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iron heart tiger | tetora - Printable Version

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iron heart tiger | tetora - TETORA - 05-01-2020

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Re: iron heart tiger | tetora - TETORA - 05-01-2020

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ TETORA ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 05/01/2020

name. tetora
tetora is the romanized kanji for 'bright tiger' (輝虎)
nicknames. teto, tet.
biological gender. biologically female
uses he/him exclusively
birth date. unknown, created on 05/01/2020
age. one year and six months old
clan. tanglewood

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. tetora nagumo from ensemble stars!!
voiceclaim. yoshiki nakajima (tetora nagumo's voice actor)
☆ other notes n/a

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
caracal. — main/birth body 100% health
tetora is slightly smaller than the usual caracal, standing at sixteen inches at his shoulders instead of the average twenty inches. his fur is unnaturally dark in coloration, being a dark gray so dark that it's nearly black. he has dark crimson markings-- his toes, the outline of his lighter underbelly and muzzle, down his back, and the tip of his tail are all dark crimson. his eyes are a bright amber-yellow, startling against his dark fur, but his teeth are the most notable thing about him. though he is a caracal, his upper canines are long and sharp, reminiscent of a saber-tooth tiger's canines.
injuries. n/a

enfp-a && gryffindor && dauntless && lawful good.
tetora is an overwhelming individual. he is loud and he is stubborn-- while he is very easy to get along with, he's easy to rile up when provoked, taking any chance he can to "defend his honor". he is a little bit naive at times and a little bit dense when it comes to recognizing others' feelings, though he is a good listener when others vent to him and is empathetic to others' issues. he is loyal to a fault and takes pride in whatever clan he's in and will defend it with his life.
main personality traits. courageous, loyal, energetic, bubbly, overwhelming, loud, stubborn, easy to anger
disorders. n/a

parents. npc x npc
siblings. n/a
sexuality. bisexual biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. n/a
enemies. n/a

physically && mentally. moderate physically && easy mentally
will fight if provoked && will not kill unless absolutely necessary
self defense. knows moderate self defense
no weapon preference
mention [member=13972]TETORA[/member]  or [member=13966]ylisse[/member]  when attacking
attacks in #BE2625
powers. n/a

Re: iron heart tiger | tetora - TETORA - 05-02-2020

may 2020.
I. tetora joins tanglewood

Re: iron heart tiger | tetora - TETORA - 05-02-2020

art by ylisse (me):