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make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - Printable Version

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make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - Warringkingdoms - 05-07-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Almost two months after the fact, it was finally time.

  The invitations had been delivered to all the groups that were going to receive one. The major streets were decked out in strings of small yellow lights, with the batteries tucked out of sight. The dock, on the other hand, was left unlit- the lack of light pollution allowing the stars to shine brightly. Though Rin wasn't feeling up to looking at them tonight, she was sure some of the festival-goers would appreciate the view.

  Tables had been set up in the lit streets, loaded with fallen prey, fruit, vegetables, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and a few cooked dishes. Rin cautiously lifted two small pitchers of apple cider onto the end of the table closest to the dock, then sat down and shut her eyes, letting her mind recover from the sudden telekinetic strain. As the dizziness wore off, she turned to glance down the street. She could see a few creatures she didn't recognize approaching, smelling of other groups.

  Jumping onto the table, careful not to knock anything over, Rin looked over the setup and nodded. "Alright, everyone," she called out. "To the visitors- welcome to Elysium. I hope you enjoy your time here." Tugging at her scarf, she went on, "Tonight is the opening of the Stellar Collision Festival- feel free to grab something to eat, chat, watch the stars. Over the next few nights we're going to do a constellation search, bonfires, storytelling, contests, fireworks- all to celebrate Elysium's history."

  Taking a cup of cider- that she had made sure came from the non-alcoholic pitcher, as opposed to the alcoholic one- she lifted it into the air, and declared, "To Elysium! Let's make this festival one to remember."

  /events will be linked here as they're posted ^^
  /in the meantime, feel free to have your characters chat here
  /constellation search/storytelling contest
  /surprise crow attack

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - – 2D - 05-07-2020

If he were to be brutally honest, 2D would admit that he had little idea of why they were holding the Stellar Collision Festival. He certainly heard the words of explanation that left Rin's muzzle, but he still found himself at a bit of a loss. What was he supposed to do, given that he didn't really know most of Elysium's history? He supposed the other things that she described certainly sounded fun, however. Bonfires, fireworks, constellation searches... the young singer didn't know very much about the stars or the constellations, but he knew that Murdoc was pretty damn smart with that type of stuff, and maybe he could rope the other into helping him out. Overall, even if the serval didn't understand the purpose of such an event, he was hardly in the mood to protest it. It seemed like a nice way for all of them to get together, and Rin looked happier than he had ever seen her since his joining – although, that wasn't particularly saying much, considering the magna seemed to fluctuate between stoic or frowning in frustration.

Making his way over to the table that had been set up quite nicely by their leader, 2D found himself inspecting the entire shebang, his head practically spinning. He had no idea where to even start with enjoying himself, although that really didn't seem like too big of an issue. Tugging a bit of fruit over to himself, the male began to chow down as the other groups came approaching, his black eyes seeming to light up when he spotted their slightly blurred and reddened forms. Ever since joining Elysium, he had begun to become rather acquainted to the same faces being around, so having other groups visiting was pretty damn exciting. Smiling faintly, the serval lifted up a paw to wave enthusiastically before looking to Rin, scrambling to lift up a pitcher with her. Hopefully everything would go alright, and perhaps he could even make some friends in the other groups while they were here.

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - trojan g. - 05-08-2020

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
Though he was older and had been here longer, Roman found himself in the same boat as 2D, in that he didn't really know much about Elysium's history. Sure, he knew how it had come to be, and some things past that, but not everything. Roman didn't know about the gods that had recently come down to Elysium attacking them - or else he might not have joined in all honesty - and he didn't know how Rin became leader, or who had been leader before her, for it wasn't talked about a lot.

Coming to the festival, though, was something that Roman wished he didn't have to do. Scared of big places with tons of people for he feared the worst in everything, he hadn't wanted to come, but knew it'd be one of the steps he'd have to take in order to gain Rin's trust once more, to become a fully fledged member of Elysium as he had been once, a long time ago, when it had first come from the merge of the Snowbound and Ascendants. Thoughts of back then hurt, however, so he'd leave them be for now.

