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ONE BRAIN, MARK IT UP ☆ visiting - Printable Version

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ONE BRAIN, MARK IT UP ☆ visiting - wormwood. - 05-07-2020

It wasn't often that Aurum found himself watching the sky. The proxy of Tanglewood tried his best to avoid looking up at the sky too much, actually, for multiple reasons. When it was daytime, and the sky was filled with fluffy, rolling clouds, Aurum was reminded far too much of heaven, and the life that he had left behind. When it was nighttime, and the sky was filled with bright, glimmering stars, he found himself reminded of Torren, and Roy, and he wondered where the two boys had gone, his heart sinking lower and lower. Needless to say, the angel found it better not to focus on the high skies above, and instead focus on staying on the ground. Despite this, he had just happened to find himself watching the skies when the meteor had struck the Typhoon. The male hadn't been able to sleep, still plagued with nightmares and grief over the loss of his dear friend Feza, so he had decided to go out on his porch and just enjoy the cool breeze of the early morning, slash late night. Things had been going well for a while, until suddenly he saw a bright, blazing flash in the sky, far away but not far enough, heading straight for their neighbors. He hadn't had time to so much as wonder about it before there had been a crash, and the earth rumbled and quaked beneath him, groaning in protest. It had only been for a few moments, but Aurum had known one thing for sure – something was very wrong.

The next several hours after that had been spent gathering supplies. Aurum had figured it best to assume the worst, so he had tried to gather as much as he could for their island dwelling allies. Herbs and bandages were a given, but he also gathered plenty of prey and some cooked food, and had even dug through the junkyard for various pieces of wood and building materials, for rebuilding huts. By the time the lion had left, he had a huge basket of goods in his jaws, along with a bunch of wood tied around his neck. The fly over had hardly been the most comfortable in the world, but Aurum didn't care much, knowing it was for the greater good. On the way over, the proxy had almost thought that maybe he was overreacting, only to finally emerge over the horizon of The Typhoon to find his worst fears confirmed. The ground was split and cracked all over, water had flooded areas previously left dry, and many structures were toppled to the ground. Wincing, Aurum took a deep breath before he swooped downward, coming to land along the tracks of the land bridge. It was only a little while longer before he found his way to the gate, putting down his large basket of goods and removing the ties of wood from his neck. Once he had done so, he lifted himself up on his back legs, throwing his considerable weight against the bell and listening to its ringing echo out strongly. He didn't doubt that there were plenty of things for the pirates to be doing right now, but hopefully his interruption would be a welcome one.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: ONE BRAIN, MARK IT UP ☆ visiting - ROXANNE R. - 05-08-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Truly, everything had been a disaster. Some of their crewmates had been separated during all of this and huts had been destroyed during the aftermath of the meteor shower. Something once beautiful and admired by several Typhooners had reigned havoc in moments. Several had been severely wounded and a few had died, Roxanne was sure that this had been much more severe than the tsunami that had struck a year ago. A soft sigh left her maw only to feel herself flinch at the sound of the bell ringing, a frown forming itself onto her maw but she rose to her paws nonetheless unable to help but wince at the pain that rode up her legs from the agony that caused her body to shake. It didn't help much either with her painful breathing thanks to her broken ribs, she should have been resting but Roxanne had ultimately refused to do so wanting to be able to carry on for her crewmates and family. Everyone was weighed down by their own injuries and well, Roxie wasn't going to let her own do that for her. They weren't severe in her eyes despite the heavy pains she would feel.

Finally, the scent of Tanglewood made her nose twitch as she slowly approached with both of her ears perked forward and it didn't take long for her to recognize Aurum, the Proxy of Tanglewood. A smile formed itself onto her maw only taking the sight in of the larger feline before realizing what he had brought, a soft gasp left her maw and well, she was very much grateful to say the least. She would blink a few times before her mismatched gaze locked onto Aurum saying in a lighthearted voice "Well, look what the cat dragged in." A faint giggle left her maw but it caused her to flinch a bit, god, she almost forgot about the broken ribs though she did her best to ignore them as her gaze wavered slightly "Hello Aurum... It has been quite a while since the last we've seen one another. How's Tanglewood?" There was a pause only to add with a softer gaze and warm smile tugging at her lips "I hope they're in a lot better conditions than the Typhoon... Thank you for the supplies... We really appreciate it during these hard times..." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ONE BRAIN, MARK IT UP ☆ visiting - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-08-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra hadn't been here for the tsunami that struck The Typhoon over a year ago, but she had been swept under water by the mini tsunamis that the meteor had caused. Luckily for her, Goldenluxury had been there in time to save her and she was grateful for the Captain doing so. In the end though, Aphra had hit by debris and ended up with her right eye being blinded. It was rough getting used to everything feeling off and honestly, Aphra had hardly any motivation nowadays to even get out of bed.

But it was lonely being by herself, stuck in a room that was a mess. It could have been worse; she could've lost her room entirely (and her life, for that matter). Still, Aphra found herself longing to go outside, even if it was to just get a breath of fresh air. It hurt to see the territory still a bit in shambles, her crewmates that were well enough trying to clean everything up. Aphra felt helpless and it was an awful, sinking feeling. Catching sight of Roxanne, Aphra tried to keep up with her friend, though was behind the other by a few feet as she walked with shaky steps. It was hard for her to tell where her paws were going and she wanted to make sure she didn't step into any cracks of the earth.

Once she got close enough, Aphra tried to press herself against Roxanne, blinking at Aurum. She offered the Tangler a small smile, though she didn't have anything to add. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ONE BRAIN, MARK IT UP ☆ visiting - wormwood. - 05-11-2020

The first to arrive was Roxie, someone that Aurum was grateful to recognize. Unfortunately, he could also recognize the telltale signs of injury covering her. Bandaged and bruised, the wincing and wheezing did nothing to avail the proxy's fears over how the Typhoon was doing. However, unbeknownst to him, Roxie hadn't actually had most of those wounds inflicted by the meteor, the angel unaware of any other possible threats to the reaver. Despite his worries, Aurum offered Roxie a smile back as soon as he saw her, a soft chuckle leaving him, "Hey there, Roxie. Not so much what the cat dragged in as that damned meteor." He shook his head a little bit as he remembered the earth shaking quakes that had happened in the swamp dwelling group after the meteor had struck. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it had been like in the Typhoon, even as he could see the full extent of the damage before his very eyes. Sighing heavily, the lion explained as he gestured to the wood and other supplies he had brought with him, "Tanglewood is doing... alright. We're obviously in a much better state than here, but I couldn't bring as much wood as I wanted to, since quite a few of our own buildings are in a sorry state. The ground started quaking in the town as soon as the meteor struck." The tremors were still fresh on his mind, the panic he had felt then still souring his veins.

Even though the panic and worry he had felt for his fellow tanglers at the time was tremendous, he could imagine it must've been much worse here at the time. After all, they had not only the tremors to worry about, but also the impact and the ensuing waves. As if on cue, one who was effected by those monstrous waves approached in the form of Aphra, coming over and pressing against Roxie's side. Aurum resisted the urge to wince at the sight of her, able to see the injuries that had struck her as well. Dipping his head in greeting to her, he explained softly, "Still... even though we've got our own things to worry about, the Typhoon and Tanglewood are allies. It's only proper that we give you some supplies in your time of need. I wish we could give you more, but hopefully this will be enough to keep your sages stocked, and help get a few buildings back in shape..." He could only hope their recovery was swift, and that no more tragedies would strike them anytime soon.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: ONE BRAIN, MARK IT UP ☆ visiting - bubblegum - 05-11-2020