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go to hell [o, back] - Printable Version

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go to hell [o, back] - OCTANE. - 05-14-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


The tremors in Tanglewood had been surprising, at the least. He was asleep when they came- the bright flash in the sky did not wake him up, but Caustic grabbing him and sending him to the floor did. Man, if only they lasted a little longer. They had huddled together as Caustic's house shook around them, objects falling to the floor.
It was kind of hot, honestly.
It took another day of checking that Caustic was gonna be alright before he started heading back. Not without getting a few hits, first. Getting Caustic to bite him was always a challenge, but man was it always worth it.

Man, holy shit. He missed a bit, huh?
Buzzed out and stupid, Octane trudged passed knocked over trees and broken huts, until he reached the destroyed state of his own home. "Oh. Huh." So... he'd need a new place then. He puts his paw to his chin, trying to devise where he would move to. Did he have anything important in there? Damn, this place looked fucked up. Wonder what happened.

Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: go to hell [o, back] - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-15-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M GONNA BE YOUR BUBBLEGUM BITCH !。+゚.[/glow]
"Nice to see you back."

Aphra's voice was cold as she spoke, standing behind Octane. Her eyes were narrowed at the cheetah, her tail wrapped neatly and tight around her paws. It wasn't hard to miss the cheetah bastard coming back home, unscathed. Of course she was angry and perhaps a bit jealous; Octane didn't have to deal with only being able to see out of one eye now. Not to mention he was just uninjured in general, whereas everyone else had suffering some sort of blow, if not outright dying.

"Where the hell were you?" Aphra tried to look Octane in the eyes now, baring her teeth. Why couldn't it have been her out there, safe and sound? Maybe then she wouldn't be half-blind now. "Abandoning your crewmates like that?" She was assuming he just up and left sometime before the shower, fleeing from The Typhoon - not realizing he had left quite a bit before. "You're a fucking coward, asshole. You shouldn't have come back."

Yeah, she was angry. Did she have a reason to be? Probably not, but she oddly enough didn't feel bad 'scolding' Octane; it made her anger seem to flow away. It felt nice. Maybe once she cooled down would she apologize for lashing out to the poor dude but right now, Aphra didn't care. She probably didn't have the right to yell at him in the first place, but she wasn't known for keeping her mouth shut.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: go to hell [o, back] - hollows creek ! - 05-17-2020

perhaps it was luck hollow's creek had been saved from the cold lick of judgement from aphra when he had discovered the islands. though he had been physically affected from the shower by being thrown overboard a ship and almost drowning, his injuries had healed relatively quickly all considering. though he wasn't sure if he would have preferred the woman's verbal lashing or ahab quite literally hunting him for several days.

these pirates were rather ruthless, was all he had to know. though they did not think much differently in the end.

holly didn't know either of them, though. to him it looked like the situation could turn into a physical confrontation, so he merely lingered for presence rather than any verbal offering.

Re: go to hell [o, back] - michael t. - 05-17-2020

Aphra and Michael didn't really have all that much in common. They were both connected to Roxie in some way, and Michael didn't really have any reason to hate the other, but it wasn't often that he found himself agreeing with her. In this case, however, he could definitely understand her anger. After all, as he came padding up beside Aphra, his head still slightly spinning from the concussion he had suffered after the meteor strike, he couldn't help but feel angry. Angry that Octane was standing there, completely carefree and uninjured, while the rest of them had been suffering and panicking over their loved ones. It didn't even seem as if he knew what had happened, and he didn't seem to care much either, beyond realizing he would need a new house. And he had the audacity to ask why people weren't a fan of him? Michael wanted to lash out, and tell him to go back to Tanglewood with Caustic, and never come back.

Ignoring the presence of Hollow – since the other didn't seem to have anything to add – Michael hissed lowly at Octane, "I don't say this often, but I agree with Aphra. Nice job up and fucking leaving us all to deal with a meteor strike. How's Caustic? Hope he's doing great." Sarcasm dripped freely from his words, coming out as a barrage of frustration and hostility. He had spent the last few days in a state of shock and dismay, injured and clinging on to those he cared about. It had been the second worst thing he had ever had to deal with in his life – coming after his torture at the hands of The Lost, obviously – and Octane was just standing there. He spat, his small tail flicking and lashing behind him as he glared at the cheetah, "If you're gonna fucking disappear on us and only come back after a major calamity, you might as well just go and live with Caustic in Tanglewood. I don't think The Typhoon has any need for fair weather crew members."

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: go to hell [o, back] - OCTANE. - 05-18-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


Octane looked up from his destroyed hut to Aphra, pissed as ever. He stares at her for a moment in a dumbfounded gesture, his brain processing her insults. ”Oh,” he mumbles, ”Yeah, I was visiting my lab partner.” No need for an apology- he didn’t do anything wrong and he couldn’t be held responsible for some act of god.

"His house blew up so I went to check on him, fun stuff.” he muses further, flicking his tail. Octane's blazed-out eyes look at Hollow as they approach, grunting something like a "Hola," under his breathe.

