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OUT ON THE CURB AGAIN ☆ late mother's day - Printable Version

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OUT ON THE CURB AGAIN ☆ late mother's day - michael t. - 05-14-2020

Michael had never really had an amazing relationship with his mother. He supposed he had a better relationship with her than he had with his father, since he wasn't living in constant fear of his mother, but it wasn't as if she cared much for him. Even after constantly vying for her attention as a kit, Michael was often ignored and pushed aside, shoved right into the drunk and furious paws of his father just so his mother could protect herself. Being just a child, the thief had always thought that was his fault. As he had grown older, however, he had come to realize just how much his mother hadn't cared about him at all, and how he had just been an unfortunate result of happenstance to her. Needless to say, after this realization, mother's day had never really been a holiday that Michael had thought highly of. It usually just brought him pain and misery, and occasionally on the really bad years, flashbacks to an awful time long passed. However, things were different this year. This year, he actually had a proper family, who loved him. This year, he wasn't being shunned or pushed away by someone who had never really loved him.

Despite this, Michael still hadn't been planning anything large for mother's day. Perhaps just a card and a hug for Roxie, and a little shout-out to any other mothers he passed by during the day. However, this had been before Roan had come to him. The young sage had been somewhat frantic and frustrated, a wild gleam in his little blue eyes. When Michael had questioned him about what was wrong, the draconic boy had explained that he had forgotten about mother's day, and he had no idea what to do while he was so busy with his medical duties. Michael – having grown soft in his time within the Typhoon, obviously – had agreed to help the kid out, although both of them agreed that they wouldn't be able to give a gift to Roxie on the actual mother's day, thanks to Roan's currently frantic schedule. The sage was understandably broken up about it, but he also wanted to be around when his mother got his gift, not off taking care of yet another patient. Michael had understood this, and thus the two went to work, collecting supplies and putting together what would hopefully be a present that would make Roxie's day. Ultimately, it ended up being something rather simple – a jewelry box. However, it was a smooth wood jewelry box that had carnations carefully painted on the outside by Michael – with several hours of slow, shaky painting – as well as colorful carnations woven into the hinges outside by Roan. By the time it was done, it was beautiful and sweet smelling, and although Michael knew it was far from large enough to hold all of Roxie's jewelry, he felt like she would cherish it anyways.

Several days after mother's day had come and gone, there finally came a time where Roan wasn't busy with something else to do, and he had very nearly barreled Michael over in his excitement to give his gift to his mother. Michael had intended to just let the kid give it on his own, but the siamese had been stubborn, insisting that they give it together, since they had both worked on it. The thief had still been hesitant, but eventually he relented, unable to resist the puppy dog eyes of his oldest nephew. After that little argument, Michael and Roan had gone to find Roxie, Roan carrying her jewelry box in a carefully wrapped package within his jaws. They eventually located her down near the beach, close to her home. It wasn't a very surprising spot for her, and Michael found himself chuckling as he moved over, tapping her on the shoulder with a paw, "Rox? Roan and I have got a late gift for you, if you'll accept it." Roan, meanwhile, eagerly moved over to the other side of his mother, putting the wrapped present in front of her before he grinned, slightly tiredly, "Uncle Michael is right, mama. I'm sorry I wasn't able to give this to you on mother's day, but I've just been so busy lately... that's why I needed to ask him to help me in the first place..." The apprentice glanced down at his paws for a moment, shifting them before he continued, "Anyways... go on! Open it!"

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: OUT ON THE CURB AGAIN ☆ late mother's day - hollows creek ! - 05-17-2020

by citon's tradition, mother's were typically treated highly with respect and gratitude for their service in raising their young. the 'greater' the mother became as they gained each generation, the further their respect was earned. such treatment was not seen often under echo's ruling, but holly's mother did not spare him any details of the forgotten tradition. even though his uncle had ceased many of his clans ancient traditions, his mother was sure to instill that one.

his grandmother had only appeared briefly in his life before passing to a sickness, but from the little time he spent with his mother and father he knew she was a respectable warrior, ferocious in her prime. she had given many cubs to citon and some had even been bargaining's for truce's or agreements back during his grandfather's reign. it was a foreign concept that the more modern citon never learned of, considering echo had turned his back on all their allies and forcefully merged into them, but a little piece of their history that was hard to forget.

though they held all this respect and love toward their clan mothers, holly couldn't remember if they specifically called for a day treated to them. he knew it would most definitely be something he remembered, and even participated in for his own mother, but he was running a blank. in the midst of him roamings it was roan's excitable announcement to roxanne that had made him curious.

the saber approached them with innocent intent, settling a few paces behind michael with a small smile on his face. he lowered his head down to murmur his question without interrupting. "could you tell me about mothers day? i'm not familiar with it where i'm from." he figured it was a day of dedication, but how to appropriately attend it was another thing. did they approach all mothers with this treatment, or just their own? was it yearly, monthly? he wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter, seeing all that they did for their young. he knew mouse had done her best with him and his brother despite the obstacles his uncle presented, and he would have repaid her better had he been given the chance.