Watching as more and more poeople showed, the mutated snow leopard would pin his ears to his head for but a moment, shaking it out a second afterwards. No one would recognize him in this form unless they could see his aura, and, even then, it had been so long since the pitt battle that he doubted even then anyone would recognize him for what he'd done, even if it fully hadn't been him he still blamed himself for it. Though he had no idea about what Trojan himself had done in the past when he'd taken full control.

tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - Orion - 05-08-2020

Upon his arrival, the foreigner couldn't help but notice the apple cider near the dock. Raymond easily mistook it for alcohol. He made no point to acknowledge the others just yet as he approached the table. Instead, the panther poured himself a drink. For a moment, he wavered over the rim of his cup, questioning the sweet smell. Despite his suspicion, he took a deep swig. His eyes widened instantly. Like a geyser, apple cider mist traveled out of his mouth in a thick mist. Violent coughs left him as he leaned over the dock's edge. That was not whiskey.

As his dramatic spiel ended, Warringkingdom's speech begun. Still disappointed and not willing to admit his failure, he still proceeded to sip on the apple cider as he listened.

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-09-2020

Truth be told, Caesar was still a stranger here. He felt like an oddball in Elysium - in more ways than one; he was used to not having a natural pelt. He knew nothing of their traditions and yet when he joined, others were murmuring about their excitement about some sort of festival that was going on soon. Hell, he knew nothing of their history, so how the hell was he going to celebrate that?

Whatever. The demon wasn't the one to shy away from alcoholic drinks. Taking a cup of cider in his paws, Caesar watched as a somewhat familiar panther coughed over having one of the regular drinks. Amused, Caesar decided to slink over. "Nice one." He mused, taking a sip from his own cup. He wasn't aware that Raymond was being dramatic over it being non-alcoholic, but rather the fact the dude was choking on his drink in the first place.


Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - Orion - 05-09-2020

What a glorious start. A cocky smile was revealed in light of Caesar's response. "Thank you," he proclaimed with a snort. Recognizing the other feline from The Pitt, Raymond was surprised to see them here. Perhaps they had reconciled though, but nevertheless, he was not one to judge too harshly based on placement. Disregarding the thought, he continued sipping on his non-alcoholic drink begrudgingly.

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - wormwood. - 05-09-2020

The Stellar Collision Festival. The event certainly sounded interesting and fun, especially to one such as Aurum, who desperately needed an escape from the sorrow he was feeling back at home. Tanglewood continued to chug along as always, but Aurum couldn't help the cloud of mourning that seemed to follow him wherever he went while he was there. He needed a distraction, and Elysium was thankfully interested in providing him with one. So, after saying goodbye to a few people and making sure his duties were wrapped up, Aurum had taken to the skies, making the somewhat long trip to Elysium's territory with the assistance of his wings. When he arrived, he was unsurprised to see the state the place was in, with the elegant set up of food and drink and everything else that would be needed for such an event. He found himself smiling, shooting that same grin to Rin to silently let her know that she had done a great job. Thankfully the event wasn't decorated in garish shades of pink and blue, so it didn't rouse any memories of his fallen party throwing comrade.

After addressing his attention to Rin, Aurum found himself glancing in the direction of the other Tanglewood scent that was present, pleased to see that Raymond had already arrived. Unfortunately, it seemed as though the other had made a misstep very early in his event enjoying experience. It was nothing fatal, but it certainly made Aurum chuckle, his chest vibrating with the deep laughter as he moved over to Raymond and bumped shoulders with him. He said softly, a playful grin playing on his muzzle, "Never had cider before there, Raymond? I'll admit the taste isn't for everyone, but it hardly seems like choking over." He then turned his attention to Caesar, head tilting to one side as he looked the unfamiliar feline over. He reminded him of... Vignere. They shared similar coloration, and it was throwing him off a bit that an Elysium scent clung to the other's pelt, rather than a Tanglewood one. Waving a paw to Caesar, Aurum said softly, "Hello there, I don't believe we've met. I'm Aurum, the proxy of Tanglewood. You are?"

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - Warringkingdoms - 05-09-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin overheard the sound of coughing behind her, and turned to glance over at Raymond, her eyes wandering down to the cup of cider. Had he grabbed the alcoholic cider by accident? She'd put them in different colors of pitcher, but she probably should have labeled them specifically. Well, she could do that now. Turning to grab a marker from her bag, she wrote "alcoholic" on the green pitcher, and "non-alcoholic" on the white pitcher.

