Beasts of Beyond
IN THIS LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // open, discovery - Printable Version

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IN THIS LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // open, discovery - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-07-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Had it been long since the meteor crash? It had to have been at least a day or two by now. Although her house was most unscathed, being apart of the Anchored Tempest, but Aphra herself... wasn't. While she only had a couple of scrapes and bruises from her fall, there was one thing in particular that happened that was causing the she-cat distress. Her eye had been hit with debris and although Goldenluxury was able to wash out most of it, Aphra's eye had remained closed for the majority of their escape.

But now, even after Aphra had been careful and continuing to wash out things of her eye, she found herself unable to see out of it. I swear that eye is open... Aphra looked in the cracked mirror, blinking at the reflection. Both of her eyes were indeed open and yet, she found herself unable to see anything. Aphra closed her good eye, letting out a squeak when she saw nothing on the right side. I'm blind...? No, no... This couldn't be happening. Aphra's forearms shook from where she was propping herself up on a chest to look in the mirror. Memories of her entrance ritual flashed in her mind, particularly where Caesar had attacked her and blinded her eye.

Was her entrance ritual a warning of what was about to happen? That didn't make sense though, why would it try to warn her of something, especially if it had been so vague. She was blinded by debris, not someone scratching her eye... hell, there wasn't even a new scar on her face to even shown she had been hit. Aphra let out a wail, crumbling onto the floor. This was awful, how was she supposed to cope with only being able to see in one eye?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IN THIS LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // open, discovery - roan ; - 05-07-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan had not been harmed when the meteor had fallen just a couple of days ago. Not physically, at least. He had been terrified down to the very bone, and he was definitely feeling significantly exhausted from bolting around from patient to patient for the last forty-eight hours, but he wasn't hurt. He supposed he at least had that going for him, and that was honestly what motivated him to continue moving and helping others, even as his legs ached and his body begged for rest. He had no doubt that his mama and cousin would chide him about neglecting himself so much, but he couldn't help it. He had signed up to assist the clan through thick or thin when he applied to be a sage, and he certainly didn't wanna be proven to be a liar. So, even as the boy found himself having to drag his paws through the sand just to get from place to place, he continued onward, ignoring the way that his eyes drooped and his head spun as he observed his collapsed surroundings.

What Roan had been on the lookout for was people who were hurt because of the meteor strike, and he supposed that he had found it. As he began to move up the pier leading out to the Anchored Tempest, the draconic boy jumped in surprise when he heard a pained and agonized wail from inside, his exhaustion being replaced with a new rush of adrenaline. Thinking that someone was seriously hurt inside, Roan quickly flapped his wings, rushing to get inside the massive boat and find the source of the wailing. Instead of finding someone trapped under a beam or missing a leg, or something of that sort, he found Aphra, crumpled down on the floor, shaking and possibly crying. Frowning in worry, the sage cautiously stepped forward and muttered, "Mi hermana? What's wrong? Are you hurt...?" He was almost immediately ready to begin pulling things out of his medical bag to come to her aid, even if he knew his supplies were running dangerously low.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: IN THIS LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // open, discovery - ROXANNE R. - 05-08-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had been fortunate enough to only gain a few burns from meteor shower, she couldn't necessarily say the same about her close friend, Miller, and she usually found herself dropping by to see how the vulpine was doing especially since the male had shoved her out of dangers path. It had frustrated her a little but she had been grateful nonetheless even if Miller had been severely injured in the new body he was currently within, a soft sigh leaving her maw. Despite the injuries she currently had from both her entrance ritual and the meteor shower, the Reaver still carried herself around doing her best to show that she wasn't in any pain but that was difficult to say the least especially with her laboured breathing due to broken ribs. Roxanne, whenever she wasn't checking up on Roan, Miller, and her children, usually found herself walking around to see if anyone needed assistance.

