Beasts of Beyond
Would You Like a Warriors RP Board? - Printable Version

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Would You Like a Warriors RP Board? - tikki - 05-14-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]Staff are wanting to know if you'd like a Warriors RP board in the "others" section of the site! We know some people have been doing BoB-based discords for it, so figured we'd bring it to the site if it's got high enough interest!

Feel free to ask questions about it in this thread, but make sure to vote in the poll too! Same rules for polls apply here as they do anywhere else, do not use multiple accounts to vote on the poll!

Re: Would You Like a Warriors RP Board? - Orion - 05-24-2020

Locking votes!