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who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - Printable Version

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who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - Warringkingdoms - 05-07-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]/tw: people burning alive in italicized portion

  Rin had searched both the sea town and the mountain camp for Videogames and Felicity, several times, and had found neither of them. Losing track of the two of them was particularly unfortunate considering the potential they'd shown, but perhaps they'd find their way back eventually. If they hadn't come back within the next week, she'd send a search party after them, but in either case someone needed to invite the Typhoon to the festival- and she wasn't sure either of them had done it yet. Walking up to the sandbar that led to the island, Rin checked over her shoulder to make sure Play was there, then set out onto the railway.

  As she progressed along the railway and the island came into clearer view, however, it became increasingly apparent that something had happened. She remembered there being an unexplained quake of sorts the other day, but this- the land split open at the seams, fallen trees strewn about like pine needles, debris everywhere... this was no ordinary quake.

  In fact, it almost looked like-

  A wave of blinding light.

  Screams echo around her, the earth scorching beneath her paws as death bears down on them.

  A shockwave sweeps over them. There is no saving any of it- concrete and steel collapsing under the impact, mountains crumbling, creatures turning to cinders in the span of seconds.

  She blinks, and before her is the skeleton of what had once been a proud clan, reduced to ashes and bone.

  She sinks
her claws into the sand.

  Rin jolted, the gritty sensation of wet sediment under her paws bringing her back to reality. "Not the city," she murmured, the words spilling thoughtlessly from her mouth. It was true- this wasn't the city- but that didn't make this any better.

  It's alright as long as you're not the one burning, isn't it?

  Shrinking back, Rin lowered her eyes to the ground. Her paws trembled under the weight they carried, wisps of smoke slipping out from underneath her bandages. Smoke. Where there's smoke, there's fire. She shook her head. Don't deny it. You could have prevented all of this. Her eyes drew images atop the smoke's lines- images of faces, snarling, begging. It's not okay. This is not okay.

  "...One," she whispered, fixing her gaze upon the railroad tie in front of her. Lifting her head slightly to stare at the next tie, then the next, then the next, she counted, "Two. Three. Four." She had to stabilize. She was of no use when she was unstable. She had to keep it together, just for once.

  /tl;dr: Rin's on the railways leading to the island and freaking out, Play's next to her
  / [member=2426]Playerone Kennedy[/member]
  /also gonna go ahead and link the actual event here

Re: who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - Hope Arcanium - 05-07-2020

Play was following Rin closely, taken aback by how... ruined these lands appeared. When did this happen? It brought back uncomfortable memories of the time the observatory had burned down. It had been devastating to both her and Rin, as two of the few remaining Ascendants. It had driven the white god into a deep depression, keeping her away from her normal life and friends for a while.

She had recovered eventually, but it still left a scar that would last for a long time. Memories- they would still be clear as if they had happened just yesterday. She did not want a repeat of that. It would wound her so much more if Elysium had a similar event happen to their lands.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts, taking a look over to Rin and noticing how upset her friend was over this change as well. Playerone walked up to stand next to her, attempting to offer a paw on her shoulder to comfort her.

It’s okay, Rin. This isn’t the past. We’re in the Typhoon territory, and you lead Elysium.” She attempted to soothe her by using her psychological first aid she had learned, and bringing her to the present time. It had worked for the hybrid, and hopefully it would help Rin.

Good, good. Just keep breathing. It’s alright.

She looked out and around, keeping an eye out for someone who may approach the two of them soon. Hopefully Rin would be calmer by then. It seemed like she was, at least a little bit.

If you need me to talk, I can do it, Rin. It’s okay.

Re: who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - michael t. - 05-07-2020

Things had been... rough, ever since the meteor had struck. That was probably the understatement of the year, but it was the most clear and concise way to put things. They were holding themselves together, but it wasn't as if they weren't reeling from what had happened. Michael was only barely holding himself together, having acquired a concussion during the actual catastrophe, and then following it up with a panicked breakdown when he woke up. Needless to say, he could feel things wearing on him. However, this didn't mean he was just going to stay inside forever. As tempting as it was to just hide beneath the covers and stay glued to his boyfriend's side, he knew that ultimately that would just bring about his downfall. He'd grow restless and snippy, or just make his condition worse by sleeping too much with his concussion – something that Roan had warned him rather severely about, before he'd darted off to go treat someone else. So, when the privateer wasn't just wandering around offering to help with the clean up wherever he could, he was checking the land bridges.

Getting to the land bridges were proving to be a bit harder nowadays, considering the meteor had split the land in several places, but that didn't stop him. They were pirates, after all, and he didn't mind getting a little wet. Plus, he didn't even have to worry about his jewelry or aviators, since he wasn't wearing them for now. He did feel a little bit exposed, having his mismatched blue eyes out for all the world to see, but he ignored that self conscious feeling in his chest, pushing all the way through. After all, was anyone really going to be preoccupied with his half-blindness right now? He didn't think so. This was all on the male's mind as he made his way to the land bridges that day, shaking wetness from his dark pelt and taking a deep breath. He could smell something faintly different on the air, although he wasn't sure of what exactly it was. He could recognize the scent of the Pitt or Tanglewood, but this was neither of those. It was more airy, and chilled. Frowning in confusion, Michael made his way out to where Rin and Playerone were moving along the tracks, his frown only growing and joining with a worried expression when he noticed the state Rin was in. Shifting a little awkwardly, the bobcat cleared his throat before speaking, "Hey there, you two... are you alright? If you're looking for help or supplies... I'm afraid you've come to the Typhoon at a bit of a bad time." He didn't doubt that Goldie would offer to help them anyways, considering her big and fair heart, but he also knew that all of them were struggling, especially right now.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - Simon F.M. - 05-08-2020

To give me some diagnosis of why I'm so hollow
Please give me instructions, I promise I'll follow

Diya had been told that she needed to rest, a broken leg needed time to heal. That didn't suit the feline, having grown restless as she laid there.

So, she had decided that a small walk wouldn't hurt anything. A splint had been bandaged to her broken hind leg, other bandages wrapping her body to cover burns and scrapes. Diya had avoided anything too strenuous but, when the sound of familiar voices reached her, coming from the railroad, the feline turned. Her heart began to beat rapidly as she plunged into the water, struggling to swim with two of her legs partially out of commission.

"Rin! Player!" she cried, hobbling onto the tracks and trudging towards her family.
template by orion

Re: who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - MYERS - 05-08-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]They don't have the space, the time, the resources for this. Ahab is nothing if not pragmatic, and he is ready to turn these strangers away - he will lead them elsewhere if need be, but the island is in ruin and he must spread himself thin to keep it alive. Not another tendril of his care can he spare to someone in panic and disarray - the poppy seeds are for the injured, to calm them, and the most terrified young. They must have seen the bright lights, the crashing of the sky above. The way the world shook must have drawn them in, if only to survey the damage. Or, perhaps they are there to take advantage of the weakness their humbled land offers. he was never a fan of strangers, joiners and visitors alike, for their faces spoke mystery and their intention always unclear. Diya cries out. He surfaces from his thoughts tired, too-aware of the fright lingering in the air.

Dissociation is an old friend.

"What do you need," it comes out less of a question and more of a calm demand, for Ahab is beyond his limits and holding on by a thread. Elysium, as far as he knows, is neither enemy nor friend. If Roan were here, he'd ask for the younger Sage's pouch, to keep their herbs close at hand. But instead the bear only reaches for the bag on his own hip, pulls out a smoke. Strikes a match on the cool metal of his prosthetic palm. Breathes, slow and deep. Maybe the scent of wormwood would bring Warringkingdoms to, just as it did for him. "And who is this, Diya?"

Re: who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - ROXANNE R. - 05-08-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Despite her own injuries, the Reaver refused to stay in one place even if she was only hurting herself with a few labored breaths causing pain but Roxanne didn't want to show weakness. She could push through, fuck, she had managed to survive a tsunami when it had first hit and here she was now. This was nothing and she knew this, she could surpass these wounds of hers. She had a duty as a mother and a Reaver to uphold, she wasn't going to stand by and watch everything crumble. This was her home, after all, she wanted what was best for the Typhoon. With a twitch of her whiskers, Roxanne arrived with a hobble in her step and offered a smile to both Elysites after she brushed past Michael in their usual greeting. It had been a while since she had seen Rin, the last time the two of them seen each other had been when Roxanne was plump with cubs and there was an inquiry about a giant wolf attacking people. Obviously to their fortune, none of that had happened recently. The thought of the giant wolf lurking about brought a bit of unease to her yet, she figured that she would be ready whenever the beast decided to show it's ugly face once more. This time she'd make sure to kill it instead of ripping off chunks of flesh from it. She shook her head distracted by her thoughts and wincing as she realized that she had been salivating, she would clear her throat.

"Hello there."

Moving to take a few steps forward in front of her clanmates, her ears twitched knowing that Ahab had already demanded what the Elysites had wanted. She would glance between both Rin and Playerone only to mew with a faint smile on her maw "It has been quite a while since we've last seen each other. As Michael stated, we've currently hit a tough spot... With the recent misfortune... Was there something you wished to share? I'll do my best to help," Roxanne finished with a subtle smile on her maw only to press a paw to her side wincing, each breath she took only cause pain to pulsate throughout her body. She could only hope that it wasn't more unfortunate news, Roxie didn't think she could handle anymore of it. She supposed that this is something she would become accustomed to if she continued to climb through the ranks, the thought made her inwardly wince. You can do it, Roxie. She thought to herself only to nod subtly. Yeah. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - Warringkingdoms - 05-08-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]As her eyes landed on the seventh piece, she felt a paw on her shoulder- words swirling, echoing in her ears. This is the Typhoon. She inhaled the smell of sea salt, exhaled the sound of recognition. You lead Elysium. Her mind put forth an identity. Warringkingdoms. Magna of Elysium. Yes, that was who she was now. The urge to breathe was gentler now, a firm recommendation to fill her lungs at a normal pace, rather than a panicked demand to take in as much oxygen as possible.

  Just keep breathing. The damp sand clung to the fur on her paws, digging into her pads, but she welcomed the sensation of undeniable ground underneath her. Taking a deep breath, Rin shook her head. "I can- I can talk," she murmured, the trembling in her paws slowly dying down.

  Registering the approach of another creature, his words posing a query about help and supplies, Rin blinked, and lifted her paw. "Just a minute," she said, in a slightly greater volume, just enough so that he could hear her. Fourteen. Fifteen. Once she was back to herself, she could-

  "Rin! Player!"

  Rin lifted her head, her eyes widening. Sure enough, the voice had come from Diya, stumbling over in the kind of gait that could only belong to an injured creature. (It wasn't hard to conclude, given the bandages wrapping her form.) "...Diya," she rasped, her ears flattening back as she took a step towards her. "You're- you're hurt, you shouldn't be-"

  The smell of burning- a controlled burn, the smoke not nearly so heavy as in an actual fire, but still burning- jerked her mind back by the scruff. Whipping around to face the source of the smoke, she stared at the cigarette, the gentle glow at odds with the destructive power it held. Why does it have to burn?

  She blinked, and tore her eyes off the cigarette, focusing instead on Diya and the approaching Roxanne. A tough spot... that was one way to put it. Her eyes flickered between all those who had gathered, careful not to get dragged in by the smoke.

  "...I apologize, I was... out of it," she said finally, tugging at her scarf with one paw. The group wasn't destroyed. That was what she needed to focus on. "I'm Rin. My friend's Playerone." After a moment, she added, "We weren't here to ask for supplies- actually, we were going to invite you to Elysium's Stellar Collision Festival. We hadn't realized that... this happened."

  Thinking back to the help that Goldenluxury and Idyllfields had provided her, she nodded. "Actually, we can provide supplies to the Typhoon, if you have anything specific you need."

Re: who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - MYERS - 05-09-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He swills the flavor between his teeth, turns over the cigarillo with his tongue. When Ahab parts his lips again he blows the smoke out from between his teeth, expression pulled into a thin grin. Funny, how things lined up just so.

"Stellar collision. Good timing on that one, huh?" He gestures with a tip of his chin, towards the jungle trees uprooted by the blast, the mounds of dirt and debris scattered among their barren roots. The waves, slapping hard against the eroded sand of the beach, mimic the teetering calm that lingers over the island - harsh, but without ill intent. Like the meteor, they all just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. He plucks the thin cigar from his lips, ashing onto the now-gravelled sand. Roxanne was the highest figure in their circle, without Goldenluxury present to speak her mind; he turns to her, chuckles low around another plume. "What do you think? We could use all the help we can get."

Re: who engineered this undertow? -- visitor/invitation - ROXANNE R. - 05-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, a festival.

And an ironically named one too. She couldn't help but let out a weak giggle before bursting into a small coughing fit, she turned her head away for a moment only to shift her gaze back to Rin with a single tear sliding down her cheek and a slightly pained smile on her maw "Ah, timing... I'm sure those who aren't severely injured would love to attend... I'll try to go myself," It was the least she could do and Roxie was certain that Roan wouldn't mind going, a breather from his current responsibilities. It would be like old times when he had begged to attend several events and used those wide eyes on her, she was distracted by the memory that she almost didn't catch on what Ahab said. Her ears twitching as she bounced back into the hurtful reality that was now, she took a deep breath subtly wincing at the pain in her chest and nodded slowly to the ursine. "We'd love any help given to us... Especially now," She turned briefly to see the destruction behind her before locking her gaze onto Rin once more "We're running low on herbs as of right now with so many injured," Some of their homes were in ruin and prey was running just a bit low, Roxanne didn't wish to ask too much from the visiting Elysites "I believe medical supplies is what we need the most with possibly some building materials seeing as some of the homes have been destroyed due to the meteor shower. Though whatever is given to us, we'll be grateful. I'll be sure to return the gesture when things have finally settled for the better." The Reaver would finish with a shuggle of her paws hoping that none of it was asking for too much of their neutral ally, she would nod slowly coughing slightly from Ahab's cigarillo.

"Thank you again... So much," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]