Roxie just happened to be passing by when the wail had made her ears twitch, her eyes lifting to the direction that the sound had come from and had caught sight of Roan already flying to the area. She supposed that she could help him and would shakily spread out her wings, Roxanne already wincing since she knew this would be pushing herself a bit yet she didn't care at the time. It wasn't long before she had arrived to see Roan already comforting Aphra, she didn't see what was wrong. The stark feline had been almost unscathed for the most part, Roxie stumbled over with a wheeze offering both a smile even if worry danced in her eyes for Aphra. What was wrong? She wanted to ask but her mouth was clamped shut. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IN THIS LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // open, discovery - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-08-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra knew others had gotten far worse injuries than her, if not outright dying from either the debris or the shockwaves caused by the crash, but she couldn't help but feel as if she still deserved to have the medics' attention on her. Maybe it was her narcissism talking, but she didn't care how many others were worse than her. What mattered is that she was hurt. She was supposed to be flawless, she wasn't supposed to be in such a shape. And yet, here she was, sobbing on the floor with the scars from her fight with Marina and now partially losing her vision.

Hearing Roan's voice, Aphra lifted her head and sniffed at him, trying to get a hold of herself. Is this something he could fix? What if it wasn't? You have to ask... If it meant possibly saving her vision, it would be worth it, would it not? "I can't see." The she-cat cried. She closed her good eye and waved her paw in front of her face, trying to signal she couldn't detect anything from the other side. Sure, she felt the slight wind from the movement of her paw, but she couldn't see it. How the hell was she supposed to do things now?

Roxanne came just as Aphra opened her good eye and she bit her lip upon seeing the Reaver. Roxie offered her a smile, though she wasn't sure if it was out of worry, concern, or trying to encourage her for whatever reason. Truth be told, Aphra still felt a little bit of disdain for Roxie, mostly for being with Kaz and not her, but that wasn't something to bring up right now.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IN THIS LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // open, discovery - roan ; - 05-11-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — I can't see. The statement made Roan pause, a frown tugging immediately at the young sage's muzzle. Aphra couldn't see? He had known there had been many injuries sustained from what had happened with the meteor, but he had thought the worst of it was – most obviously – the death of one of Miller's body. This, though... this was hardly anything to sneeze at, and Roan naturally found himself gravitating closer, muttering worriedly to the pure white feline, "You... You can't see? Do you mean at all, or just out of one eye? I need to know to see if I can help." Naturally, Roan's first instinct was to try and find some way to help, although he wasn't entirely sure if he would be able to. He only hoped that he could, considering the devastated look that lingered on Aphra's face, the other crew member looking like she was about to collapse in on herself – that certainly explained the agonized wail he had heard earlier.

Most already knew this, even if they weren't a medic of any kind, but the body was a delicate ecosystem. The eyes were one of the most vulnerable parts of that ecosystem, prone to damage and infections just as any other part if not worse. The main difference was that everyone tended to rely on their eyes more than possibly any part of their body, at least if they had been born with the ability to see. As Roan began to shift through the herb bag he had brought with him, he started to pull out supplies for eye infections, such as celandine and marigold. He had little idea of whether Aphra actually had an eye infection or not, but that was all he could really hope for. At least he knew how to treat an eye infection. If it was something else, and the eye was simply too damaged... well, then Aphra would be forced to adapt.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: IN THIS LITTLE WHITE ROOM OF MINE // open, discovery - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-11-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]I'M GONNA BE YOUR BUBBLEGUM BITCH !。+゚.[/glow]
You trust Roan. Aphra had to remind herself that as Roan dug through his bag. She wanted to refuse the help, but she knew that the cub knew what he was doing. He helped her before - a couple times, actually - and there were no issues. He was willing to do it again and she should accept his help. "Just... Just one. My right eye," She replied to him in a soft voice, trying to control her trembling body. You'll have to stay still. Shaking like this could make things worse as he tried to tend to it, right?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]