Octane's ears tilt back and he grumbles, letting Aphra's words process over his brain. Holy fuck, he is not sober enough for this conversation. Michael approaches, and his lips upturn to bare teeth as the bobcat insults him. "Hey now, shut the fuck up about him. Leave him outta it," He groans, taking a seat on the sand as the world woozes by. Regret and guilt hit him in a dull pain- okay so- his brain tries to process- it was bad that he... didn't come back faster? What else was he suppose to do? Oh fuck, they were gonna kick him out and everyone hatred him and- Octane breaths. Maybe he's just high enough for this. "I get that you are upset," he exhales, tilting his head to the side, glancing at his house again. "How was I supposed to know a meteor was gonna strike, amigo? I was sleeping. Caustic pulled me under the bed when the tremors hit and all." Really, how was he? "I was checkin' he was alright-" he waves his paws, "Cause of the, ya know, unrelated explosion, and just happened to be there when it happened. I'm here now," Okay, good start- how to not make them mad at him?
"Put me to work. I don't give a shit."

Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: go to hell [o, back] - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-18-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M GONNA BE YOUR BUBBLEGUM BITCH !。+゚.[/glow]
Visiting his lab partner? Seriously? Although that in of itself was innocent, especially since this lab partner - Caustic, judging by Michael's words - lived in Tanglewood (again, which Aphra deducted from Michael), the fact that Octane hadn't been where when it happened is what bothered Aphra. Or rather, him not coming and checking up on his own crewmates is what bothered her. Sure, traveling was a pain in the ass, but the fact it took him a couple of days to get here is what made Aphra irritated.

Octane spoke ask if Caustic had taken him to shelter when the tremors hit, which was all fine and dandy for them, but Aphra knew if it had been her personally, she would've wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. But then again, maybe there was shit that was going on that she didn't know about. Judging how drugged up Octane looked, however, Aphra wasn't willing to guess that everything went to shit in Tanglewood. "The tremors should've alerted you something was up." The oriental longhair hissed. "I'm sure Tanglewood said something about a meteor coming down." Obviously, she didn't have proof of that, and it was probably rude of her to assume, but she didn't care.

Aphra was vaguely aware of Hollows Creek at the scene, though she said nothing to him. He seemed to be observing the situation, which was fine; Aphra had Michael to back her up, it seemed. Plus, Hollows Creek hadn't been here when the meteor hit, if rumors were to be believed. Aphra huffed and rolled her eyes when Octane demanded that they put him to work - ha! If she had the authority to, she certainly would. "I don't have the authority to." Hell, wasn't Octane technically higher than her? "But if I had the option, I'd make you help clean up around this place." It was the least that could be done. Maybe ban you from the Tavern for a week. She added to herself silently; at least for her, that would be a worse punishment.

Re: go to hell [o, back] - michael t. - 05-19-2020

Perhaps Michael was lashing out a little bit in his usual hotheaded way. Perhaps Octane didn't exactly deserve everything that Aphra and Michael were throwing at him. In fact, that was probably true. However, the bobcat just couldn't help it for the moment. He was tired, and his head hurt like hell, and most of his friends and family were hurt in some way – he had a little bit of a reason to be pissed off, even if he was expressing it in the wrong ways. He sighed as he heard Octane speaking about Caustic, scrubbing at his own face with a paw before he hissed, "His house probably blew up because of something he caused, you know. A little hard to feel bad for him." The thief might not have lived nextdoor to Caustic for long, but he had lived their long enough to know that the canine was often doing some kind of weird shit within his home. Michael had figured it was just weird experiments with dead prey animals, but it wouldn't have surprised him if explosions factored into it as well.

I'm here now, put me to work. The proposition sounded pretty tempting, and it wasn't as if there wasn't plenty of work to be done. Things were still in a state of severe disrepair, and more than a few paws would be needed to put it all together again. The privateer knew that, in technicality, he and Octane were on the same level of authority. They had been promoted together, after all. Despite this, Octane had asked for some kind of orders, so Michael found himself grumbling, paw lowering to the ground to sink his claws into the sand, "I think you should help clean up too. There's plenty of destroyed huts along the beach, with people trying to put their lives back together now that their valuables have gone tumbling in the wind. You're fast enough that you could probably help a few of them get things back." The anger was slowly beginning to drain from the fugitive's voice, instead just being replaced by exhaustion. So many people needed help that just the thought of it was enough to make him weak in the knees.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: go to hell [o, back] - OCTANE. - 05-20-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


Octane groans the more he's badgered, taking a few clomping steps in the sand and lifting up some of the broken boards of his hut with a paw. "Least I wasn't inside. Probable would've gotten a few cool scars." did he even have anything inside? Octane glances to his backpack, thrown to the side.

Octane's hackles raise and his tail puffs up as Michael is talking about him again, "I said shut the fuck up about him, Michael." He rolls his shoulders- he needs to take it easy. He shouldn't get mad, Michael didn't do anything. "A lot of shit's happened man," seemed like it. He ponders over it- how many people got hurt?

His jaw drops in a lazy face as he thinks about it, how Caustic looked before he left, kicking the cheetah out and throwing his shit out with him too. Cuatsic was still... hurting, from the ramifications of the explosions.  "A lot of people are hurting, huh," Octane's drugged brain doesn't wanna think about it too hard. They couldn't fucking leave, ever.

"Not his fault, more of mine I guess." Octane's the one that brought the device in the first place, and Caustic didn't even mean to ever get here in the first place.

Octane's fur is still raising as Michael is telling him what to do, lips raising behind his mask in a scowl. He feels like Michael is trying to guilt trip him- for not being here when he didn't have any control over it.

Man, when did Michael start caring about other people?


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime