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ALONE TOGETHER ☆ visiting - Printable Version

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ALONE TOGETHER ☆ visiting - roan ; - 05-14-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — ( set after the meteor/tremors, obvi <3 )

Curiosity killed the cat was a common proverb all around the world, meant to warn one of the dangers that came with sticking their nose where it didn't belong. It seemed to have a simple enough message – don't chase after knowledge you don't have when it isn't needed, or it could kill you. Despite its simple meaning, the proverb still went ignored by many, including one Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux, who had been struck with a profound sense of curiosity recently. Not even so much curiosity, but rather, an itch. An itch that went deep beneath his fur and even beneath his skin, clinging to his very bones in a way that he just couldn't shake. Ever since the meteor had crashed into the waves near The Typhoon, Roan had not only had his family and his friends within his group on his mind, but also those outside of the Typhoon. He knew that at least Tanglewood had been affected by tremors, but what about Elysium, or... the Pitt? His mind lingered on the desert dwelling group for a moment, and he could feel the itch along his bones grow worse, and even more prominent. What if someone was hurt? What if his friend, Piers was hurt?

That mere thought alone was enough to push the draconic siamese from his bed, his heart beating frantically against his ribs like a bird in a cage. He could hear the soft sounds of his mother sleeping in the next room over, and he was silently glad that it was the middle of the night. He gingerly grabbed his medical bag in his teeth, slipping it on over his middle before he slinked out into the living room, giving the dark house one last glance over. He wouldn't be long. It would just be a visit, to make sure that everyone was alright. That wouldn't cause any panic, right? A heavy feeling of guilt had already settled somewhere in the middle of his chest, but Roan didn't let that stop him, pushing the door to his family's hut open and taking off into the night. He knew what he was doing didn't truly make sense. After all, the Typhoon and the Pitt were supposed to be enemies, but... he couldn't help it. The people there had been kind to him when he had run to them, and he had grown fond of Piers in his short time there, as crazy as that sounded. He could only hope that news of his visit didn't travel far, or he was sure he would get an earful when he returned home.

By the time the sage reached the border of the Pitt, it was nearing the morning, with the blazing Pittian sun just beginning to rise over the horizon. His wings were tired, and the feeling of guilt and nerves in his chest had only grown worse with every step he took, but he also couldn't help but feel happy. Or at the very least, glad to be there. He knew that if he remained at home, he simply would've ended up constantly fighting that itch inside, unable to help his own anxieties. This was far better. He would drop in, make sure everyone was alright, and then fly back home just in time for dinner. At least, that was the plan. Taking a deep breath, the apprentice took a few steps over the border, raising his muzzle to the sky before he called out experimentally, "Hello? Anybody here? Piers...?" The itch inside had now transformed into a pleasant hum of something akin to excitement, waiting to see if the other male would show up and be alright. Thoughts of the Typhoon and his family seemed, for now at least, a million miles away.

For after all, curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: ALONE TOGETHER ☆ visiting - Kydobi - 05-15-2020


[OOC: ]

Although he now adorned a different scent, Kydobi could easily recognized just exactly who was the owner of that voice. He was particularly intrigued when he heard them call for his son. It made sense that Roan would be concerned about being scolded for returning to the Pitt but lucky for him the Pitt had a habit of keeping their business their business.

Besides, it was always a pleasure to see someone return. It gave Kydobi a spike of hope that no matter how small, a good impression was made. That was something.

“roan? How’ve you been?”, he hadn’t gotten the chance to know the boy well while they had stayed but perhaps it was time.


Re: ALONE TOGETHER ☆ visiting - deimos - 05-16-2020

Scouring the burnt jungle proved fruitless. He had been in and out of the burnt stumps and trunks, branches littering the ground- and most importantly that char that stuck to his legs, his paws. He sighed, slowly dragging himself and the satchel out of the jungle. It seemed every time he tried to work his way in and out of the jungle all he got was tired, exhausted, and no seeds, bulbs, or life of any kind. Desolate. Maybe he needed a new angle.

As he walked, however, the sound of conversation made his ears perk. That scent on the wind was foretelling- one of familiarity, and then another of.. a different kind of familiarity. Amusing, in thought, but almost gut-wrenching in a foretelling feeling. He picked up his pace, a little bit, before joining the two at the border. He looked between his father, then back towards Roan. And, with that slight amused tone, he spoke. "Roan. It's good to see you're alright. How did the Typhoon fair..?" The question was soft, a tip-toe around the real problem there. He knew it wasn't good.


Re: ALONE TOGETHER ☆ visiting - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-17-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I THINK I'M TOO FAR GONE TO SAVE !。+゚.[/glow]
God damn. That was the only thought running through Dante's head as he tracked the scent of The Typhoon, slightly irritated by how many enemies seemed to be prancing around. As he got closer, he realized it was another kid and Dante couldn't help but roll his eyes. Seriously? What was up with it being children constantly? Whatever, he supposed. If Kydobi was allowing it, then he shouldn't be that bothered by it.

"Shouldn't you be with your clanmates?" Dante rumbled as he came to stand next to Piers, looking down past his fangs at Roan. His tone was harsh and his question was genuine, but he couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed by all this. Sure, Kydobi was obviously allowing it, but Dante had to wonder: What's stopping them from learning our territory and weaknesses?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ALONE TOGETHER ☆ visiting - gael - 05-17-2020

Roan?  The vulpine found his brows creasing thoughtfully as dark paws carried him over the sand.  It would be a lie -- though he doubted anyone would know -- if the faerie said the thought of his cousins had not crossed his mind.  It had been quiet clear to Gael, the direction the meteor had sailed towards.

Regardless, if the young Ó Foaláin-Roux found time to visit, the rest of the Ó Foaláins must be alive.  A fact he suspected Aine may desire hearing -- her affection for her 'uncles' continued to bemuse him.  Of course, the mutual fondness for her carried the advantage of possessing allies within an enemy clan.

"Roan.  An bhfuil tú go maith?

For a son of Séamus, Gael found the boy oddly polite and friendly.  Of course, perhaps that meant he did take after his father -- Séamus wore facades well.  Truthfully, the vicar suspected that was far from the case; perhaps Roan took more after his mother, whom Gael lacked any knowledge of.  Save from the name, Roux.

Idly, he tilted his head.  While direct, Dante possessed reason -- the hybrid hardly had reason to see value in permitting these oddly common visits. 

"In Roan's case --" a pointed comparison, although he understood some of the reasoning behind the others' visits -- "he has family here.And, perhaps more importantly, a friend.

The fact was Roan felt enough concern for a supposed enemy to visit after a disaster, despite the fact it likely hit him harder than them -- Gael found such information about the youth's character and loyalties important.  If an event occurred in which Aine may be in critical danger, the sage was most likely among the family members he could trust to her safety.  Besides, their shared passion for healing was convenient.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / vicar / lamby

Re: ALONE TOGETHER ☆ visiting - roan ; - 05-17-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan honestly hadn't meant for such a diverse group of souls to show up for his little visit – the only people he had really intended to see was Piers and his family – but he couldn't say that he was disappointed. With the exception of Dante, it seemed as though none of them were greeting him with hostility, and for that, he was grateful. His tense form immediately relaxed upon the arrival of Kydobi and his son, fixing Kydobi with a bright, blue eyed glance before he smiled, "Hello, Kydobi. I've been alright... tired. I'm sure you saw the meteor. There's a lot of injured, that's actually why I'm here..." Looking towards Piers, the young sage gave the other a small, slightly more private smile, reserved for his close friends and family. The siamese found himself sighing before he continued, pawing at the sandy ground, "The Typhoon... we'll recover. The meteor hit us hard, but thankfully it could've been much, much worse. It's tiring, as one of the two sages, but I finally found some time to come here. I wanted to see if The Pitt had fared alright..." He knew that Tanglewood had been effected by the tremors that had struck after the meteor, so he wondered if anything had happened to The Pitt as well.

Looking towards Dante, Roan felt a tight little smile come to his muzzle, kind but also holding a silent threat to it. He tilted his head before speaking, "My clanmates are well taken care of. I made sure before I came here, but I appreciate your concern." With that little dismissive remark, he turned his attention to Gael, practically purring at the sight of his family. Although he didn't know all of the relations of the Ó Foaláins all that well, he knew Gael and Aine to be his family, and that was really all that mattered to him. His Gaelic was getting a bit rusty, considering he hadn't practiced with Seamus in quite a while, but he still made an attempt to respond, "Tha mi a ’dèanamh ceart gu leòr, tapadh leibh. Agus thusa?¹" The words rolled smoothly off his tongue, although slightly accented thanks to the fact that he was more comfortable with English, or Spanish.

( ¹ "I'm doing okay, thank you. And you?" )
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: ALONE TOGETHER ☆ visiting - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-17-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I THINK I'M TOO FAR GONE TO SAVE !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante grunted in response to Gael's words, exhaling smoke as he did so. Family doesn't mean jack shit. The hybrid thought to himself, still feeling a tad annoyed by the whole ordeal. He flicked his tail to signal that he heard Roan's words, though said nothing else. A reason was given, even if it was idiotic - he would just have to accept it.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]