached. "'M here." He wasn't going to resolve himself to a background role when, even with Roan taking charge, his help was needed as well.

It didn't matter that he ached to the bone, that burns riddled his pelt where the blast had met him head on. He'd heal. He always did - he was meant to survive the worst, a tank in every sense of the term. The scars that already littered his skin, pockmarked with stitching scars, were a testament to his resilience. He would heal himself after the others were safe, and he would not let Roan tell him otherwise.

Re: MOTHER KNOWS BEST ☆ checkups - roan ; - 05-27-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Goldie was the first to approach, and even though she had sufficiently bandaged herself up, Roan still couldn't help shooting a worried glance her way. His calm blue gaze dragged slowly over her bandaged up wounds and wings, making a mental note to ask her how her cast was doing, even if he didn't strictly need to. Through his anxiety, the boy managed a soft smile to Goldie, his voice quiet and slightly tired as he spoke, "Thanks, Goldie. It's really appreciated." And it was, really. The last few days had been beyond stressful for both Roan and Ahab – whom arrived shortly after him, giving him a clap on the back in greeting. It took all of the draconic apprentice's balance not to fall flat on his face from the force of it, even if the bear hadn't meant to pat hard. Once he had righted himself again, Roan looked up at Ahab and muttered plainly, a smile upon his muzzle, "Ah, hey Ahab... thank you for helping me." He gently butted his head against whatever part of Ahab he could reach, another silent thanks to the male who was like a mentor and grandfather to him.

With his thanks taken care of, it was time to deal with the first patient that had arrived – Hollow's Creek. The siamese found himself frowning as Hollow explained his symptoms, padding over and tilting his head. He very gently reached up his paws to tilt the other's head to the side, watching his gaze. Once he seemed satisfied, the sage stepped back before speaking, sifting through his bag, "I'm fairly sure you've got a minor concussion, probably from the crash. I can't do much for that, I'm afraid. You'll jsut have to get some rest and try not to overexert yourself. Although I will give you some feverfew for the headaches, okay?" He felt bad about not being able to do much, but a concussion was an unfortunately internal issue. Michael had suffered one as well during the meteor strike, and Roan had been forced to prescribe the same thing. Rest, and taking it easy for a while. Sighing a little bit, the feline pulled out feverfew from his bag, pushing it forward to Hollow and muttering, "This should help with the headache pains. If you end up needing any more, you can come to me or Ahab."
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: MOTHER KNOWS BEST ☆ checkups - ROXANNE R. - 05-28-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Thankfully, Roxanne hadn't been too injured during the whole shitshow that had unfolded during the meteor shower. A soft breath leaving her lips, she had sustained a few burns and they had hurt though she had faced a lot worse. Her ribs were slowly healing although, it still hurt to breathe and she would always take a poppy seed or two. Her ears would twitch lightly and her tail would flick to the sides, her wings shuffling into a more comfortable position. Her mismatched gaze fixating onto her family members both ears perked forward, her whiskers would twitch in a bit of happiness. Oh, checkups? Well, she didn't have much of an issue with though now that she thought about it. She probably needed some aloe vera for her burns, she hesitated for a few moments before the Reaver would finally approach with a small smile on her maw.

"Hello loves," Her tail would lash to the sides in a calm manner, her ears flicking back and laying against the back of her cranium. She didn't know how to go about this until she mustered up the courage to speak with a slight tilt of her cranium "I have a few burns... Do you have aloe vera?" She would ask feeling her face heating up with slight embarrassment and would sit down slowly twitching her tail using it to motion the burns on her left side and left front limb. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]