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seven thoughts // emergence - Printable Version

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seven thoughts // emergence - MARINA - 05-08-2020

//previous to meteor strike + permission from egg to say goldie visited <3

It had been a long month. Sickness overwhelmed her body throughout the time span. A thick cough echoed through her home and her throat was engulfed in mucus. Needless to say, other symptoms followed. Endless headaches overwhelmed her system, aching limbs left her bed bound, and the unnerving chills despite the warm island weather. Most of all, the mental turmoil. Marina called it her personal hell.

Through thick and thin, Marina did not know what to expect as she laid in her beach home. The jaguar couldn't help but wonder what she had missed. It left her concerned. With her children disregarded from seeing her, she felt alone. Goldenluxury had been the only one to check up on her. The others had no business seeing her. (Not like she told them though. That was on her.) Even so, she wondered if Samantha swooned her children while she was gone or if Aphra harmed any of her precious babies. Had Goldenluxury yearned for her? Or was anyone else in The Typhoon missing her? She truly did not know... and that horrified her. Her desire to have a close eye on those around her, rather than focusing on herself, made her insufferable in quarantine.

As time passed, the symptoms of her cold began to fade away and finally disappeared. The jaguar, motivated by her well-being, finally pushed herself to go outside.  Slamming the door wide open, the salty air of the beach flooded her senses as she breathed in deeply. A smile snuck it's way onto her lips. From the dark, she emerged. Stepping out into the sun, light poured down onto her slim figure and highlighted her overgrown mane. Unable to cater towards her beautiful looks during her time, she had reluctantly allowed her mane to grow out. The beautiful lemon leaves now immersed her ears and swooped deeply over the top of her head. Truly, one might mistake her for an unusually eccentric male lion. After all, she appeared shaggy and unkempt currently.

Coming down onto the sands of Barracuda Beach, a small purr left the large cat. Ecstatic and ready to catch up with the others, she couldn't help but continue to wander further towards the camp. Oh... It was good to be back.

Re: seven thoughts // emergence - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra's wounds had healed, of course, though her feelings towards Marina did not. She was quite happy not seeing the eye-vomit of a jaguar, especially given what happened. Of course Aphra had hard feelings towards Marina; the bitch ruined her good looks. Her beautiful, flawless face... Forever ruined just because some bitch decided to attack her. But at the same time, Aphra did regret her words - to a certain extent. After she told Seakit the news about his dead sibling, Aphra realized how much it meant to the kid and how much it had to have meant to his own parents. Aphra tried apologizing to Goldenluxury, though to her, it seemed as if her apology had fallen flat. So yes, Aphra did realize that her comment was insensitive and something that shouldn't have been said, but she didn't think she deserved to be attacked over it.

"Oh. It's you." There was clear disdain in Aphra's voice as approached Marina, her icy eyes narrowed at the larger feline. She fought the urge to make another insensitive comment, half afraid of being hit again, and half because she felt like saying any rude comments would go against her goal of 'becoming a different person'. Actually... did her showing that she was unhappy with the sight of Marina already go against that? Oops. "You're back, huh? Things been treating you well?" She didn't know Marina had gotten sick, hence the disappearance, but damn was she glad she didn't have to see this eyesore of a jaguar.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: seven thoughts // emergence - bubblegum - 05-09-2020

Re: seven thoughts // emergence - MYERS - 05-10-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]This was a new face. Ahab remained entirely unaware that Marina was the mother of Goldenluxury's children, and by all means there stood no need to spoil his oblivion now; it'd be unpleasant, if not worse, to learn of the controversy that surrounded the children and the mixed feelings of their parents. He hardly knew of Goldie and Sam's recent engagement other than a brief something big happened that was whispered throughout the clan - he was oblivious, and quietly fine that way. Any knowledge of love triangles, breakups and awkward moments stood far beyond the span of his understanding at the moment, and he was happy as such.

"Back?" The kodiak bear's parroting is no more than a mutter that rumbles in his throat, more thoughtful than any question for Aphra to answer. He cast a glance over Aphra's expression, lips pursed tight at the cruel jeer of the feline's comment; he wouldn't be associating with such bitterness, especially after she'd had the gall to turn her comments on his daughter. (Worse, she'd made Roxanne cry. He ought to have taken her tongue out just for that, but until he reached that breaking point, Aphra continued to tread a very thin tightrope.)

Rather than put himself at her side, the massive bear wanders towards Goldie on her approach, his pawsteps taking him off the worn path around the beach houses and onto the sand. He re-approaches at her side, glancing at the bright face of the jaguar before them. "Were you unwell? Should've stopped by." Roan, their other Sage, already seemed to need a vacation.

Re: seven thoughts // emergence - michael t. - 05-11-2020

Michael wasn't sure what he thought of Marina, at least as of late. He didn't harbor any negative feeling toward the brightly colored jaguar, but he didn't exactly harbor any positive ones, either. He simply hadn't formed enough of a mental picture of the other to also have formed an opinion to go along with it. He simply knew that Marina had some connection to Goldie, and considering how Aphra had just decided to greet her, not very much of a positive connection with Aphra. The bobcat honestly wasn't sure if that was a positive or a negative for Marina, considering Aphra had quite the reputation when he had first joined the Typhoon, but it seemed as though Roxie had taken a liking to her. Part of him wanted to say that Aphra's reputation for having abandoned her children made her a bit of a lost cause, but... he had an even worse reputation in certain places, yet Roxanne had accepted him even with his flaws, perhaps he should accept Aphra with hers... as long as the feline didn't come to hurt his sister, of course. If she did, he would be happy to join Marina in making a full course meal of the Cipher.

Despite his lack of a hard opinion of her one way or another, Michael had certainly noticed the absence of Marina around the Typhoon. It was hard not to notice when a massive, brightly colored jaguar with a mane of leaves suddenly dropped off the face of the earth. The thief had a tendency to only really worry about himself and those he directly cared about, so he didn't worry too much about Marina while she was gone, but he had occasionally wondered about her, wondering if Sam had somehow orchestrated her unfortunate "accidental" demise. However, that did not seem to be the case, considering she was now standing out on the beach, looking quite pleased to be out and about again. If she had just been inside for the entire period of her absence, Michael couldn't blame her for being pretty glad to be out of the house again. Trotting up to the somewhat large group that had already gathered, Michael waved a dark paw in greeting, his mismatched blue eyes looking at the now unruly mane of leaves Marina possessed, "You been sleeping this whole time? I don't know much about you, but I don't think I've ever seen your leaves all... ruffled, like that." He was fairly sure that was a bit rude to say, but hopefully Marina wouldn't mind too much.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]