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IF I WERE YOU ☆ feza memorial party - Printable Version

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IF I WERE YOU ☆ feza memorial party - wormwood. - 05-04-2020

( tw; death mention. please don't feel any need to match muse, especially since a lot of this is just Aurum's grieving. really only the last two paragraphs are important + permission was given by Ku to do this lmao )

It was hard, to lose a friend. Such a statement would be obvious, to anyone who had gone through the painful process of having to say goodbye to one they had grown close to. However, it was even harder when you needed to be the one to bury them beneath the dirt. Unfortunately, Aurum wouldn't have trusted the task to anyone else, knowing that he was one of the few within Tanglewood that had actually taken the time to grow close to Feza. They had their issues, yes, and he always resented the fear that she felt thanks to his lion form, but she was also one of his closest friends, and now she was gone, plucked from the world far too early. The only thing that he could be glad about, regarding the circumstances of her death, was that it hadn't been gory. He was able to prepare her body without issue, not needing to stare at a colorful pelt now marred with blood and guts. The preparation process was slow, brushing her brightly colored fur back so that he could weave flowers into it, blessing her corpse with the beauty of nature before it returned once again to the earth.

The repetitive motion of it all was almost soothing, to the young proxy. Pick up a flower, brush back the fur, weave it in carefully and tie it. With certain ones, he would even grab a container of glitter he snatched from Feza's home, applying some conservatively to the petals. She probably would've thought it was pretty. And festive. The thought made his heart clench, and he shoved it down, gritting his teeth. He returned his mind again to the process, slow and meticulous. Flower, fur, weave, tie. He could already feel exhaustion pulling heavily at him when he grew finished with his work, but he pushed through, stubbornly. With her pelt made into a masterpiece of flora and glitter, the lion carefully picked up her scruff in his jaws, hoisting her up and onto his back to carry her to her final resting spot. It was a little apple tree within the forest portion of their home, beautiful and bright. It was faintly swaying in the breeze when he got there, beginning to recover and bloom from the hardships of winter and spring to welcome in the summer. There was already a hole dug in front of it, done many hours before. The grave was surrounded by various festive instruments from Feza's home, including one of her beloved kazoos. With tears stinging his eyes, Aurum carefully lowered the snow leopard into it, fightijgnthe desperate urge to cling on until he couldn't take it anymore. Once she was safely down, he shoveled the dirt back in, spending several minutes packing the grave down meticulously. As his task was finished, he lowered his head down to the earth, muttering softly, "Take good care of her... please."

To most, that would be the end of it. They would've said goodbye to their fallen friend, and try to move forward. However, that wasn't the case for Aurum. The proxy knew that Feza probably would've wanted a party. She would've wanted some kind of festivity, just to make sure that everyone was still happy and smiling even after her death. The thought of trying to celebrate right now crushed Aurum's very soul, but he still wouldn't ignore what he knew to be right. So, even with tons of weight heavy upon his shoulders, and a tightness in his chest that he couldn't shake, he began to prepare for a party. The process was thankfully familiar, both from his own events and attending Feza's. He first went to her home, which he had already mostly cleared out for her memorial. He took what was left, including various posterboard, glitter, paint, and anything else he could get his paws on. With a container full of various implements, he then headed for the tavern, just as the sun was beginning to rise on the horizon. He was exhausted, but he needed to put all of this together before everyone began to get up. There were already some still milling about the tavern, having been up late for patrols or drinks amongst themselves. He nodded to them as he slipped inside, almost in a daze.

The next several hours were all spent cutting, painting, cooking, writing, and doing everything else that would be needed for the memorial party, pushing Aurum to his absolute limit. By the time it was midday and people were beginning to arrive for lunch, a large crowd had already gathered, curious about what Aurum was doing. He had set up a table in the tavern to be full of food, thrown the front doors of the tavern itself open, and decorated the entire place in various bright, gleeful decorations. None of it did anything to soothe his aching heart, but at least it really did seem like the type of party the former guardsman would've thrown.

When his various tasks were finally complete, the angel dragged himself out to the front entrance of the tavern, clearing his throat and stretching out his wings. The motion garnered attention almost immediately, with many turning to face him curiously. He spoke in the most boisterous voice that he could manage, given his lack of sleep and his state of mourning, "Hello, everyone. I'm sure most of you already know this, but we lost Feza very recently. She was an honored guardsman and a beloved friend to many of us, and while she has already been buried, it only seemed fitting to have some sort of memorial for her. I know this isn't the most traditional memorial, but Feza was constantly trying to make our lives better through bright parties and events, and she wouldn't have wanted us to spend all day bawling over her. So, I invite you all to come and enjoy this memorial party. Play games, have drinks, and eat good food, and tell any stories of Feza you might have. Have fun and celebrate her life, because..." He hesitated for a moment, his voice quivering, before he forced his head back up, a smile almost plastered on, "...Because that's what Feza would've wanted."

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: IF I WERE YOU ☆ feza memorial party - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-04-2020

Re: IF I WERE YOU ☆ feza memorial party - Orion - 05-05-2020

The day had only begun for Raymond as he entered the tavern for a drink. All seemed well. With his visits to The Typhoon and Pitt from the previous day going relatively smooth, the panther was satisfied. It called for a reward. Calling to the bartender, he promptly received a whiskey. Every sip loosened his stature. Eventually, he was in a serene state. All alone in the corner of the bar, just ignoring others and indulging in his thoughts. An ideal start to his day.

It wasn’t long until the prompt swinging of doors alerted him. The proxy burst through the tavern’s entrance with determination, but not without acknowledging those around first. Eventually reaching Raymond, Aurum nodded towards him like the rest. Green eyes met with the lion’s gaze in the moment, noticing the undeniable pain held within. Paws shuffled forward to catch him. Before he could let the words leave his mouth, Aurum had already moved on. A sigh left him. Was it really his business to meddle in? The panther didn’t like others meddling in his own either. It seemed fair to let the other big cat wallow in peace.

As the rest left after reading the room, Raymond followed suit shortly after. He couldn’t help but feel guilty. If he had said something, would that have improved the situation? The panther couldn’t help but wonder. Stubbornness pushed the thought aside though. Whatever was happening didn’t involve him. He didn’t need more baggage.

Even so, the day progressed on. Hours passed. The growing pit inside his stomach swallowed him whole and he found himself wandering back to the tavern, eyes wide and searching for Aurum. His familiar, boisterous voice caught his attention shortly. Like the others, he listened carefully. Through the lion’s facade of a smile, there was obviously something off. Realization set in as the proxy continued to speak, causing Raymond’s breath to catch. ‘Shit.’ What had he missed? He had never been close to Feza and only had seen her in passing. Yet her she was... gone with the wind. Unsettling.

His speech finished promptly. Swayed towards free drinks, the panther felt himself almost slinking off into the tavern without a word. Something held him back. Guilt, was it? Feeling obliged to get a word in beforehand, Raymond wandered over towards Aurum. A hesitant smirk donned his lips. “You throw a delightful party,” he started off with. The compliment was meant to be a morale booster. ”She would of loved of it, darling.” ’Would of...’

Loss was something he knew though. Only the living experience it’s consequences, especially if the grim reaper damned them brutally. A prompt sigh left him. “My condolences, Aurum,” he merely continued after a short period of uncomfortable silence. “If I knew, I would of said something earlier.” Perhaps even helped out. Aurum did not appear to be in a level-headed state of mind currently and maybe his opinions would of helped. He did not mention that though. Whatever Aurum mustered up for this party seemed to fit Feza’s nature nevertheless. Raymond admired the change in aesthetic. Almost seemed like she was here...

Re: IF I WERE YOU ☆ feza memorial party - wormwood. - 05-08-2020

The first to approach was Vignere, something that somewhat surprised Aurum. Not because the lion had thought Vignere cold hearted or rude – at least based off of first impressions of the other male – but simply because the other hadn't really known Feza. Still, it was tradition to join in mourning a fallen comrade of the same group, even if you didn't know them well, so the proxy felt grateful for the other's presence, especially as Vig sat with him. He offered the other male a smile, although it seemed tired, and just the faintest bit forced. He wished he could muster up a genuine smile for Vignere – or for anyone, really – but it was difficult, especially as he was surrounded by what would probably be the last remains of Feza. Despite this, he managed to get out softly, his voice a low, tired rumble from the back of his throat, "I'm glad to hear that you think so... I can only hope that this will honor her memory properly..." He glanced up at the decorated tavern for a moment, his one eye faintly gleaming with held back emotion as he thought of all the events Feza had thrown not only here, but all over. He closed his eye briefly, a heavy sigh leaving him before he continued, "It means a lot to have you here, Vignere. I know you didn't know her well." It only seemed right to express his appreciation, even in this rough time.

After Vignere was Raymond, another face that surprised Aurum. However, this time it was because of the fact that the other was one of the patrons he had shooed off to prepare for today. At first, Aurum was worried that Ray had returned to complain about being kicked out with the rest of the patrons, or just to slink back inside the bar for the drinks that he had missed. Instead of doing either of those things, however, Raymond came right up to him to offer his condolences, something that both settled Aurum and made his chest tighten. She would've loved it, darling. The statement was meant to be a friendly comfort, and it was to some extent, yet Aurum still felt like crumpling over in a heap of tears. He hoped that his extreme emotion wasn't betrayed too clearly on his face, although he had a feeling that it was, and he quickly rose a paw to scrub at his eyes, just in case he was tearing up. Throwing on another false smile, the angel tilted his head to one side at Raymond, speaking reassuringly, "Don't worry, you couldn't have known. It's not as if I announced to the whole tavern what I was doing before I made you all leave... sorry for that." He looked down for a moment, pressing a paw against his own chest as a small, comforting motion to keep him grounded before he spoke again, his voice hoarse, "And... thank you for saying she would have loved this. My only wish is that she could've seen it herself. Hopefully, though, everyone here will just enjoy themselves, and celebrate fully in her memory." Aurum had his doubts that he would be doing any celebrating, however. He wished that he could be happy and remember the good times with her, but every time he glanced around, he was only reminded more and more of the fact that she was gone.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: IF I WERE YOU ☆ feza memorial party - alaric g. - 05-09-2020

    Loss was not a feeling unfamiliar to Alaric. In fact, with the loss of his dad, he'd been acquainted with death's macabre, everlasting grip at the ripe old age of three months. Back then, he could not understand why it was his own dad that had been chosen to die by whatever mystical forces were above, and even as an adult he truly did not understand—he knew now, though, that he'd do anything and everything in his power to keep that from happening again.

    Feza had not been a close friend of his. He had only laid eyes upon the Guardsman a handful of times, and each time she had not made a meaningful impression on him. He knew that she was outwardly a festive and bright individual—a trait conveyed not only by her flamboyant personality but also her flashy pelt—but inside, the girl must have been in a state of perpetual torment to have decided to put herself to sleep for forever and a day. He was not personally saddened by her death, but he knew that several Tanglers were, such as Selby and most of all Aurum.

    Regardless of his basically nonexistent relationship with Feza, he assumed it was probably best if he showed up to a memorial party that he had happened to hear about through the grapevine. He doubted that he'd be interested at all in the proceedings, but going to the party would be the polite, socially acceptable thing to do. Not that he really cared that much about chivalry or social acceptability.

    The tabby pushed his way through the tavern door, issuing a quick glance at his surroundings as he did so. For a memorial party, it was a bit more lively than he had expected it to be. It seemed that he was fashionably late though. Oh well. No matter.

    Uninterested in any of the refreshments that Aurum had concocted, he padded up beside the lion, making his best attempt to put on a concerned look. "I'm sorry for your loss," he stated, consciously avoiding the lion's gaze as he knew his facade probably was not the best. "I'm sure she would have loved this."
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: IF I WERE YOU ☆ feza memorial party - toboggan - 05-10-2020

Dealing with loss was a process that differentiated between every living being that went through it. Normally, if one was particularly close to the recently deceased, there was a five-stage routine that they endured as a natural response: denial, anger, bargaining, and acceptance, or however it went. Leroy didn't personally know the philosopher who initially said that, but if he did, he'd whoop their ass. Because the general never in his whole existence felt those phases of grief in that particular order. He didn't lose a huge figure of people over the years, but from what he recalled, his method of grieving consisted of staying quiet and keeping to himself - a procedure that was far from the five distinct and completely unrelated steps.

When the male learned of Feza's passing, the preliminary shock that surged through his system deprived him of any merriment he had. He inquired not into the method of her self-killing, nor did he dwell on any past memories he had of her. The fact that she had acted in such a way with no obvious indications that alluded to a fractured mental state left the general in a condition of profound incredulity. To him, the colourful snow leopard was a beacon of cheerfulness, one that wasn't anything but an absolute rarity. Someone as dedicated to spreading jubilation as Feza only came into your life once in a blue moon. Someone as pure as her shouldn't have left the realm of the living in the way that she did. But, she did kill herself, and hopefully her death served as a reminder that even the happiest souls can be suffering on the inside.

Next to pass through the tavern's hulking doorframe, the male pushes out a drained sigh upon perceiving the decked-out building with his chocolate eyes. It was precisely how Feza would have made it, so props to Aurum for emulating her methodology. Stomach full from his hindmost meal, Leroy'd have to unfortunately pass on the sustenance that the Proxy had laid out in her honour. Instead, he trails after Alaric, planning to offer his own words after the tabby says his own. "Ya did good, Aurum," Leroy states, his tone projecting as much respect as it can muster, "I'm at a loss for words, really. All I can really say is Feza woulda been really proud of you for all this."

Re: IF I WERE YOU ☆ feza memorial party - wormwood. - 05-10-2020

Dealing with loss was easier when there were others around, right? That whole "misery loves company" adage had to mean something, after all. If so, it was probably a good thing that so many had already shown up to the memorial, most offering their condolences to Aurum. It was a bit surprising to the proxy, who felt oddly like a widow with all of the kind words. Had he truly been the closest person to Feza? The one most effected by her loss? The thought made him wince, internally wishing that he had treated her better in her life. They had eventually turned out to be good friends, and the pain that burned in his heart now was just as fierce and agonizing as when he had lost others he considered family, but... their friendship had not been an easy one. It had taken work and compromise on both sides, along with a great deal of apologies. Now, the angel only wished that he had seen the state Feza was in sooner, so he could've helped the former guardsman in any way he could've. He swallowed down the lump that formed in his throat at that thought, forcing his heart to stop clenching painfully. He had blamed himself in the past for the deaths of others, and he knew it did nothing but cause more pain. Hadn't he learned his lesson?

Ever eager to leave his own head, Aurum looked towards Alaric, the crooked smile that graced his muzzle shaky at best before he spoke, "Thank you, Alaric... go on and enjoy yourself. It's what she would've wanted people to do..." Once again, he was touched by the arrival of yet another feline that hadn't known Feza well, yet had come to remember her all the same. Still, the next person to arrive was probably the most important. Although Aurum knew that Leroy hadn't been as close to Feza on a personal level as he was to some others, it was a notion of tradition that put the lion at ease. He had been taught by his parents from a young age that it was only proper for a leader to remember his fallen comrades and group members, even if he hadn't known them well himself. Even though Aurum had disregarded most of the other information Aethelwulf and Judith taught him, that had stuck with him, simply because it was a lesson based on feeling. So to see Leroy here, honoring Feza... it filled Aurum with warmth. He dipped his head to the other, saying in a slightly hoarse tone, It's good to see you here, Leroy... I'm not sure I have any more words myself, honestly. I'm just glad that everyone thinks this is what Feza would've wanted... I can only hope she's watching from wherever she is with a smile on her face." Aurum might not have been much of a religious man anymore, even despite his status as an angel, but he hoped Feza was out there somewhere.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM