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fool ☀ private - Printable Version

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fool ☀ private - arcy - 05-08-2018

Despite everything, Izuku does not appear to care about his latest injuries. It's a pretty typical thing for him, after all -- wrong place wrong time, or say the wrong thing to the wrong person, and Izuku would be left bruised and bloody. He couldn't see and his face kind of hurt to move, and while this was incredibly distressing, it didn't really stop Izuku from trying to do what he wants. No matter how concerned everyone was over the matter. Though, he kept walking into walls and that was ... unfortunate. Honestly, he could probably take the bandanna off soon, because Izuku can kind of see but it always really blurry and he can't focus and it always hurts. A lot. He can't really stand colors or anything bright at the moment, not even in these caves, so the bandanna stays on.
Anyways, as it is right now, Izuku is very determined to explore deeper into the caves despite the fact he'll probably be walking into -- well, anything. That just a misfortune he'd have to deal with. At the very least, however, Izuku has put on a scarf and a sweater. He's fine with the cold, and this is kind of much for Izuku(it's... too warm, with all the fur), but just in case. He knows it can get cold down there.
With all of this, Izuku begins his -- ah, adventure. At first this consists of just wandering around the more populated areas, ears turning as he does his best to commit it all to memory. It's, uh, not as satisfying as it would be with his sight fully intact, and he kept brushing and running into walls, but what could ya do. Eventually, however, Izuku is done with this sort of wandering, and sets his sights on the deeper cave systems. The Maine Coon grins as he attempts to locate the area, peering deeper in once he eventually finds it. Wow, he's gonna get ... terribly lost, at least for a few hours. That was gonna be very unfortunate, but Izuku would deal with it as it came. (he wasn't usually this careless until he was injured and beyond restless. that was ... kind of sad.)

//[member=159]cry[/member] sorry for the shit thread starter lol


Re: fool ☀ private - cry - 05-10-2018

  //Np sorry for the late reply!

  Cry huffed, watching the kid bump into wall, person and bump alike. What was the kid a klutz or something? Even when she was blind she could still see. Or... was it different with animals? She remembered reading something like that in the various runes her mother had rescribed from normal books. He was a very kind soul, trying to make things as normal for her as possible despite her shape and form. The raven huffed, swooping down from her perch. She dug her talons into the ground beside Izuku, silent. She tilted her head, taking a few steps after the wandering Maine Coon. He would hurt himself out here.

  Whatcha doing, sprout? She hummed, her voice rumbling out of her throat. Her voice was tired and hoarse. She did not talk much, so it was sore due to lack of use. It was weird. Animals were weird. One's voice would get tired from lack of use. Was it like lubrication or something like that? It was so much easier just to talk without chords.


Re: fool ☀ private - arcy - 05-10-2018

Honestly, Izuku was a klutz even when he could see -- people just usually didn't notice. It was just about ten times worse when he couldn't see, though. But again, he kind of ... didn't care. If he got hurt while exploring? So be it, it happened literally all the time. Izuku was the biggest trouble magnet you'd probably ever witness, at least when he was left on his own. So -- yes, he should probably start asking people to chaperone him or whatever, but Izuku had decided pretty promptly after nearly being brushed off that he shouldn't bother people like that.
Izuku's ears twitch as he hears the soft sounds of uh -- something, and the feline stops in his tracks as his head tilts. Was it just the caverns? Or was it something else? He gets his answer when he hears the sound of a somewhat hoarse voice, jolting rather terribly as he hears it. It was -- oh! It was Cry! For a moment he's very nervous -- Cry didn't have the best track record of being polite, but when she says nothing more, the feline turns to the raven, tail giving a few wags. (the feline's entire body language was more dog-like than cat-like, honestly.)
"Um, hi!" Izuku chirps in greeting. He sounds just a little nervous, after that one incident where she screamed at him for knowing her name. Other than this, however, Izuku is otherwise as friendly as he always is, especially regarding his clanmates, and is doing his best to grin at her. He is ... not facing quite the right direction, but the intention is clear. In any case -- despite how rude Cry had proven herself to be, Izuku is almost completely certain she's not one layer of pure anger. This may just Izuku's standard belief in people, but at least Cry showed more fun tibdits of actual personality he could defend her with. Seriously though, he'd spend an entire decade defending his bully's behavior despite all of the scars the other had put on his skin. (mostly to himself, though -- nobody had ever really questioned or tried to stop Kacchan, at least until UA.) "I was -- um, just going to explore the caves," The grin becomes very sheepish as he admits this. It's pretty clear Izuku knows he should probably not be doing such a thing, but was going to do it anyways, just because he was bored. I mean, he probably shouldn't be doing it even when he could see, but definitely not when he couldn't. But, well, Izuku would be one of the first to admit that he's one of the reckless sort, who sort of ... doesn't care about his health. (he's lying. he'd be one of the last to admit it, just because he'd be too busy defending his reasoning for it.)


Re: fool ☀ private - cry - 05-12-2018

  Cry was a dark twisted labyrinth of twisted thoughts and confusing behaviors, but deep inside, she was a kind person. She deeply cared about a set number of people in her life. And... they were all taken away from her. One damn rabbit took them all away from her. She normally would be adjusting at this point. Polies naturally adjusted that's what they did. But... opening up meant trusting others. She felt no real connection to the people in this village. For the most part, no one even bothered to get to know her. She was harsh and brutal, yes. She thrived on the fact, actually. But... it seemed she could count the number of people that actually tried to get past that on one hand. ... It made her sad. She was naturally a very lonely person. It was her nature. But... she still got lonely. It was not like Cry enjoyed being alone. She just worked better that way. She worked better when there was no one around her that could be hurt by her hasty decisions. She stayed away and drove people from her to protect them. She would much rather be hated than cause someone pain. ... Though... She did miss being loved.

  The raven huffed, ruffling her feathers. She reached over, gently brushing Izuku's head in the right direction. So the kid was blind, eh? Sad. Animal blindness was sad. They were truly blind. No light detection. No sensory awareness. Just... darkness. It sounded awful. You're going to get hurt this far in. She replied, slowly blinking. The kid needed a guard dog or something. Though... that would be weird in this world (hell, that would be weird in her world). She sighed. She was the only one around, after all. Need an extra set of eyes? She offered. Maybe if she stuck around the kid she could... actually make a friend.


Re: fool ☀ private - arcy - 05-14-2018

Izuku was a person that thrived most when he was surrounded by people, preferably who cared for him. He hadn't really lived till he joined UA high school, because his classmates had been so nice and willing to befriend him. They didn't quite get his relationship with Kacchan, thought it was just a sour relationship, but that was okay. So when it'd all been taken from him -- well, Izuku hadn't had the chance to let himself adjust or anything. One minute he was awake, the next he was already in the business of defending his life and all that. He definitely hadn't coped well, and he'd felt awfully empty being so alone. Now -- well, Izuku had definitely fared better here, so perhaps Cry's whole upset would be a little jarring to him.
The feline squeaks a little as he feels Cry's wing against his head, having definitely not expected it, though he allows his head to be turned. Why had she done that? Or -- oh, was that the direction Cry was facing? Nobody had ever corrected him on which direction he was facing or anything, though he imagines it'd be kind of stressful to some people have Izuku not even facing whoever he's talking to.
"Probably," Izuku allows as Cry speaks again, grin becoming more sheepish by the second. There hasn't been a single moment in Izuku's lifetime(s) in which he'd cared about his wellbeing, though, so it's not like anything would change now. He could always wait till his eyes are healed enough to see without horrible migraines, but where's the fun in that? Izuku is incapable of staying still for more than a day, really.  "If -- if you don't mind!" The feline chirps, tail giving a surprised sweep as Cry offers. He looks momentarily perplexed that she'd take time away from her schedule to even do this, but -- well, he could use the company. The last thing he needed was to get lost for like, two days and then get chewed out again. Besides, this would be a good opportunity! Cry had always seemed kind of lonely to him, with everyone seeming to dislike her and all that -- he's not sure if she actually was, but it must be kind of upsetting. Still, Izuku thinks it'd be nice to try and befriend her, or at least get to know the bird -- she seemed to be in a good enough mood right now, so just so long as he doesn't upset her, everything would probably go pretty well!! (it's only a little weird for him to realize that this is the same bird who got into so much -- drama, for lack of better words.)


Re: fool ☀ private - cry - 05-14-2018

  She could feel the sympathy the creature had for her. It was gross. She didn't need anyone. Anyone that stayed by her side was a companion and nothing more. She wasn't dependent. She wasn't needy. ... She sighed. She pushed her ego aside, tilting her head. She ruffled her chrest and yawned. She opened her wings, flying a good handful of feet into the air before gliding a hearty two meters away. She closed her feathers, turning back to Izuku. She cooed, tilting her head. She offered a smile, not that Izuku could see. You coming? She hummed.