Re: OUT ON THE CURB AGAIN ☆ late mother's day - ROXANNE R. - 05-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Of course, the beach was never an odd spot for her. It held several memories and was rather close to her home as well as her heart since it held bittersweet memories. A soft sigh would leave her maw as she looked out to the ocean smelling the salt water which brought a sense of comfort to her, her wings would move subtly on her back though it wasn't long before someone would tap on her shoulder, her ears perking as she was removed from her brief daze. A fond smile seeing that it was Michael about to respond until Roan had moved to her other side did she giggle quietly with amusement "It seems I'm surrounded by both my beloved Sage and Privateer," Her whiskers would twitch with a bit of amusement only to catch on to what the both of them were saying. Mother's day? Roxanne felt embarrassment bloom within her knowing very well that she had forgotten about that holiday since she hadn't been a mother before until now, when she first had Roan then her other cubs. She hadn't even thought twice when the day had come rolling by, her mind mostly concerned about her children and the Typhoon itself rather than a day dedicated to mothers like herself. "Ah, that's so sweet of you. I'm sure whatever it is, I'm going to love it,"

She would slowly unwrap the gift only to see that it was a lovely jewelry box with carnations carved onto it, her eyes would widen only to feel a few tears threatening to spill. She glanced to both Roan and Michael only to mew with a shaky smile tugging at her lips "I love it so much..." She pressed her nose to Michael's cheek before she nuzzled Roan pressing several kisses to his face. "Thank you so much, this is the best gift a mother could have." There was a pause only to bring Roan into an embrace murmuring gently to him "No... You're the greatest gift a mother could have," Her gaze shifted over in the direction of Holly and well, to be fair, she was certain that Mother's day was just an appreciation of sorts though any day could be considered mother's day if children loved their mother, of course. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: OUT ON THE CURB AGAIN ☆ late mother's day - michael t. - 05-24-2020

Feeling a grin slowly spread across his face as soon as he heard Roxie, Michael found himself purring before long, gently pressing into his sister's side, "Beloved privateer? Oh Rox, you'll make me blush." A soft hum left him as Roxie turned his attention to their gift, his ears perking when he heard Hollow's Creek. Satisfied that Roan could deal with his mother's appreciation, the bobcat turned to Hollow's Creek and muttered simply, his short stump of a tail flicking to and fro behind him, "Mother's day? Ah, well... I never really did much for it back when I was little, but I still knew what it was about. Basically it's a day all about appreciating the mother's in your life and all they did for you. Your mother, grandmothers, even your friends who are mothers... or in my case, my sister. Usually you show your appreciation with little gifts or mementos. Roan and I are a little late on our gift giving, since the kid's been so busy with his sage duties." Despite the fact that Michael had never had a mother who cared about him enough to really celebrate mother's day with her, he had certainly learned about it. He had even daydreamed once or twice what it would've been like to have a mother who actually loved him he could've celebrated. The thought made his expression darken for a moment, and he hastily turned back to Roxie and Roan, trying to clear his thoughts.

Roan seemed almost delighted as he watched his mother unwrap their gift, the sage's long tail flicking from side to side behind him. He sucked in an anticipatory breath when  she began to unwrap it, his blue eyes lighting up when he saw the expression of delight on her face. He watched as Michael chuckled and returned his sister's nuzzle, before the apprentice let out a soft surprised noise, tugged into his mother's grip. He began to laugh as he was peppered in kisses, feeling a wave of happiness and general sentimentality come over him as he looked up at his mother. Things had been difficult for him to reconcile with after the whole lightning incident, but it seemed as though he had really made his mother happy, and that was good enough for him. Gently pressing his head into the thick fluff around her chest and neck, Roan found himself mumbling lovingly, "I'm really glad you like it, mama. Y te amo tanto." He wasn't sure quite how much he could really believe he was his mother's finest gift after all he had done, but this was certainly a start.

[glow=#FFAD01,1,000][i]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: OUT ON THE CURB AGAIN ☆ late mother's day - hollows creek ! - 05-25-2020

holly's expression lifted in surprise, nodding his head as he listened. so it was for all mothers. unfortunate he missed the day, he would have liked to participate in it when he could. maybe he would make his own day to do it on his own rather than wait an entire year. he wondered if there were actually any grandmothers among the pirates, quietly going over the faces and names he had met thus far. they were all so young here... he couldn't imagine any of those women being grandmothers so young.

"well, thank you michael. i'll leave you three alone then." he lifted his head and took a few steps forward. "happy late mother's day, miss roux. you have a hard workin' boy here." his gave them both a smile before stepping back and moving on from their small little gathering.