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IN MY FIELD OF PAPER FLOWERS // open, joining - Printable Version

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IN MY FIELD OF PAPER FLOWERS // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 05-07-2020

[glow=goldenrod,1,400]I AM A LION, AND I WANT TO BE FREE !。+゚.[/glow]
How many years has it been since she disappeared? Two years. Gordon felt bad at her disappearance, though it wasn't entirely her fault; the last thing she remembered was the flood that overtook Sunhaven. Did that sweep me away? It had to of... why else would she not be in Sunhaven anymore? Actually... the group itself didn't seem to be around anymore, and neither did The Ascendants.

A couple of NPCs told Gordon that the Elysium could be the place she was looking for, but truth be told, Gordon wasn't sure if she wanted to be apart of a big group right now. After asking around the neutral lands, she finally came to someone who spoke of a peaceful group called the Knights of Concord. They had vague directions on where to go, but Gordon appreciated their help nonetheless. So, the little she-cat went on her way towards the Knights of Concord's moor.

Perhaps if she knew of where the border was, she would have stopped. But Gordon didn't like to stay still if she could help it; her nerves wouldn't allow her to. So, the munchkin continued on with her journey, her pawsteps light and careful as she moved along.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IN MY FIELD OF PAPER FLOWERS // open, joining - icarus. - 05-10-2020

The particulars of Icarus's own arrival to these moors are of little interest and even less excitement. He's settled before, albeit never truly, and in some way he expects his time among the Knights to be the same. The tom had merely stumbled upon the heath-dwellers amid their recent formation and had agreed, with little convincing, to take a room within the manor to stay. Icarus hasn't decided how long it'll last, but he's taken a strange liking to the uplands in all of their vast, windy openness. The stars look a certain way from here that makes him think he might want to linger for at least a while longer.

He spots a distant, orangish dot moving across the horizon during his own stroll, bringing alabaster paws to stillness as he attempts to peer closer. One of his fellow Knights, perhaps? He could do with getting to know them better — maybe they'd accompany him on his walk. "Hey," Icarus's voice cleaves through the whispering silence of the moors with an abrupt call over the hill, words warm and relaxed in greeting like the gentle rays of sunshine on his back. The golden tabby pads closer until he can halt before the she-cat, gazing at her with thoughtful intrigue. He second-guesses his initial assessment upon closer inspection, head tilting with as glitter of curiosity sparks in spring-green eyes. Her scent different and yet muddled, not fully recognizable even if he were knowledgable about such things. "Oh, you aren't from here, are you?" the tom muses, half to himself and yet not without kindness. The question is genuine — though he hopes he'd at least recognize the few faces that hang around the manor halls, he admits his own ignorance in making their acquaintances. He gives a twitch of his whiskers in thought and tilts his head slightly, verdant gaze fixed with a cool kind of warmth on the little stranger who had already wandered into their lands.

Re: IN MY FIELD OF PAPER FLOWERS // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 05-10-2020

[glow=goldenrod,1,400]I AM A LION, AND I WANT TO BE FREE !。+゚.[/glow]
Another feline approached her and at first, Gordon was wary of them. She backed up as they got closer to her, her fur puffing out. Her green eyes blinked up at them, trying to figure out whether this guy was a friend or foe. When he spot in a genuine, friendly tone, Gordon relaxed. "O-oh! No, no I-I'm not." She squeaked out. "I-I, uh... I don't really belong t-to a group right now. Um..." She paused, trying to get her mouth to cooperate with what she wanted to say. "Is-is this the Knights of Concord?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IN MY FIELD OF PAPER FLOWERS // open, joining - icarus. - 05-11-2020

He notices the she-cat's pace backward, the way her fur raises and her green gaze assesses him. Icarus doesn't react, at least not outwardly, simply waving her initial wariness away as she relaxes into a stuttering introduction. Head nods at her question. "You've found us," he confirms, carefully pensive expression finally sliding into an easy smile. It's not every day that the Knights have visitors — they're small, tight-knit, but still fairly isolated out here among the windy moors. The other feline doesn't belong to a group, or so she says, and nevertheless he has half a mind to bombard her with well-intended queries to feed his own curious mind. Thankfully, he thinks better of such selfish whims — he figures it wouldn't exactly be good etiquette to scare off the already-jumpy stranger.

She hasn't stated name nor intention yet, though he hasn't pressed her for either. Instead Icarus offers plainly, "Were you looking to join, then? I could show you to the manor, it's not far." His tail twitches, as if ready to lead the way across the well-trodden paths. The Knight is already getting ahead of himself now, jumping to conclusions that Gordon has hardly yet hinted at. Then again, he's never been terribly good at following procedure (and he's especially fuzzy on the Knights'). The golden-furred tom gives a flick of an ear, only faintly remembering his manners. Spring green eyes, ever-glittering like the stars he so worships, light up further with affable warmth when he adds, "Oh, I'm Icarus. It's nice to meet you, ...?" It trails off in an upward crescendo, hoping to prompt for a name to fill in the blanks.

Re: IN MY FIELD OF PAPER FLOWERS // open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 05-11-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I CREATED A MONSTER, A HELL WITHIN MY HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
Gordon's eyes light up one Icarus confirmed that she had found the Knights. She was excited for her new home, if not slightly worried about what was lurking here. But as far as she could tell, they were a relatively small, not well known group. Maybe Caesar doesn't know about it. That's the only thing she could hope for, after all. The only thing missing now was her brother, Billiam, but lately she had to get used to not having him around. Which was fine, she guessed, she just missed him and felt more skiddish without him around.

"Yeah, I was!" Gordon confirmed with a nod, before realizing she hadn't introduced herself. Luckily Icarus went ahead and introduced himself, prompting her for her name. "Gordon. My name is Gordon Cipher." Would her surname ring bells here? She doubted it, but then again, most people hadn't said anything to her before - if they knew her father, anyway. "It's-it's nice to meet you, too!" Truly, she was grateful for meeting him; she wouldn't have confirmation that she had made it in the first place.

"If you wouldn't m-mind showing me to the manor," Gordon went on sheepishly, despite Icarus offering in the first place. "I'd-I'd like that." Despite how anxious she seemed, she rather liked being around people. Or at the very least, people that seem to be nice. She was a clingy sort, which can be a downfall, but she preferred to have someone to cower behind if danger came.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]