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A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - Printable Version

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A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - bubblegum - 05-05-2020

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - THEM - 05-05-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"](severe injury and death tw)

Good morning, great death.

If there is a light greater than that of the sun, he has seen it. Seeing the light is a burden to carry but he has made it his own, eyes blank and wild, pupils melting to pinpricks that lose themselves in the pale clouds of colorless irises. In the great absence of sight, he sees - mother, his mother. And she tells him that death is a memory she wishes to show him, for she was alone when she died and now he will go alone, too.

And she shows him. It is an image he cannot forget: hellfire, winding through the skies and ever-violent. He feels skin tear from bone and there is nothing left but the subtle feeling of gone-ness, if that is a word to describe death. For a few seconds he drifts. If he thinks without a brain, he thinks of Roxanne, her head on his shoulder. How he would've held her tight if he knew it would be like this - so painful that he feels nothing in his own evisceration.

He feels eyes fly open, but they are not his own. Senses return piece by piece. He hears screaming, feels raw exposed bone just a little to the right. A blur in his eyes is a familiar thing to behold. On the fringes of it all are the remnants of a feral animal trying to run, paws still twitching on instinct even though the soul had left and been replaced long ago. Kazuhira, dead, severed from the body and thrown into another, staggers to his feet and does not give himself time to question what, or why.

But he runs. No longer a cheetah but agile with the narrow body of a fox, he stumbles into a run. Blood gushes from the wound near-severing his leg and pain makes him bite back a wild screech. But above the driving instinct to run and never stop, he swings his head and watches the carnage with wide and half-seeing eyes, desperate to find hope in the wreckage. To find her, if there is anything left.

To the grave that lies below, good day.

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - ROXANNE R. - 05-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Everything had been fine. The two of them sharing smiles and brief laughter but now, it was as if someone up there decided that the fun was over. Things had been getting a bit brighter but she did her best to ignore it simply concentrating onto Miller, that feeling still strong in her chest until he had suddenly moved in front of her and pushed her away slightly. Roxanne had let out a startled yelp when that had occured only to realize the reason why, it flashed before her eyes too quickly and her friend, Kazuhira Miller was dead. She laid there in shock realizing a bit of her leg and side had been burnt, Roxanne bit down a soft cry as she rose slowly to her paws. He was dead. Why was everything she cared for being taken from her? Roxanne hated it with every fiber in her body though her gaze shifted around watching the havoc unfold, her gaze slightly blurry. She shook her head feeling frustration take over and push away the emotional pain to the back of her mind even if her chest ached at her loss "I have to get others to safety..." She mumbled to herself as she moved away from her dead friend, her eyes watering slightly.

She spread her wings open ready to take flight until she noticed someone that was injured, a frown on her maw. Roxanne supposed that it would be best to start with helping the injured get to safety, she knew it would be more difficult on them. Without a moment of hesitation, the Reaver would run over to the best of her capabilities despite the burn that was making her grimace and grit her teeth. Her mismatched gaze locked onto the vulpine as she mewed with a frown on her maw "Here... I'll get you to safety." What Roxanne hadn't realized was that the very same fox was Miller yet she still wasn't over the shock just yet. Without waiting for a response, the feline shifted into her jaguaress form and spread out her wings once more.

"Roan'll take care of your wounds..." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
After seeing Roxanne with Kaz, Aphra had been filled with jealousy. Except, she didn't really know that's what she was feeling. No, to Aphra, she was just mad and upset; she felt as if Roxanne had betrayed her. Aphra didn't care that Roxie had friends - she was a high position, after all - but it bothered Aphra at how Roxie looked at him. She should be looking at me like that. Aphra had closed her eyes, wanting to act like she had simply gotten tired of the meteor shower and went to sleep.

Unfortunately that would prove to be a mistake. The ground started to shake, jolting Aphra up from her 'nap'. It was harsh, violent, and it clearly alarmed a lot of people. But the next thing Aphra knew, there was a bright light that seemed the envelope her, and she instinctively turned her head away, only to be met with a wave crashing over her. Unbeknownst her to, the meteor that crashed caused several shockwaves which sent waves crashing onto the shore, much farther than they usually go.

Aphra had no time to be able to hold her breath and her body screamed at her to try and get air, causing her to swallow sea water. Her mouth was open in a silence scream as she wanted to cough out the water, and when her head briefly resurfaced, the she-cat tried to catch as much air as she possibly could. It wasn't much, especially considering how she already swallowed water in the first place, and Aphra found herself unable to fight the strength of the waves. She was almost stuck under the water, only resurfacing for a few heartbeats before being forced back under.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - bubblegum - 05-05-2020

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - roan ; - 05-05-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Exhaustion. Perhaps it would be considered odd, to have a boy who was only eight months old feel exhaustion pulling at him. However, even now, on his birthday of all days, he couldn't help but feel a familiar ache of tiredness grip him. The last few days had been stressful, with not only his second cousin and sister getting injured, but so many others as well. He had signed up for the job of sage because he wanted to help people, but he had never realized how horrible it would be, to have to patch up your own family. It was grating on his nerves, making him wary and constantly on edge, no matter the circumstance. He continued to cling to that childish optimism he had once felt, but it was growing harder and harder by the day. Hence why he hadn't come rushing out when he had first heard there was a meteor shower. He had just wanted some rest, and an escape from the constant worries of the outside world. He had just let his mother go, figuring she could have fun without him while he just remained inside, curled up in bed and trying to sleep.

Unfortunately for the young sage, it seemed as though the world was against him once again. Suddenly, there was a roar of energy from outside, followed by the ground shaking and the sounds of screaming filling his ears. Adrenaline immediately began to run through Roan's veins, forcing him up to his paws. The world was still slightly blurry thanks to him having been half asleep, but he managed to grab his bag in his jaws, stumbling out from his home. All around him, the island of the Typhoon was in chaos. People were running frantically, the ground still seemed to be shaking erratically, and the waves were high and dangerous. Roan's ears pinned back against his head, fear gripping his heart, yet he pushed through it, throwing himself into the air. The winds were harsh, and he barely managed to keep himself upright while flying, but he needed to find his mother, and the rest of his family. Taking in a deep breath, the sage called out as loudly as he could muster, lungs burning, "If you need urgent medical attention, please call out as loudly as you can! I'll try to get to you as quickly as possible!" He had no idea who could even respond, especially since he had little idea of what had started this, but he needed to do his job. Exhaustion or not.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - GAMELIA B . - 05-05-2020


When the massive meteor flooded the sky with blinding light, fear instantly wedged itself into Gamelia's heart. No- not again. A long time ago, an event similar to this had wiped out masses of life. Many of the survivors died of a sudden illness. Yet, despite it all, that time had seemed to go on for an eternity. They both had known. Did that make it any easier? No, no, it made it infinitely worse.

As time seemed to slow down, Gamelia twisted her head around to reach for Diya, who had been perching happily on her shoulders as she watched the show. Yanking her off, the reptile curled tightly around her snowy form in a protective stance, clutching the femme in her grip as the fireball struck the Earth. It took little time before the shockwave hit them, sending the dragon tumbling. Diya slipped from her grip, and in the shaking and rumbling, she couldn't reclaim her. A scream tore from her throat, but it was lost in the hot, roaring wind. When she hit the wall of her home, she was stunned.

Her vision swam and all she could hear was a ring, but she was alive. The rumbling persisted. "Diya?" she croaked. Gamelia lifted her head.

It was then the crack in the earth split right through her house.

Wood collapsed in on itself, much of it falling into the crevice. The overhang that shielded the porch began to crack. With a creak and a crash, it collapsed. Gamelia screamed as the wood descended upon her.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #7d3479 - TAGS

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Claws grabbed Aphra's scruff, pulling her out of the water. At first, the only thing the she-cat could do is cough and sputter as she was carried into the air by an unknown force. The wind was chilling her to the bone as it roared, and Aphra could hear a faint sound of wings flapping - whomever saved her clearly had the ability to fly. Roxie? No, that was the sound of leather wings, it was definitely more bird-like. Aphra was suddenly twisted in the air as the creature - Goldenluxury, of course, but she was unaware of who it was at the moment - turned, flying off towards the volcano The Typhoon housed.

Although Aphra was half-unaware what was happening, she could hear the earth shift and debris flying everywhere. It sounded terrifying and quite honestly, she almost didn't want to come back to consciousness. Unfortunately for her, though, she seemed to come to just as she and Goldie plummeted to the ground. Aphra let out a yowl as she and the Captain fell, closing her eyes as the tigress shielded her from the fall. Aphra laid underneath the Captain's winds, trying to catch her own breath. "Goldie...?" She blinked at the tigress, surprised that Goldenluxury had gone out of her way to save her. Why had Goldie done that, despite everything she had done to her? Did she really deserve to be saved by Goldie, even though almost nearly everything she had done ended up with the Captain ending up in a worse state mentally and emotionally?

"You..." Aphra wasn't even sure how to thank her. She honestly didn't deserve Goldie going out of her way to save her like that, especially when she's got powers of her own. Then again, if she was unconscious, could she even shift or possess something that could swim or fly? Just as Aphra was about to open her mouth again to properly thank Goldie, bits of debris was flung into her eye and the she-cat let out a screech. She subconsciously shifted from where she lay, trying to bury herself deeper into Goldie's fur. Aphra pawed at her eye, her claws sheathed to try and protect her vision, trying to clean out whatever had gotten in her eye.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - michael t. - 05-05-2020

Everything had been so... nice. It had been so peaceful, with the sky alight with colors and the cool sand beneath his belly. Michael had felt mostly at peace, the memory of the nightmare that had woken him up fading fast as he focused upon the meteor shower. He'd honestly felt so relaxed that he had begun to doze off once again, and then everything had gone to shit. There was a bright flash of light in the sky a bit of distance away, and then a crash. Suddenly, there was yelling and running, and the earth beneath his paws was shaking and cracking. Panic seized the thief as he stumbled to his paws, his chest tight. He had no idea what the fuck was going on, but he tried his hardest to remember his knowledge of emergency training, limited as it was. It was best to get to higher ground, right? Right. He found himself looking wildly around, searching for where that sacred higher ground might be. He needed to get people there, needed to help them, needed to make sure Roxie was safe, and Roan was safe, and T– Trevor. He needed to make sure Trevor was safe. He had left his boyfriend at home when the meteor shower had started, and now everything was a fucking mess.

Growing somewhat frantic, Michael turned and began to dash for his home, his chest heaving as short legs sprayed up sand behind him. He needed to get home, needed to find Trevor and get the fuck out. They both were going to be okay, they had to be. Things couldn't completely fall apart when life was finally starting to feel good. However, his mission would prove to be unsuccessful. Halfway to his home, there was a violent shaking in the earth beneath him, quaking so vigorously that Michael couldn't stay upright. Crashing into the sand, Michael let out a groan of pain as the world spun around him, his eyes burning. He couldn't just lay down here. He needed to get up, needed to get home. He stumbled to his paws, feeling nauseated and off balance, especially as the world continued to spin and shake. He took several shaky steps forward, croaking out softly, "T... Trev... please... someone..." He didn't even manage to get out a full sentence before there was another quake and split of the earth, and he fell forward, his head colliding once again with the earth. He could taste blood, and immediately he slumped down into the sand, unable to get up again. As blackness began to swallow up his vision, he could only think one thing: I'm gonna lose everyone.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: A COSMIC CONFLUENCE / aftermath - bubblegum - 05-06-2020