  Putting the marker back, she offered Roman a nod in acknowledgement. The likelihood of Roman being recognized in his leopard form was low, but if anyone from Tanglewood asked, she'd be willing to deal with it. The likelihood of him, or whoever "controlled" him when he had attacked Selby, trying to pull anything with this many people around was even smaller. Still, she'd be careful.

  Looking over at 2D, she gave him a slightly-more-enthused nod, the half-smile returning to her face. Then, looking to Raymond, she said after a moment, "Sorry, I should've labeled the pitchers ahead of time. The white pitcher's non-alcoholic, and the green pitcher's alcoholic." The fact that he was still drinking it suggested that the cider was of decent quality, at least. That was good to know; she hadn't tried it first. (She should've done that, too, but there was no point in dwelling on it now.)

  Her eyes flickered between Raymond and Caesar as he approached, then over to Aurum as he arrived- returning his smile with a grateful nod. Carefully, she descended to the ground, then extended her telekinesis to retrieve her cup from the tabletop. Taking a sip of cider, she listened in to their conversation, twitching her ears. Caesar could introduce himself to Aurum. A thought struck her, the same thought of having a vague recollection of Caesar's name from before his appearance at Elysium's border- but, she figured, it was probably nothing. He hadn't caused any trouble since they'd let him in. If she turned out to be wrong and Tanglewood (or anyone else) did have a problem with him, she'd deal with that too.

  She needed to stop getting wrapped up in these worst-case scenarios, though. After swallowing the cider, she turned to look at 2D. "How's Murdoc been?" she asked, twitching her ears. She hadn't seen much of Murdoc lately, but maybe he'd just been keeping to himself. Either way, 2D would probably know.

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-09-2020

Ha, at least the dude seemed to have the same sense of humor. Caesar's tail flicked as one of Raymond's clanmates came over, fighting the urge to frown at the winged lion. He wasn't particularly fond of Tanglewood, due to the fact that he saw Vigenere there over two years ago. He wasn't sure if Vigenere was still around, but nonetheless, Caesar didn't like most Tanglers. That wasn't anything out of the ordinary though; he didn't like many people in general. Raymond only caught his attention because of the way the jaguar held himself.

"Caesar Cipher." Caesar replied to Aurum, flicking his ear. Didn't The Pitt have a gripe against some Tangler named Aurum? He was curious as to what their history was with this singular person, but that was probably a conversation Caesar didn't want to find himself in. He would have to explain he was exiled from there, which wouldn't end well. Caesar said nothing as Warringkingdoms came over, taking another sip from his cup.

Re: make it happen -- Stellar Collision Festival - wormwood. - 05-11-2020

To say that the Pitt had a gripe against Aurum would probably be the understatement of the century, considering how Kydobi and the lion practically hated each other's guts. The Pitt had been causing trouble for Tanglewood long before Aurum had even joined, and the hatred present between he and the enemy group had been quick to grow with each tangler that had been taken from their home. The angel had taken supreme satisfaction in getting to kill Kydobi in the ultimate battle against the Pitt, even if that glory had been somewhat short lived when the other returned from the dead. Even now that the Pitt was supposedly rehabilitating itself, Aurum had quite the fair share of doubts within his mind. His trust for the desert dwelling group was nigh nonexistent, and he wasn't sure that any amount of promises could ever fix that. Thankfully for Caesar, the other no longer carried any stench of the Pitt on his pelt, or else the proxy probably would've been wary at best, outright hostile at worst. After all, they had been told that the Pitt would not be attending this festival.

Unluckily for Caesar, however, Aurum could remember his first introduction to Vignere. It hadn't been too long ago, and the lion could still remember the surname that the other had provided – Cipher. The exact same one that Caesar was currently offering up on a platter. There was a click inside the lion's mind, and it suddenly became clear why he could see the similarities between Caesar and Vignere. Surely they had to be related in some way, right? His attention taken nearly entirely away from Raymond, Aurum let out a hum of acknowledgement at Caesar's greeting before speaking, "Caesar Cipher, huh? That name sounds familiar, actually... the surname, at least. Would you happen to be related to Vignere Cipher? He returned to Tanglewood recently." Aurum had little idea of the history that existed between Vignere and Caesar, so he figured his question would be an innocent inquiry about family ties.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM