Beasts of Beyond
exactly what you run from \\ TANGLEWOOD KITTEN - Printable Version

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exactly what you run from \\ TANGLEWOOD KITTEN - Atticus Roux - 05-03-2020

The kitten was here for one reason only. Sweeney. During their last encounter, he expressed his desire to explore The Pitt's territory. After all, Sweeney had visited Tanglewood twice. It was only fair if he visited her. With the idea in mind, they even established a call. Unlike most, they did not establish a simple bird call. Instead, they focused on moo-ing like a cow and establishing few code words. With that in mind, as he wandered past the border, soft moo's could be heard in the distance.

Not even getting mid-way through the surrounding desert, Atticus would be found promptly. His grey pelt stuck out like a sore thumb. It was inevitable.

Re: exactly what you run from \\ TANGLEWOOD KITTEN - gael - 05-05-2020

Gael conducted regular patrols around the Pitt's perimeter -- often with little interaction.  Recently however, the border had seen a fair share of faces; a fact that left the vulpine wary.  With Kydobi's recent warnings to not attack on sight, and Caesar's exiles, Gael expected little violence from the border; a relief he appreciated immensely.

While the faerie kept his eyes open, he hardly expected a kitten wandering through the desert, mooing.  With a surprise blink, the Irishman halted in his tracks -- staring directly at a child he quickly identified as a Tangler.  Of everything he expected to wander into the Pitt's land, this had to be achieve an unexpected award.

"Hello," his often impassive voice rang with sharp bemusement, brows creasing as he spoke.  "Are you lost?

The mooing, a sound he rarely heard uttered from the lips of a cat, made him ponder -- perhaps the kit was playing some kind of game; the kind his son used to enjoy.  Of course, Alaire could shapeshift from a young age and the kitten before him seemed to remain a cat.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / vicar / lamby

Re: exactly what you run from \\ TANGLEWOOD KITTEN - trojan g. - 05-06-2020

[div style="max-width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.70; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px;"]She'd not expected to see Atticus so soon after coming home from her last trip from Tanglewood, so when she'd heard mooing off in the distance, it took her a moment to realize what, exactly, was going on. Though when the small vulpine figured out what it was, an excited look on her face appeared, and the child would be seen sprinting, as fast as her tiny legs would carry her, towards the mooing. Slowing down when she saw small figures off in the distance, she would pin her ears to her head in a small scowl as she noticed the other one there with Atticus was Gael. That was annoying, she didn't like him and he might spoil their fun and take him home early, and Sweeney didn't want that. Atticus was, after all, one of the few that Sweeney liked outside of her own family.

Getting low to the ground, the kit would move paws forward, choosing to ignore Gael for now, shifting forward and trying to hide as she burst up, leaping towards [member=11957]Atticus Roux[/member] in an attempt to bowl him over playfully, smile on her maw as she did so.

//rushed oop

[align=center]text | "speech"

Re: exactly what you run from \\ TANGLEWOOD KITTEN - Atticus Roux - 05-08-2020

'Oh no.'

That was not good. Not at all. Upon hearing the deep rumble of Gael's voice, he lowered to his haunches and tried to bury himself into the sand dunes (which did not help whatsoever). Unfortunately, that didn't seem to help. The Pittian continued on with a question, causing his tiny ears to fold back against his skull. He couldn't help but to worry of what punishment was coming up. Trespassing was no joke, especially within an enemy's territory. Nevertheless, despite his obvious flustering, Atticus tried to appear cool.

The Tanglewood kitten rose to a confident stance, promptly shaking the sand out of his fur. He puffed out his chest and stood tall. "No, I'm where I'm supposed to be," he declared stubbornly. His yellow eyes looked the vulpine up and down, letting out a defensive snort. "Who are you? Are you supposed to be here?" The childish side of Atticus was clearly to divert the problem onto Gael. "You don't look all big and scary, now do you?" At least that's the impression most Pittian's gave off and what he had heard. Obviously, his view was skewed. Tanglewood's ideals of The Pitt had left some bad influences on him, despite his interaction with Sweeney.

Getting ready to make his next comment, Atticus was crudely interrupted. As he was unaware of the other fox's arrival, her move landed successfully. The stout kitten lost his balance easily and fell into the sand with a soft thump. Looking up at his attacker with wide, yellow eyes, he felt a wave of relief run over him. It was only her. "Hi Sweeney," he commented sweetly. A smile raised upon his maw. With that said, he tried to maneuver his way out from under her, but due to their size different, he remained crushed between her and the floor. "How are you, moo?"

He offered a short glance towards Gael. A cheeky smile followed. His lies didn't last that long, did they?

Re: exactly what you run from \\ TANGLEWOOD KITTEN - deimos - 05-11-2020

Piers was really starting to wonder why all of these people wanted to come out to the desert. He really had to wonder, sometimes, what the allure was. The only reason he was here, after all, was his father's presence. However, what he spotted when he finally wandered over to the growing group, was Gael, Sweeney- who was getting awfully friendly with the visitor- and.. He knew that pelt. Selby's father, albeit, it was someone Piers had seen maybe once. But he could tell who's child it was.

His ears flattened gently, and slowly, he stopped next to Gael. Piers didn't comment for right now, of course, but he held his tongue none the less.

template by orion

Re: exactly what you run from \\ TANGLEWOOD KITTEN - gael - 05-11-2020

The vulpine simply rose his brow, almost amused.  Children often spoke what came to mind, with little regard to their ignorance -- it hardly bothered him.  He did, however, remain curious to the boy's intentions, considering he seemed reluctant to simply explain them.

Sweeney's enthusiastic entrance presented him the answer he sought in the end.  "I see."

Considering his acceptance of Trygve, Gael decided he did not particularly mind the Tanglewood kitten's visit either.  Of course, it brought the obvious concern -- should Tanglewood suspect the boy had been kidnapped, blood may be on the horizon.

"My name is Gael -- I am Vicar here; in other words, I am second-in command.  I don't mind you visiting your friend, but please bear in mind your family may not take well to the idea of you being here if they find out.  I'll take you home in a few hours, is that fair?"

That in mind, the faerie glanced at Piers -- Kydobi's son had been a Tangler before Pittian.  Given Atticus' age however, he suspected they did not know each other.

With a thoughtful frown, Gael turned his face towards the sun.  "Sweeney.  Perhaps you should invite your friend to play within the jungle -- where there is shade."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / vicar / lamby